Chapter 5

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Diana’s POV

I sigh as I make my way into my first class which is Math. I hate Math so much it just disgusts me with all those numbers and mathematical stuff.

Harry dropped me off to school this morning; he insisted on it otherwise I would have taken the bus as I usually do. I always like taking the bus on my way to school; I always take a window seat just to look on the outside world as the bus drives away from my peaceful home to my horrible school. I usually sit by myself or next to someone I barely know. I don’t exactly have friends in school; it’s hard for me to get along with anyone and I don’t want to get close with anyone anymore.

 Since Harry rode me here this morning, I didn’t have time to be lonely or by myself because every few minutes he would bring up something for us to talk about. I have to admit, he is a really fun and cool guy to hang out with.

I listen but don’t quite hear and understand what our Maths teacher is saying. My focus is far away from the classroom right now.


“Hey beautiful, wanna go to the dance with me this Friday?” Adam leans on my locker with a flirty look on his face.

“No thanks.” I decline his invitation.

“Let a gentleman handle this sort of thing, Adam. Would you go to the dance with me on Friday night darling?” Matt asks handing me a flower.

“No thank you Matt.” I open my locker and collect my stuff.

“Do you want to go with me then? Looks like these guys are aren’t good enough for ya.” Eric dances his way over to me in the hallway.

“No guys I’m not going anyways.” I make my way over towards the entrance.

“What? Why?” Adam stands in front of me in such a way that I am unable to pass.

“I just don’t feel like going that’s all.” I shrug and try to get pass Adam.

“Are you sure? We can accompany you if you like.” Matt takes my hand in his but I quickly pull it away.

“No thank you.” I push pass them and walk out into the parking lot.

It’s not that I don’t want to go to the dance on Friday night; it’s just that I don’t have a possible date. Yeah I know all those guys just asked me out but I wouldn’t feel comfortable to go to the dance with any one of them.

Adam is a player and if one of the girl’s he’s dating finds out I’m going to the dance with him then I’ll be dead. Matt on the other hand, is more of a gentleman but he can be pretty crazy and wild at times; he likes too much partying and crazy stuff. Eric is one of those types of guys that are nice to you at first but then break your heart when they get what they want. 

These guys have always liked me but I never took any interest in any one of them. I may be the loneliest girl in school but I do get a lot of attention from the guys and I don’t know why. Am I really beautiful? Harry told me that I am so maybe I really am. I wonder if Harry would go to the dance with me.

I take a seat on the bench waiting for the bus to arrive but instead I see Harry pulling up next to me so unexpectedly. I quickly grab my backpack and hop into the car.

“Good afternoon love, had a great day at school today?” Harry pulls out of the parking lot.

“Ha I wish.” I reply looking out the window.

“So what are you doing here? Don’t you have more important things to do?” I turn to look at him.

“Nothing’s more important than y-I mean your safety. Yeah nothing’s more important than your safety.” He nervously laughs.

“Well thanks. Hey there’s this dance on Friday night and I was wondering if you might like to…you know go with me?” I bite my bottom lip indicating nervousness.

“Ha-ha sure love I would love to go with you.” He glances at me with a smile on his face.

“Thanks Harry.”

We drive a few blocks and soon we arrive at his house. I hope out of the car and in a haste head towards the front door of his huge mansion.

I wait for him until he locks the car and make his way over to me. He unlocks the front door with one of the many keys in his hand.

“Ladies first.” He pushes open the front door and motions for me to enter before him. He’s such a gentleman.

“So you wanna cook dinner tonight again it was delicious last night?” He asks after placing his coat on the rack.

“I would love to but I have homework. And thanks.” I sigh and plop down on the couch. And Harry plops down next to me.

“It’s alright what do you want for dinner then?” He leans a little closer to me.

“Hmm I still haven’t gotten my pizza yet you know.” I turn my head in his direction.

“You’ll get all the pizza you want on Saturday Princess. We’re going to have a fun day on Saturday; movies, pizza, movies, pizza, movies and more pizza. So what do you want to eat tonight?” He turns his head to me and I can’t help but notice that he looks pretty tired and exhausted.

“Well how about something simple and easy like a quick cook maybe scrambled eggs and bacon?” I suggest something easy because I don’t want him to go through any trouble for me. Besides, he looks pretty tired.

“Alright love.” He gets up from the couch and moves towards the kitchen.

“What are you doing Harry? It’s not dinnertime as yet.” I empty my backpack on the couch looking for my homework.

“I’m just preparing you a snack; I know you must be hungry.” He opens the fridge and pulls out something I can’t quite clearly see.

“Okay.” I scramble through my French book looking for the page my homework is written on.

Harry walks over to me and places a bowl of freshly cut fruits on the coffee table. I look up to him and thank him. I have to admit; he’s a very sweet guy.

“Sooo, need any help with your homework?” He sits next to me on the couch.

“Uh yeah well it’s French, do you know French?” I find the page I have the homework on and get my notebook out.

“Yes I can speak fluent French.” He glances at my notes.

“Really?” I look up to him and he nods.

“Boujour mademoiselle. Cava?” He says hello Miss, how are you? in French.

“Cava bein merci monsieur.” I reply back with, I’m fine thank you Sir.

“Qu’est-ce que tu veux?” He asks me what I would like.

“Je voudrais un jus d’orange s’il vous plait.” I say, I would like a glass of orange juice please.

He gets up and walks into the kitchen returning with a glass of orange juice in his hand. Harry is-what’s that word I’m looking for-amazing and so much fun and so sweet and everything else in-between.

Soo thank you guys for all the reads, votes, comments and support; it really means a lot. ^_^ I’ll try my best and finish with my last two updates for Affectionate Lover. So sorry to keep you guys waiting that long. School’s out for me so I’m on Christmas vacation yay! How is everybody doing? xoxo

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now