Chapter 13

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Diana’s POV

“These are so pretty.” I examine the little ornament in my hands.

Harry and I took this morning to put up the Christmas tree. It’s a wonderful day and it looks like today will be a little warmer than yesterday was. We just came back from purchasing a tree, a real tree and now we are decorating it. We bought some pretty ornaments and decorations for the tree and there’s this one I can’t help but admire. It’s an ornament with two small birds on it. It’s like the birds are in love and their wings are making a heart shape while they kiss. It’s so cute and I can’t help but remember about Jack. I don’t know why my mind always goes back to him.

“Yes it’s lovely. Two birds in love, huh? Did you choose that decoration?” Harry pops out from around the other side of the tree.

“Yeah I did. I like it and I think it’s cute.” I say before tiptoeing to hang it on a higher position on the tree because there’s no more room at my height level.

“Harry what are you doing?” I look at him with a raised eyebrow.

He places a chair on the floor, close to the kitchen counter and climbs up to hang something he has in his hand. I don’t give it much thought and continue on with my decorating.

“Hey where are the balloons I bought and the candy canes decorations?” Harry asks after climbing down from the chair.

“They are on the countertop.” I place a ball ornament on the tip of a branch.

“Harry where are the lights?” I call.

“They are supposed to be on the sofa or on the table or something.” He calls back to me.

I walk to the sofa and sure enough find the two boxes of lights for the tree and three more boxes lying beside it. I take the lights for the tree and head back to where the tree stands in the corner of the living room, a little way from the sofa. I open the box and start putting up the lights around the tree. I walk around circling the tree, making sure it goes all the way around so everywhere can have the lights.

“Need some help, love?” I hear Harry’s raspy voice behind me.

“Sure if you don’t mind.” I tilt my head a little and smile.

“Nope I don’t mind at all.” He says popping the p.

He is taller than me so he can reach places on the tree that I can’t. He hangs some decorations which were missing from higher up and then starts with the other set of lights. When he’s done with the lights he hangs the big star on the tip top of the tree.

After doing the tree we did the inside of the house. I decorated the banister of the stairs whilst Harry hung some balloons around the house. I helped him to put up the wreath and together we both hung more Christmas stuff around the house. We cooperated in hanging the lights inside parts of the house like the banister and stuff. We also hung some stockings by the chimney. Now it looks a lot like Christmas to me. I can feel the Christmas spirit.

“So do you want a reward after all that decorating, love?” Harry walks behind the counter in the kitchen.

“Yes.” I nod my head together with my response.

“Okay what do you want?” He rummages through the fridge.

“I don’t know something warm or hot not cold.” I look at him as he bends over looking for whatever it is in the fridge. I can’t help but notice how his muscles are moving with his every movement which makes him look quite…hot.

“Here you go Princess.” He turns around places a mug of hot tea in front of me.

 “You said something hot or warm right so here you go, enjoy.” He gives me a warm smile.

“Thank you.” I take a sip of the hot tea.

“Come.” He takes my hand and leads me to the sofa.

I can’t help but admire the tree from where I am; it looks so beautiful with the lights and all. Harry walks over to where a stack of DVD’s are and pulls out one. He walks over to the DVD player and inserts the disc.

“What are we going to watch?” I curl my legs up on the couch sipping the hot tea.

“The Christmas Shoes, ever heard of it?” Harry takes a seat beside me on the sofa.

“Mm I don’t think so…” I shake my head a little.

“Well I’m thinking you might like it.” He motions for me to watch the TV.

I do as he asks. I keep my focus on the television and I try to understand what is going on.

After half an hour or so, I feel something warm on my body. I turn my head to investigate whatever it is and when I do I see Harry standing behind the sofa placing a blanket around my body.

“You were shivering and your hot tea is done so I thought I could help.” He shrugs slightly and the retreats back to his spot on the sofa where he was before. He is so sweet.

“Aw thanks.” I rest my head on his shoulder for a brief second then go back to my normal position.

“No problem, love.” He winks.


Harry’s POV

After watching the movie, Christmas Shoes, which made both Diana and I cry, we now want to do something pleasant that will take our mind off of the sadness of the story. It’s a great movie it’s just a little sad. In most Christmas movies sadness is always present.

“Okay I’ll be right back.” I dismiss myself and head down to the basement.

I scan around the dark room looking for a stack of boxes. I search around and I see some bags and a big stack of old boxes in the corner, just what I’m looking for. I walk over to the corner and open the first box. I look inside and see old Christmas lights that probably don’t even work anymore. I take down the box and search through the next one. I see miniature Christmas trees with tiny decorations stuck on to it. This is exactly what I’m looking for.

I take the box down from the stack and take it upstairs to the living room. I remember when I used to use these when I was younger, when both my parents were here and my sister, Gemma. We would place the trees on the counter of the kitchen and light them up and decorate them a little more than they already are.

“Diana?” I call her but hear no answer.

I call her again and she appears from the kitchen.

“Yeah?” She looks confused when she sees me with the box.

“What is that?” She cranes her neck to see in the box.

I pull out a mini tree and show her. Her face lights up at seeing the little tree.

“Aw this is so cute.” She gently takes it from my hands, her fingers brushing my hand as she does.

“Yeah I know I have a dozen here. Wanna help me set them up?” I tilt the box for her to see.

“Yes I would love to. Where are we gonna put them?” She hugs the little Christmas tree.

“We’ll put some on the kitchen counter and whatever remains we’ll find somewhere else for them. C’mon.” I take up the box and place it on the kitchen counter.

Diana sets the little tree in the corner and grabs another one from the box. She places it a few spaces away from the first tree. I take one from the box and put it next to the second tree. We continue putting the trees a few spaces apart in a cute pattern from. Then we get the lights and wrap them around each of the tiny trees and light them up. They look so beautiful I can’t help but admire them.

“We did a great job.” Diana says looking at the trees too.

“Yeah we did.” I agree.

“Now I’m feeling the Christmas spirit.” She smiles.

 I grab my phone and take a quick snap of her without her even noticing. 

Goal is now on THIS CHAPTER. I need 15 reads, 8 votes and 20 comments then I'll update again. Thanks xx

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