Chapter 53

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Harry’s POV

It’s been two weeks and I can’t stop thinking about that girl. She’s constantly on my mind, in everything that I do I’m only thinking of her. She has me pretty messed up. I mean I love her so much that it hurts and I miss her so damn much. I miss seeing her face every morning and every night. I miss her laugh, her voice, her touch and everything about her. She’s my girlfriend and I miss her, I miss having her here with me. I want her, I need her, I need my Princess right now.

These days I haven’t gotten enough sleep because of how much I am missing her. I have no appetite and just can’t stop thinking of her. Her long beautiful blonde hair, her soft and beautiful skin, her long slender legs, gosh I miss everything about her.

I want to go over to her and get her back but my mind is stopping me somehow. My heart is telling me to go get her back but my brain is telling me to stop drooling over someone that has accused me of cheating on her. I don’t know what to do especially when my heart and mind doesn’t agree with each other.


Diana’s POV

I take in a deep breath as I walk up the pathway to Harry’s house. Two weeks have passed and I can’t take it anymore; I can’t take being away from him so long, I need to see him. At least if I can just get to see his beautiful face then I’ll be fine. I hope.

As I reach the door my heart starts to race and I feel nervous all of a sudden. Why do I feel nervous? It’s only my boyfriend. We’re just spending some time apart because I think we need a little space, so why in the world am I feeling so nervous? I try my best to not look nervous as I ring the doorbell and wait for Harry to answer it.

“What?” I hear a familiar voice answer the door.

I look up from the ground and I almost gag on my own saliva. It can’t be. Wilma?!? Why is she here? What is she doing here? She looks at me with a disgusted look on her face. I stand there looking at her as well. I can’t help but notice that she’s wearing a mini skirt and a top with most of her cleavage showing. She’s such a slut but a pretty one too.

“Well are you just gonna stand there or do you want something?” She asks.

“Where’s Harry?” I try to see if I can get a glance inside but she’s blocking me.

“He’s in the shower. I was just about to join him.” The annoyed look she was just wearing turns into a smug smile.

I look away from her and turn my back towards her. I hear the door slam and I quickly run down the short pathway. I was right; he is cheating on me and with Wilma too. I mean why else is she over by him? I don’t think she was lying when she said he’s in the shower or else he would have answered the door instead of having Wilma do it.

I feel like my heart has been ripped out of me now getting the actual evidence of what I suspected at first. I knew it, I just knew it! I really, really hate my life now! I thought about it over the past two weeks and I came to the conclusion that Harry might be innocent that’s why I came here to apologize if I could.

I came here just to make things right but instead it turned out worse than I intended it to be. I can’t help the sudden tears that fill the brim of my eyes. I take long strides down the pavement trying to reach home as fast as I could. I reach the house and quickly unlock it. I rush inside and close the door behind me and crash down on the floor.

I pull my legs up to my chest and start to cry. I knew it was true but somehow I didn’t want it to be. I never expected him to be that type of guy. What happened to the sweet Harry that I knew? I still love him but I don’t think he loves me anymore. I continue to sob and I don’t even notice that there’s someone by the door until the person calls me out.


I don’t look up because I already know who it is. Who else could it be? Only Jack knows that I’m here I guess. I don’t think Harry even knows where I’m staying. I feel so heart broken right now thinking of what him and Wilma could be doing in the shower right now.


Jack’s POV

What the hell is wrong with Diana? Why is she curled up on the floor crying? I move closer to her and stoop down so that I can talk to her better. I wonder if Harry did something to her.

“Diana, what’s wrong?” I try to move her hands away from her face but they don’t budge.

She continues to cry and I really want to know why she’s crying. Is it me? Did I do something that I’m not supposed to? Nah I don’t think I did anything wrong this time.

“Hey, what the hell is wrong with you?” I lift up her chin with my index finger and see that her eyes are bloodshot. How long has she been here crying? It looks like she has been here for maybe an hour or something crying her eyes out.

I try to get her up to stand but instead she crashes into my chest. She continues to sob in my chest and I feel her grip tightly onto my t-shirt.  I have to find out what’s wrong with her but right now I’m just enjoying this moment. So far so good, I smirk and just let her finish cry. I really should take advantage of her now and show her how much I love her, maybe I will.


Harry’s POV

I don’t why Wilma has this smug smile on her face but after she came from answering the door a little while ago she can’t stop grinning away like something good happened to her. I went upstairs to retrieve my phone when the doorbell rang and when I came back she was wearing on this proud smile. I asked who was at the door and she said it was just the mailman or something.

I don’t know what she’s doing here but somehow she doesn’t want to leave. She said she’s Diana friend and she came to hang out with her, but when I told her that Diana’s not here she just laughed. I don’t think she and Diana are friends and I don’t feel comfortable with her being here since Diana thinks I’m cheating on her with Wilma it just makes me feel even worse.

I glance at her from the side of my eye and I see her walking towards me. She smiles when she’s close enough and leans in. Now what is she doing? I back away from her but she takes up a glass and fills it with water. She turns her back to me with the glass in her hand doing something with it that I can’t see.

She then hands it to me and mouth “drink”. I’m not thirsty but I think that this is nice of her to give me a glass of water. I take it from her hands and decide to drink down the whole glass. After I do I hand it back to her and she giggles.

“What’s so funny?” I ask with a raised eyebrow.

 “You.” She walks closer to me and presses her lips on mine.

Hopefully you guys like this chapter. What do you all think? Please comment below and tell me. I'm making a goal for the next chapter so 40 reads, 12 votes, 20 comments or 4.7k on the whole book. Still can't believe I have this much reads tho, thanks again guys. xx

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