Chapter 48

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Diana’s POV

“Diana, today I’m going to take you to a spa.” Harry says as he takes a seat on the couch.

“What? A spa?” I ask surprised.

“Yes a spa. You’re also going to get a pedicure and a manicure.” He adds with a cute smile.

“Wow really? That sounds so cool. Thanks. But first I need to eat.” I set my notebook done on the coffee table and turn to Harry.

“Alright, I’ll go prepare you something to eat then.” He gets up from the couch.

“Wait, I uh…can you get me burger and fries instead? I’m craving it right now.” I tug on his shirt and wear a pout on my face to convince him.

“Alright, Princess I’ll go buy you your burger and fries.” He gets his keys from the counter and walks towards the door.

“Yay!” I say with excitement. “Thank you.”

“No problem love, c’mon.” He opens the door and motions for me to go outside before him.


Harry’s POV

I sit in the car as I wait on Diana. I dropped her off at this spa and she just called me to come pick her up. I hope she enjoyed herself. I really think she needed a relaxing spa to cool her off a bit. And since today was a tiring day at school for her all she needs right now is a little pampering and beautifying to help her feel better again, I guess.

After a couple minutes of waiting the car door opens and she gets in the car. I take a good look at her and the first thing I notice is her hair. It’s a bit shorter and it has a dash of light purple in it. Wow her hair looks so cute. I also observe that she just got the French tips on her finger nails and toes.

“Your hair…?” I point out a little while after observing her.

“Yes, there’s this salon next to the spa so I decided to pop in and do my hair.” She shakes her head a little as she shows off the beautiful colour in it.

“If you dye the whole thing it would look like Katy Perry’s hair.” I remark.

“Yeah I know.” She smiles. “So how do I look?”

“You look beautiful, Princess. You’re always beautiful. I just thought you needed a little pampering that’s why I brought you here.” I start the engine of the car and begin to drive.

“Yes I think I needed it too.” She agrees.


“Oh yes. I’m on fire!” I yell and do a little happy dance.

“Oh no, you’re not.” Diana shouts and pulls me back down on the couch.

I just beat her in this car racing game, like ten times in a row. I don’t think she’s a fan of car racing because apparently she’s losing every game. We’re in my secret game room; I don’t know why I call it that though. Probably because I don’t ever use it until I’m extremely bored and I don’t know I just don’t have a good reason.

“Let’s play another game.” Diana suggests.

“Yes because I was getting tired of beating your butt in every single game.” I dig through the pile of games I have.

“What? You didn’t win all the games.” She complains.

“Yes I did. I beat you in all, now don’t complain.” I say dragging the ‘all’.

“Shut up.” She crosses her arms and pouts.

“Apparently you don’t know who cute you look when you pout.” I kiss her briefly.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now