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~A year and nine months have passed~

Diana's POV

"Shh Sabrina don't cry baby." Harry cradles the child in his arms and walks around lightly rocking her little body in his arms for her to stop crying.

She quiets down as soon as she hears Harry's voice. I look up at them and smile at the beautiful sight. I continue doing what I was doing before and sprinkle some colourful sprinkles on the cake in front of me. Ah now it looks like a real cake. I wash my hands from all the frosting and icing and place the cake on the table for Sabrina.

You might have guessed it already but today's her first birthday. Yes she is one year today. I know you might be confused but allow me to explain the whole thing.

Okay, so a whole year and nine months has passed. Let me update you on all that has passed; Harry had been in a really, really bad state and I was terrified that he might not go back to being his normal self again. I was so worried about him and I know the only way he would come back out of this trance is to get back his baby which was impossible. It's not like we could have brought back our unborn baby that Amanda killed.

So I couldn't help it but threaten Harry. It's the only thing I could think of at the moment and it's only thing I knew would work. So I threaten him and told him that if he didn't make love to me I would jump off the same exact cliff he saved me from a long time ago. And just as I suspected he listen to me and made love to me that night. I prayed that night, after Harry fell asleep, to get pregnant and about a month after my prayers were answered. I just couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't bear to see the love of my life suffer like that. I couldn't just watch him in pain and do nothing about it that's why I did that.

My plan worked as I wanted it and a month after when I told Harold about the news he didn't believe me at first. He just answered me with short and simple answers and he didn't believe me at all. But when I showed him the test he was overjoyed but then his excitement died down and he went back to being all sad and depressed again. I remember his exact words he said that night.

"Diana, why did you let me get you pregnant again? What if the same thing happens again? I wouldn't be able to bear it." He said to me and covered his face with his hands.

I explained to him that that's not going to happen again because Amanda is now behind bars for murdering our baby. He didn't listen to me at first but after two months he started coming back to being himself again and he was excited for the baby. I guess he figured it out himself that nothing was going to happen to this baby because Amanda wasn't in our way anymore but he was still very cautious because he said anyone can be dangerous or a threat to our baby.

But this time was way better that the last time. What I mean is, this time when I was pregnant Harry was way more protective, he was way more supportive and way sweeter than the first time I was pregnant. Before he went out to parties and he left me home alone but this time he didn't leave me home alone at all. He was there with me in everything and every time I needed him he was always there just like I wanted him to be.

After six months of me being pregnant and when my bump was already showing a lot he was even more cautious and careful with me. He was surprised I reached that far in the pregnancy but proud at the same time. I loved it when every time I did something or ate something he would be concerned about the baby. He would be like, "Is that good for the baby?" "Don't do that you'll hurt the baby." "Be careful I don't want anything to happen to our little baby." He was just so protective and I loved every single minute of it.

When I was well in nine months Harry didn't try to sass me or be funny because he knew that every little thing he said would cause me to go off. I was like a walking time bomb ready to explode in anyone's face.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now