Chapter 17

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Diana’s POV

I may look like a complete idiot now to Harry because of yesterday how I was crying and he still doesn’t know what the cause was. I want to tell him but I don’t know how to. Yesterday I even made a promise to myself by saying that I would stay away from him but the same day I made it I broke it. Last night we were sky gazing and I just felt like I couldn’t stay far from him; every time I try to find it in me to push him away I always seem to move closer to him instead. I just can’t help it. My heart wants him but my brain doesn’t want me to get closer to him. I don’t know what to do.

I let out a deep sigh as I make my way to the kitchen counter. I’m all ready to go shopping today. We discussed it last night in bed and we agreed to do our Christmas shopping today. I’m dressed in a red sleeveless top, a black jacket over and a black pair of leggings along with leather boots. My blonde hair is in a long ponytail to keep the hairs out of my face while I shop.

“Morning love, are you ready to go?” Harry appears from behind me.

I turn and see that he is ready as well. He’s wearing a white t-shirt, grey skinny jeans, and brown boots with a blue bandana around his head to keep his hair out of his face, I suppose. I noticed he wears bandanas a lot now because of his long, curly hair but I don’t exactly pay that much attention to them as I do to him.

“Yeah I’m ready, are you?” I lean up against the counter.

“Hang on I’ll be right back don’t move from there please.” He glances up above me and then disappears up the stairs.

“Okay.” I say a little too late after he’s gone.       

After a minute or two he reappears with his guitar in his hand. What is he going to do? I watch as he goes over to the sofa and takes a seat. He tunes the guitar a bit before he starts to play an upbeat tune and slightly hits the side of the guitar to make another beat. Then he starts to sing immediately after.

(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)

The front pages are your pictures,
They make you look so small,
How could someone not miss you at all?


I never would mistreat ya,
Oh I'm not a criminal,
I speak a different language but I still hear your call.

Let me be the one to light a fire inside those eyes,
You've been lonely,
You don't even know me,
But I can feel you crying,
Let me be the one to lift your heart up and save your life,
I don't think you even realize baby you'd be saving mine.



It's only been four months but
You've fallen down so far.
How could someone mislead you at all?


I wanna reach out for you,
I wanna break these walls,
I speak a different language but I still hear you call.

Let me be the one to light a fire inside those eyes,
You've been lonely,
You don't even know me,
But I can feel you crying,
Let me be the one to lift your heart up and save your life,
I don't think you even realize baby you'd be saving mine.

We all need something,
This can't be over now,
If I could hold you,
Swear I'd never put you down.

Let me be the one to light a fire inside those eyes,
You've been lonely,
You don't even know me,
But I can feel you crying,
Let me be the one to lift your heart up and save your life,
I don't think you even realize baby you'd be saving mine.

Baby, you'd be saving mine,
Baby, you'd be saving mine.


Oh my God. I can’t describe how I feel right now I just feel tears rolling down my cheeks like there is no tomorrow. I cannot believe this. Harry is the most thoughtful, most loving, sweetest guy I have even known. I can’t believe this I’m shaking right now.

I feel an arm around me and when I look up I see no one else but Harry. He has a cute smile on his face.

“Don’t cry, love.” He pats my hair softly.

He hugs me tightly and wipes my tears away.

“Don’t cry it’s okay. This is your early Christmas present I hope you like it.” He kisses my cheek.

“I love it Harry.” I wipe the last of my tears and smile up at him.

He is so thoughtful. So that’s what the sentence was about. Remember when I found the sentence “Diana let me be the one to light a fire inside those eyes.”?Well all that time he was writing a song about me and I didn’t know. All this time when I was crying and going through all this pain I thought Harry couldn’t understand me and I thought he didn’t even care but all that time he was paying attention to me, watching me silently and came up with this amazing song. I can’t believe I thought bad about him, I just can’t.

“I’m glad you do because I have another thing for you and I hope you love it as much as you love that song.” He cups my cheeks and presses his lips to mine.

This time I don’t even try to push him away I just let it happen; I let him kiss me and I kiss him back. He soon stops and looks me in the eye.

“Do you like it or not because I can stop if you’re not comfortable or…” I cut him off by kissing him again.

 I pull away after about a minute of kissing him and I see a smile on his face. Then he looks up above me, I follow his gaze and spot a little green something up there. Wait, is that mistletoe? 

Seasons Greetings People! Tell me what you all think. Goal: 700 reads, 155 votes and 330 comments. xoxo

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