Chapter 25

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Diana’s POV

“Diana this is my sister, Gemma.” Harry introduces me to his sister.

“Hi.” She greets me.

“Hi.” I say and hug her.         

She looks just like Harry only her hair is way longer and blonde other than Harry’s own which is brown. She is beautiful and looks like a girl version of Harry.

“And this is my mom.” He motions to the other woman in the room.

“Call my Anne. Nice to meet you dear.” She hugs me and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

“Hi, nice to meet you too.” I return the hug and kiss to her.

Both Harry and Gemma resemble their mother very badly. You can see that they are related just by glancing at the three of them. Harry and I went to pick them up from the airport and we just got back home. We didn’t introduce ourselves until now.

“And Mom, Gemma this is my girlfriend, Diana.” He introduces me to them.

I put on a wide smile, praying and hoping that they would like me just as much as I like them.

“Oh you are so beautiful.” Anne takes my hand and smiles at Harry.

“Really? She’s your girlfriend? Harry, how did you manage to get a beautiful girl like her?” Gemma jokes.

I think they like me. I hope they do.

“How did a dork like Harry get a pretty girl like you?” She turns to me and I chuckle.

“Gemma.” Harry scolds her and she playfully smacks his arm. They are like little kids.

“Aw Gemma, stop calling your brother names. Now who’s hungry?” Anne scolds Gemma then she walks into the kitchen.

“Me.” Both Harry and his sister yell in unison.

I watch as Anne looks for whatever she needs in the kitchen to make whatever meal she is going to make for us. She sure knows her way around the kitchen. She looks up and catches me watching. I quickly turn away but I know she saw me.

“Diana, why don’t you come in here and help me if you like?” She calls me in.

“Uh sure.” I walk into the kitchen and she smiles at me as she works her way around the kitchen.

“So what is it that you’re making?” I ask, watching her pulling out a few ingredients from the fridge.

“I’m making lasagna. This is one of Harry and Gemma’s favorite meals.” She smiles.

“Oh I love lasagna too.” I grab a few ingredients myself for the dish.


Gemma’s POV

I have only been here a couple of hours but I can say that I have never seen Harry this happy. Yes he’s always so cheerful and all but I haven’t exactly seen him genuinely happy the way he is now. And I know exactly what the cause is for his sudden happiness; his beautiful girlfriend, Diana.

I walk into the living room where they both are. I spot Harry and Diana sitting on the couch talking about something I can’t quite hear properly because I am a few feet away from them. I catch Diana slightly blushing at one of Harry’s comments probably. That naughty brother of mine.

But one thing that stands out in them is the love that shows in their eyes. I may not know much about Diana but I do know that she loves Harry an awful lot. And Harry loves her more than she can imagine. And in my opinion Diana is perfect for Harry. I wonder what mom thinks of her. I think this time Harry has found the most appropriate girlfriend for himself.


Harry’s POV

“So how have you been mom?” I lean up against the counter and watch as she prepares us some hot tea.

Gemma left for bed about an hour ago. She insisted on sleeping in Diana’s room so that Diana can sleep with me. But little does she know that Diana and I sleep in the same bed almost every night. Diana left for bed right after Gemma. I think she was still having a little bit of period pain although today’s her fifth day on it. I hope she’s sound asleep in my bed right now. So mom and I are the only ones who are up and I wanna spend some time with her.

“Oh Harry, where do I start?” She pours a cup of tea for me.

“I don’t know. We haven’t seen each other in such a long time.” I take a sip of the hot tea.

“I know I missed my baby.” She gives me a kiss on my cheek.

“I have been fine, thank you for asking. And how have you been?” She pours herself some of the tea and we both head to the couch in the living room.

“I’ve been great!” I smile.

“Oh and I know why. How long did Diana move in here with you?” She takes a sip of her tea.

“Umm about a month I think.” I try to remember exactly when she moved in with me.

“Oh that’s quite a long time. But doesn’t her parent’s know about this?” She looks a little concerned.

“Uh her parent’s died in an accident that’s why I brought her here to live with me.” I reply.

“Oh that’s so sad. And it’s also so sweet of you, Harry. I’m so proud of the gentleman you have become.” She smiles.

 “But Harry do you love her?” She places her mug down on the coffee table.

“Yes mom I do.” I take another sip of tea.

“Does she love you?” She asks.

“Yes she does.” I reply.

“I saw those marks on her wrists…are you sure you want to be with a girl like that?” Her voice is stern when she says this.

“Mom it’s not what you think.” I defend Diana.

“So she didn’t try to harm herself?” She presses me further like she’ trying to get something out of me but I’m not going to tell her what really happened to my girlfriend; I’m not going to say that she got raped right after her parents died in an accident and she almost got raped again in school.

“Well she had those before I met her.” I lie.

She had them before she came here to stay with me but not before I met her. When I met her she was by a river bleeding and after that she must have cut herself. I just wish I was there to stop her from hurting herself in that way. I wish I had met her before and I might have prevented Jack from raping her. But I guess that’s not the way God planned it to happen. I’m just happy I met her though.

“But you are happy with her, right?” Mom looks me in the eyes.

“Yes I am.” I answer truthfully.

“Well that’s all I want to know. Once my son’s happy then I’m happy.” She presses a kiss to my hair.

“Thanks mom.” I kiss her back but on her cheek.

I can't help but notice that some of you guys love my story. A lot! I can't express how happy I am because of this. I put so much work into this and to get all those amazing comments from you guys; it seriously means so much to me. Thank you so much! Please don't forget to comment and vote on every chapter. Thank you ilysm! xoxo

Please comment a lot on this chapter. The person who comments the most will get the dedication for the next chappie thanks. xx

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