Chapter 68

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Diana's POV

I can't believe I just told Louis that I'm pregnant! No one was supposed to know about this yet not even Lou. But now that he does there's nothing I can do about it. I can trust him not to tell anyone right? I mean who would he tell?

"You're really pregnant?" Louis asks excitedly in his seat.

"Yes." I answer him weakly.

"That's awesome. I bet Harry is so happy about this." He reaches over the table and take my hands in his.

"Yes he is but I don't understand why he's cheating on me." I groan.

"Love, he only did that because he was drunk." He assures me while squeezing my hands a little.

"Yes but why?" I ask still confused.

"I might have left out an important piece of information." He makes a guilty face which makes him look so cute and adorable.

I chuckle, "What?"

"Well Harry did say that Amanda looks a lot like you." He looks at me with those beautiful blue eyes of his.

"He did?" I tilt my head to the side a bit.

"Yes he does but I don't think so. I think you're much more beautiful than Amanda." He winks which causes me to blush.

"So how much months are you?" He looks at my stomach.

"Only one month and a week." I reply while pulling away one of my hands to drink the rest of my coffee.

"Ooh so you two have been doing it a lot huh?" He smirks.

"Louis." I smack his arm and look around the place to see if anyone heard him.

He sure reminded me of Sam when he said that. I saw her today at school and I wished her good luck on her exams. I hope she did well today on her exams.

"Alright, alright, I won't bother you about you and Harry's sex life." He stands and takes up his cup.

"I have to go now anyways." He smiles at me.

"Okay thanks Lou." I stand and hug him.

"No problem love. I'm pretty busy now so see you around. Tell Harry I said hi." He tosses his cup in the trash as we walk out of the shop.

"Um well Harry and I had a fight last night and we aren't exactly talking that much." I toss my cup out as well and walk along with him to his car.

"Oh well I hope you two work things out soon." He kisses my forehead as he gets in his car.

"Yeah I hope so too." I whisper more to myself than to him.

"Hey, you want a ride home?" He rolls the window down and waits for my answer.

"No, you must be busy and..." He cuts me off.

"Get your arse in the car, Diana." He points to the passenger seat.

I chuckle and walk around the car to get to the passenger's side.

"Are you sure you have time to drop me off...?" I'm cut off by him again.

"Of course I've got time." He shakes his head at me.

"Now I know why Harry likes you so much." He replies as he starts the engine.

"Why?" I turn to look at him.

"Because you're too sweet. He better watch out that I don't steal you away from him." He winks as he starts to drive.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now