Chapter 3

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Harry’s POV

“Thanks.” Diana’s voice is barely audible.

I hand her a mug filled with hot coffee and she’s thankful for it as I’m grateful to bringing it to her.  She looks so tired and stressed out. She has a little bit of those dark circles underneath her beautiful eyes and her pretty blonde hair may be a mess but to me she still looks perfect as can be.

We are sitting on the sofa, watching the TV. Some crazy show is on but I’m not paying attention to it; my focus is on Diana. I gaze at her beautiful face, how perfect and blue her eyes are and her pretty blonde hair that is in a messy bun. I continue to stare at how she sips her hot coffee and the way her lips are parting makes me want to kiss her. She catches me staring and I immediately turn my attention away from her, so fast that it’s too obvious as to what I was just doing a minute ago.

“So uh about that nightmare you had last night…” I trail off not knowing how else to finish the sentence.

I remember her last night, in my cloudy vision, when she came into my room and asked if she could sleep in my bed although she was already under the covers with me. I don’t remember much because I think I fell asleep right after that.  

“Oh yeah I almost forgot about it.” She takes another sip of coffee.

“Yeah so what was it about?” I take my first sip of the hot caffeinated drink.

“Well I-remember when I um…” She hesitates a little.

“Remember when what love?” I ask leaning forward and focusing my attention on her.

“When I got raped?” She shivers at the thought and I do too.

I nod and take another sip of the coffee to warm myself up. The weather is rather cold and in here is not much warmer than outside is right now.

She gulps before continuing, “Well I dreamt that…” She stares into her cup with a face I can’t exactly read but I’m sure fear and worry are present.

“…you got raped again? In your dream?” I finish her sentence for her and she nods her head in a slow motion.

“Yeah but this time it was different I dreamt that you were the one who did it.” She avoids eye contact while saying this.

“What? So are you scared of me now? Diana you know I wouldn’t do such a thing especially not to you.” I soon realize that I’m sounding a little too defensive but I don’t want her to think I would do something like that to a girl especially a girl like her.

“No Harry I’m not scared of you.” She focuses her attention back on the television.

“Then what are you scared off love?” I keep my focus on her.

“Everything.” She loses her gaze from the television and looks down at the floor.

“What do you mean everything?” I need to know what she means by that.

“I don’t know. If you went through all that I’ve been through Harry you would know how it feels. I feel like I can’t trust anyone anymore. My trust has been broken, not once but a few times and I don’t want that to happen again.” She holds eye contact with me and then breaks it too soon.

“I understand what you mean. I may not have been through what you have been through but I do understand you and I understand how you may feel. But one question, do you trust me? You said you can’t trust anyone anymore but I want to know if you trust me. You do trust me because if you didn’t you wouldn’t be here right now.” I try to hold eye contact with her.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now