Chapter 14

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Diana’s POV

“Harry?” I yell his name for the fifth time and again receive no answer.

Where is that boy? I have been looking for him since I woke up which was about ten minutes ago and I can’t find him anywhere. I don’t know where he disappeared too. It’s now after ten in the morning and I just woke up. I slept a little late because of Harry snoring and talking in his sleep last night which took me a while to fall asleep.

I can’t help but recall him saying my name in his sleep. He said my name and then mumbled something afterward that I didn’t quite get to hear. But what I want to know is why was he dreaming about me? Was he dreaming about me or just recalling the events of the day because I heard him mention Christmas Shoes which made me think about yesterday when we watched the movie.

The thing is, I want to ask him about that but I don’t exactly know how. What would I say, “Harry where you dreaming about me last night”, or “Why where you saying my name in your dream Harry”, or “Where you reliving the events of the day in your sleep or just talking out loud about what happened.” They all seem like such stupid questions to ask him.

“Harry?” I yell him name again. That’s the sixth time.

I walk down the hallway and double check his room. The bed is just how I left it a while ago; still messy with the sheets all ruffled and a pair of his trousers lying on the floor and still no sign of him. I wonder where he is right now. Did he leave me in this huge house all by myself?

From where I am I see a door further down the hallway slightly open. I make my way over to it and I peer inside. The room is stacked with papers and books, lots and lots of books. I push the door open and walk inside to get a better look and to see if Harry is in here. I take a deep breath and call his name again. I wait and listen but yet again receive no answer. Okay its official, I am home alone just like Kevin.

I brush the thought out of my head and walk over to where I see a desk by the window. Wow it has a nice view here. It’s overlooking the forest behind his house. I spot a guitar on the chair close by the desk. Harry never told me about this room. I wonder what he does in here. Maybe writes songs or something. I glance at the open book on the table.

“Diana let me the one to light a fire inside those eyes.” What?

My breath hitches in my throat and I stare at the words in front of me. Did I read right or am I going blind? I can’t believe what I just read.

“Diana let me be the one to light a fire inside those eyes.” I read the words again and again.

Okay so this looks like its Harry’s handwriting, although I have never seen his handwriting before, but who else would it be? It is him who has written this but why? I don’t understand. Why would he write this and include my name? It is about me but what does it mean? What does he mean light a fire inside my eyes? Am I that badly hurt that it shows in my eyes, and Harry notices this? I don’t know why but I feel my stomach flutter thinking about this. I mean after all that has happened to think now that Harry notices and sees my pain and he actually cares is something to consider.

I feel a tear on my cheek just thinking about this. Why am I so sensitive? I guess the reason is with all the negative stuff that has happened to me lately I just don’t think I would find something or someone that would make me happy and care about me, like genuinely care about me. But something is making me think that Harry really does care about me, but I still don’t know. I said I was going to do my best to keep Harry and me from getting close to each other and I still have it in mind.

I quickly scan the other books and see that in here might be his little library. I glance at some of the papers and see that they are mostly lyrics to songs that he is writing. He is a songwriter after all. 

I close the door behind me after I finished rummaging through his stuff. I saw a journal in there but I didn’t bother to read it; I wouldn’t invade his privacy. This probably is his private room or something. Boy, he has so many rooms I have never even seen yet and I would like to go exploring in this mansion of his sometime.

I make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen and head to the fridge to find something to eat. It’s already so late and my stomach is rumbling with hunger. I look but see nothing quite edible at the moment; they all have to be cooked or something then to become food.

I turn around and see a bowl covering something underneath it on the counter. I lift the bowl and see an omelette with a note on the table right beside the plate. I lift the note and begin to read, “Hi love just went to the grocery to get milk and eggs, we’re all out. Be back in a while. Love Harry xxx.”

Oh so that’s where he went. I could have just called him but the weird thing is, I don’t even have his number, silly me. Before I didn’t see the need to have his number but now I do. When he gets back we’ll exchange numbers.

I look down at the omelette. Is there anyone else as sweet as this guy? I had no idea guys like him existed. Maybe they don’t, maybe they’re extinct and he’s the only one left. I chuckle at the thought, lucky to have met him. I quickly wash my hands and feel to see if the omelette is cold or warm. It’s cold so I heat it up in the microwave then sit by the counter and have breakfast.


Harry’s POV                                                       

I let out a huff of air as I step inside the house. I take a look around then head into the warm kitchen. I feel so much warmer in here than outside in the cold December air. I took almost an hour in the grocery because of the long line; I hope Diana saw the omelette and ate rather than to starve waiting on me.

I don’t see her anywhere I wonder if she’s still asleep. I’ve never left her home alone so I do hope she’s alright. After putting the milk and eggs in the fridge I walk into the living room still looking for her. Luckily I spot a head of blonde curls, legs curled up in the far end of the sofa close to the Christmas tree. I think she likes that seat because of the tree maybe.

I walk closer and see her head bending over a book. Her eyes are focusing on what she’s reading and her blonde curls are cascading down on her shoulders and around her face. She looks so beautiful intent on what she’s doing. I smile watching her from afar. Without a second thought I pull out my phone from my pocket and snap a few shots of her. I take off the click and the flash so she doesn’t even know a thing.

I shove my phone back into my back pocket and walk over to her. I take a seat on the couch beside her. I wonder if she knows that I’m here because she hasn’t lifted her head from the book as yet. It’s probably a pretty interesting book. I shift a little for her to feel the sofa shake to know that I’m here.

She keeps her eyes on the pages but says, “Hi Harry. I borrowed your book, hope you don’t mind.” She lifts the cover for me to see.

My eyes go wide when I see the book she’s reading. My Fifty Shades Of Grey book. Where did she find it?

“Diana, where did you find this book? And why are you reading it?” I snatch it out of her hands.

“Aw come on Harry please. It’s pretty interesting.” She pouts.

“No you shouldn’t be reading this book.” I stand and she soon follows after me.

“Harry please.” She snatches it out from my hands and disappears upstairs.

 I run after her and when I reach to her room I realise I’m too late. She’s in her room with the door locked. Ugh why did she have to find that book of all the books I have. 

Goal on the whole book: 515 reads, 115 votes and 258 comments. 

Guys it's almost Christmas! Ahh anyone still not feeling the spirit? I don't know why but the Christmas bug hasn't bitten me yet sadly. 3 days for Xmas! xoxo

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