Chapter 52

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Harry’s POV

The thing I hate most about being in a relationship is when the person you love leaves you they take everything with them including all the happy memories you had with them and they also take your heart. Yes, Diana took my heart with her and left me shattered. She took my heart with her and left me shattered to pieces. This is the same exact reason why I didn’t want to fall in love in the first place; anything that falls always break and sooner or later I knew it would happen to me. That’s why I never fell in love but since she came along I fell head over heels for her.


Diana’s POV

Yesterday I had loads of fun with Jack, my ex-boyfriend. I really didn’t think I would be hanging out with him again after what he did to me but since he made me forgive him at that party, hanging out with him again feels just like it was before, when we were together. We ordered pizza yesterday and then we watched a horror movie he picked out. I’m not a big fan of them but I watched it for his sake and it wasn’t as scary as I expected it to be. I actually had a good time with him yesterday so I invited him over today again.

I shift slightly in my seat; my mind is going crazy with lots and lots of thoughts. I still can’t believe I left Harry without giving him a proper goodbye but I know if I did he would have begged me to stay without a doubt. I really think we need some time apart because we are too close. Its pretty normal because we are a couple but what if he’s really cheating on me? He always home alone when I’m at school so I don’t know what he does or doesn’t when I’m not at home. Yes Wilma has school but she ditches all the time because she doesn’t really care about her grades unlike me.

I sigh and rest my head down on the desk, waiting for this class to be over. I am really confused as to what to do. I have been thinking about going back to Harry just to clear everything up but I know he will tell me he’s sorry and then I’ll fall back into his trap again. I have been foolishly in love with him and very blind to everything else.

My brain is telling me not to go but my heart is keeps finding useless excuses to go back and apologize to him. I know he must be totally upset with me now but I just think it’s the right thing to do. I wish life was somehow easier not perfect just easier.

I have been through hell with Jack but he has changed and that’s why I am hanging out with him. Besides he hasn’t made a move on me again and I don’t suspect any of that foolish behaviour from him. He knows better this time. He’s just lucky he got bailed out of jail the first time for raping me.


Jack’s POV

I don’t have Diana all wrapped around my finger as I want her to be but at least I’m getting there. She trusts me which is weird. I found out that she and Harry had their first fight but I don’t know what the reason was as yet. I have yet to find that out. I really want her back. I was her first in everything and I will be her last. Harry thinks he can get her but he can’t because she belongs to me.

I bet you all know what it’s like when you have lots of homework, projects and studying to do and right now that’s me. I just got time to write this update and I hope you guys enjoyed it. 

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