Chapter 61

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Diana's POV

"Should you be drinking coffee while you're pregnant?" Harry asks as he walks into the living room and takes a seat on the sofa next to me.

"Uh I don't think this will have an effect on the baby." I sip the hot coffee.

"You have to pay at attention to what you eat and drink so that it doesn't affect our baby so be very careful." He says before giving me a kiss on my forehead and getting up to go to the kitchen.

"Wow you're not yet a father and you sound so protective already." I chuckle.

"Hey, I'm protective over you too you know?" He replies playfully.

"Yes I know." I sigh and set the cup of coffee down.

I shouldn't bring this up but I have been thinking about it last night and I'm just so confused as to what I want right now.

"Harry, be honest with me, are you sure you want this baby?" I look down at the coffee table as the question leaves my mouth.

"Diana, what do you mean? Of course I want the baby. If I said I don't want it what would you do, abort it?" He raises his voice a little and I regret asking the question.

" but if you wanted me to then I would." I whisper so softly I don't think he heard me.

"You would kill an innocent child for nothing?" He walks out of the kitchen and into my view again which he stands about a foot away from me.

"Harry admit it, we're too young for this! I wouldn't mind having a child for you but not now! All this is just too scary for me right now." I raise my voice too but whisper the last part.

I hear him sigh before he sits back down next to me. I feel a sudden stinging in my eyes and it doesn't take me long to realise that there are tears in them. I blink them away quickly before Harry notices.

"Look, Diana I know this is scary for you but try to understand there's nothing we can do about it. Abortion is not a choice for me because I can never kill my own child like that. I don't even want to imagine or think about it. So please, don't worry about anything because I'm here for you. I love and care about you and you know that. I never want you to think that I'll leave you because I won't at any cost. And we'll get through this together so don't worry about it, okay?" He lifts my chin up with his index finger and forces me to look in his eyes.

"Okay." Although I want to doubt it he is in fact right.

"I just wonder what my parents would have said if they were alive and I told them that I'm pregnant." I scoot closer to him.

"Your mom might have gotten upset and grounded you or maybe forbidden you from seeing me and your dad might have hunted me down and killed me by now." He laughs.

"Well not exactly, my mom's not like that; she would have been very supportive and would have forgiven us. But as for my dad, he would have gotten extremely upset with us especially you. I remember how strict he was when I first brought Jack home; he was pretty upset because he thought I was too young to date and that Jack was after me for one thing but I convinced dad that I loved him and he didn't interfere anymore." I let out a long breath after saying all this.

"I wonder what your dad would have done to him if he found out that he raped and broke your heart and left you at the side of a river to die." Harry says angrily beside me.

"Let's not talk about him." I pick back up my mug of coffee and take another sip.

"Yeah I agree. Later I'll take you out for dinner, okay." He replies.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now