Chapter 20

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Harry’s POV

Today’s my first official date with Diana Cullen. I can’t believe this is happening right now. We’re at a not-so-fancy restaurant because Diana wouldn’t let me take her to a fancy one; she said it would be too expensive. She’s such a simple girl. But I still cannot believe we’re on a real date.

We ordered our food about fifteen minutes ago and now I’m just starving to death. They take pretty long with your food at these not-so-fancy restaurants. People could die of starvation here, which might likely be me. I might be the first one to die here and then Diana would hate me for dying on our first date. Actually, she’ll kill me for dying on our first date.

Well I have to say I love the outfit she’s wearing. It’s a short dark blue dress with shows off her curves and hips beautifully. She has on black heels and a little black clutch in her tiny hands. One of her hands is resting on the table with mine on it. I can’t seem to not hold her hand or touch her hand whenever I’m around her.  

Finally our food arrives. I take in the delicious aroma and then dig in. I ordered a steak with vegetables and wine. Diana ordered the same thing as me because everything else is too expensive she says. Can’t believe this girl; if she really wants it I would pay for it for her. It’s not like I’m not rich. And even though if I wasn’t I would still pay for it for her.

“This food is delicious Harry, don’t you think?” She says and takes a sip of wine.

“Yeah it is but it’s nothing compared to how delicious your food is when you cook for me.” I wink and see her face turns to a slight shade of red.

I chuckle a little and continue eating my delicious food. Then we order desert which is a sundae. Diana’s right; the food here is great.


Diana’s POV

“Harry it’s snowing. Look.” I point outside the window.

We’re back home from our little date we had just now. Harry took me out to dinner which was great. I love the food and the romantic place and everything. It wasn’t a fancy restaurant but it was romantic. There was some background music and candles lit on the table we ate on. I didn’t want to go to a fancy restaurant not only because it would be too expensive but because it’s not my kind of thing. I prefer a simple restaurant like the one we went to. This morning was another lazy Saturday but this evening was great because of our little date. Oh and Harry asked me to be his girlfriend so now I’m officially his girlfriend.

I leap up out of my seat and run to the window to get a better look outside at the snow. Harry gets up from the sofa and comes to stand beside me. I turn to him and see a smile forming at the edges of his lips.

“C’mon love, grab your coat and let’s have some fun.” He races to the door and grabs his coat then waits on me to join him.

I grab my coat from the rack then join Harry by the door. We both walk outside together, with our coats on, and I feel the cold air pricking my bare skin like my hands and face. I stop walking and just wait for the snow to fall on me. It’s so magical. Harry notices that I stopped and he does the same thing. The snowflakes fall on us, landing on our hair, clothes and the ground below us.

“This is so cool.” I gaze up at the snow.

This is the best time of the year for me although I love all the seasons winter is my favourite. It’s a time when the place is covered in white and the place looks so pure and wonderful. I just love snow because it’s so magical and beautiful.

“I was going to say let’s make a snow angel but there’s not enough snow to do that.” Harry sighs.

“Aww don’t worry. Tomorrow we can make one or two.” I rest my hand on his shoulder.

“Or three or four or five.” He chuckles.

“Come let’s go and see some lights and decorations.” Harry places his hand in mine and we both walk together.

We walk around the neighbourhood watching the beautiful decorations and lights in the area. It’s such a wonderful thing to do. We’re in the second week of December so we only have one week to ourselves before Harry’s mom and sister arrives. They will be arriving next week and I can’t wait to see them. But what if they don’t like me? What if they don’t like me for Harry? What if they don’t think I’m good enough for him?

“What are you thinking about, love?” Harry asks and stops in front of a beautiful house with lots and lots of different coloured lights.

“Harry what if your mom and sister don’t like me?” I ask.

“Aw Princess didn’t you ask me that already?” He turns to look at the house, never letting go of my hand.

“But what if they don’t?” I ask again.

“Diana they will love you, okay? I know my family and they aren’t the kind to criticise.” He looks me in my eyes.

I don’t know what it is about those emerald eyes but whenever he looks at me I feel love. I didn’t know what love was before but I felt it the first time looking into his eyes. I try to look away from his eyes but they hold me steady in place.

I finally break eye contact and he inches closer to me. Now only a thin piece of air is in-between us and I feel his warm breath on my face. His warm breath feels good compared to the cold atmosphere we’re in right now. He touches my cheek with his finger, then my jaw, then my lips and lastly my neck.

He looks me in the eyes before pressing his soft lips to mine. And his kisses are just as before; soft, tender and loving. He gently pulls away and looks me in the eye. I notice that with every breath, he lets out a white puff of air because of the cold.

“Harry maybe we should get back.” I grab his hand and pull him back in the same direction we came.

“Yeah it is rather cold.” He dusts away a bit of snow from my hair and I watch as it falls to the ground.

“Wanna get some hot chocolate before we get back?” He shivers a little with the chilly weather.

“Sure.” I turn around and tiptoe to give him a kiss on the nose.

“Harry your nose is cold and red like Rudolph.” I chuckle.

He glares a playful glare at me and then his face lightens up a bit and he chuckles along with me. I’ve got one weird but adorable boyfriend.


Harry’s POV

Diana and I are now an official couple and you can’t believe how happy I am that that statement is true. Today has been a wonderful day just like any other day with her has been. Before I brought her to live here I was just a lonely songwriter. I had friends and whatever but inside I was always kinda lonely although I never admitted it to anyone. But now my life has changed thanks to this wonderful girl named Diana and I don’t know what I would do if she ever decides to leave my life. I didn’t know what love really meant but now I do because of her. Now I think back and ask myself, how could I have ever lived without her?

I stare at her while she peacefully sleeps. She’s so cute and she doesn’t even know it. I grab my phone from my nightstand and snap a few pictures of her. I took a few pics just now when she was playing in the snow and I managed to do it without her even noticing. She’s so oblivious to how much I love her and how many times I took pictures of her without her suspecting anything. I press a kiss to her cheek, then one to her forehead and another one on her soft precious lips. It’s a pity she doesn’t see how beautiful she really is. I love her so much. I lie down beside her on the bed and press another light kiss to her lips.

Guys don’t forget to vote and comment. Love you all xoxo.

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