Chapter 19

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Diana’s POV

We left the mall about half an hour ago now and we were out just driving around to random places just to catch a glimpse of some of the decorations and stuff. But now we are home, back in Harry’s mansion.

While we were at the mall Harry decided to buy presents for his sister and his mom. What a sweet guy, right? Well we both checked out the presents and at the end we both decided to buy a cute pair of shoes for Gemma, his sister and jewellery set for Anne, his mom.

After we left the mall we went to a convenient store and bought loads of pretty gift paper to wrap the presents in. So now I’m in my room, wrapping the presents for Harry whilst he is in his room wrapping the presents for me. I love this feeling of wrapping presents; it’s just so much fun. I remember when my mom and I used to stay up late wrapping presents; so much presents that I would sometimes fall asleep while wrapping them.

I empty out the bags with the items inside of them and they come tumbling down on the bed in front of me. I made sure and lock my door so Harry can’t pop in whenever he wants to and spoil any surprises.

I take the Man United sweater and wrap it first in red coloured gift paper. I wrap the grey hoodie second, the few pairs of socks after and I set the box of Twix aside; I can’t wrap that now. I guess I’ll have to find someplace to hide it and wrap it on Christmas day or Christmas Eve or something. And guess what? I bought Harry another present which is a surprise. Considering that he’s such a big songwriter and being a millionaire and all you just wouldn’t know what the hell to buy him, right? Well I didn’t…at first but now I do.


Harry’s POV                                                                                          

I hurriedly wrap the first thing I bought for Diana which is a jewellery set then I wrap the black mini dress and matching shoes. After I wrap the other stuff which are a body bath and the perfume. I know one thing for sure is that she’s going to love these stuff; if not all at least she’ll love the perfume which has her name on it.

I set aside Diana’s stuff in a corner on my bed and I move to my mom’s stuff with is a jewellery set. I know how much she loves jewellery so I thought she might like a gold necklace with matching earrings. I wrap her stuff and then Gemma’s stuff which is a pair of navy blue heels. You know the wedge kind? Yeah that’s what I got her.

I also got Diana another thing which I know she’ll love a diary. She could write down whatever she feels in there and all her personal stuff because I heard when you feel angry or upset writing down your feelings helps. I don’t know exactly in what way it helps but I just know it does.

After wrapping all the presents I write down the names on the presents and then set them all aside. I lie down on my pillow with my hands underneath my head in a relaxing manner and I gaze up at the ceiling. My mind flashes back to the events of the day. I remember kissing Diana and it just felt so right. I remember holding unto her hand and not wanting to let go of her. I remember how her face lights up whenever she sees something she likes or something that excites her.

I sigh and sit up a little. I know I’m in love with her but I still don’t know if she loves me. What if she just kissed me back because she was in the mood to or what if she just didn’t want to push me away again so she just gave in? Doubts are going around and around my head right now and I don’t know if I should believe them or not. I guess I’ll leave everything to fate. Whatever is meant to be will be.


Diana’s POV

“Look at the beautiful sunset.” I point a finger at the orange sky.

Harry just nods his head and continues to stare at me in a cute way. He’s hugging me from behind. We’re in my room, standing by the window overlooking the sunset. Harry presses a kiss to my cheek quite unexpectedly. I don’t know why he’s acting this way but I kind of like it. I don’t know if he’s really in love with me but that’s exactly how he’s acting.

“It’s beautiful but you’re way more beautiful than that.” He hugs me tight.

“Nothing can ever compare to a beauty like you.” He whispers in my ear and I feel a chill run up my spine.

He places another kiss on my cheek then another one on my jaw. His kisses aren’t rough, harsh and forceful; it’s more like passionate, loving and tender kisses. It’s like when you really love someone and you really care about them that’s how his kisses are. And since today when we first kissed, his lips didn’t meet mines again after this morning. I don’t know if he’s afraid that he’ll scare me but he hasn’t tried to kiss me on my lips again. And I love that way about him the way he respects me. I know that I’m falling for him and I just can’t help myself. It’s like when you know you’re falling but there’s nothing you can do about it because you’re already on the floor? Well I’m still falling and I can’t keep myself from falling because it’s already too late for me to change my mind and I know very soon I’ll be lying on the floor and I might not be able to get up so easily. But the thing is; everything that falls gets broken so what if I get broken again?

I don’t think Harry would do that to me; I can’t imagine him hurting me after all he’s helped me through. He has showed me kindness, respect and love when I needed it most and that shows what a great person he is. I don’t think I should worry about falling for him but what if I’m wrong. What if he just pretended all this time? Ugh I need to stop worrying. If we’re meant to be we will be.

A/N: I made this book right after my mom and I had a fight and I felt like I couldn’t live anymore. I felt horrible after it and I cried the whole afternoon and even cried myself to sleep. I was upset but that’s how I got the idea to write this book. This book is the way most girls are, depressed and going through lots of problems, like Diana but in a different context. A normal everyday teenage girl with a horrible problematic life until Harry/One Direction enters their life. I know this book does not feature all the guys expect Harry but he’s all it needs. Most girls say that the guys saved them and it’s true but not literally. In this book it is true because Harry saved Diana from killing herself a couple of times and when he entered her life she is so much happier, it’s the same way the guys make us feel right? And I used the name Diana, not only because I love it but because of the song and also Princess Diana. Also this book will show what a sweet guy Harry really is and it will show many of his ways, likes and dislikes. Sorry if this is boring but I just thought you guys should know this. Thank you reading my book and if you have reached this far in it already I just want to say thanks a lot! This means a lot to me and I’m happy and thankful to you guys. If I said I was gonna read your book and I haven’t read it as yet, don’t worry I have a busy life too but I will try my best to get to it. Thank you again xoxo

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