Chapter 70

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Diana's POV

As we walk into the mall I hear the light chitter chatter of the people passing around us. There aren't much people here today as I expected it to be and I wonder why. As we walk, passing stores on our way I look at myself through the glass. I think Harry was right my shorts is very short. All my legs are showing and I look like I'm on my way to the beach. I look at Samantha who's busy gushing over an elegant dress in the store. She's wearing a pair of jeans shorts too but they aren't as short as mines. Maybe I feel I should have changed instead of arguing with him.

"Sam do you think this is too short for me to be wearing?" I point at my shorts.

"What? Hell no it's perfect but why?" She senses something wrong.

"Well Harry said it's too short and I wanted a second opinion that's..." She cuts me off before I'm finished.

"Oh no he's probably just jealous that you're going out looking so hot whilst he stays at home and he doesn't get to look at your hot ass all day." She replies as we enter a store.

"Ha thanks." I make my way to the shoe section in the store.

"But really, when are you two are going to start back talking and being all lovey dovey as before? Don't you miss that dick of his?" She asks while trying on a cute pair of flats.

"Samantha." I bet you my face is probably as bright and red as the red heels I'm holding.

"Oh come on, don't tell me you don't miss it." She continues to tease me further.

"Sam can we change the topic please?" I bend over to try on the heels.

"Well that's a very nice view." I hear a familiar voice behind me.

When I turn around and see who it is I'm not only surprised but more likely embarrassed because he just saw my entire butt. Although I'm wearing the shorts I tend to feel very self-conscious and my cheeks soon feel very heated.

"Jack." I hear Samantha behind me and in a few seconds they are both holding each other in a tight embrace.

"You two know each other?" I look between them both as they pull away.

"Yes of course, Jack is my cousin." Samantha replies with a laugh.

"You're kidding, right?" I ask in disbelief.

"No we're not kidding, Diana. She's my cousin." He gives her a sideway hug.

"Well it looks like I don't get to do the honours of introducing you guys to each other because apparently you know each other already." Sam pouts at us.

"Yes we know each other because Diana was my ex-girlfriend." Jack explains.

"Really?!?" Sam exclaims.

"How come I never met you when I dated him? I met a lot of his family." I ask her.

"That's probably because I was living in another part of the US and no one thought about mentioning me." She giggles.

"Oh." I chuckle.

"So what are you two ladies doing on a nice Saturday afternoon at the mall?" He asks and notice him checking me out.

"We decided to go shopping, wanna join us?" Sam asks her cousin.

Before I have time to protest he nods his head. I sigh and continue looking for a good pair of shoes. I haven't seen him since the time he beat Harry up which was a long time. I wonder what happened to him after that. I was really happy that he got out of my life for the second time but I guess I was wrong because now I get to find out that he's my best friend's cousin. I guess I might be seeing him more than I expected but I hope not.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now