Chapter 69

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I reached chapter 69 lol. Sorry I've got a naughty mind but don't blame me; Harry's where I got it from. He has a very dirty mind. Nah to be honest I got naughty because of Wattpad lol.

Oh the pic to the top is the shorts Diana is wearing to go out :)

Diana's POV

It's now Friday, a whole week has passed and my finals are over, thank God. Now I have to start preparing for graduation since I'm not going to prom. I can't help but feel excited that I'm about to graduate. I couldn't wait for the time to come and now it's approaching us. I can't wait! I'm so excited. I hope Harry is excited for me to graduate as well.

Speaking of him, we haven't had much of a conversation since our fight and now I think he hates me. I feel so bad and sorry for what I've done but he has no right to be hanging out and kissing that girl, Amanda even though she resembles me. I feel so upset about that because it sounds and feels like he's replacing me with some other girl he doesn't even know properly.

I shrug those thoughts out of my head and walk over to the couch. I plop down to wait on Samantha to come and pick me up. She said that we just had to go shopping today and I agreed with her because all I want right now is a distraction from Harry. My mind has been driving me crazy because believe it or not I have been having suicidal thoughts again. I hate thinking like that but I can't help myself.

I need to distract myself from those thoughts and Harry because if I don't he'll lose both me and our baby. Sometimes I feel like I can't take it anymore and it hurts to know that since I've become a teenager I've never had a good time for a long period. It was either taken away from me or fate changed and something else had to happen for me to end up in pain and misery. I hate my life so much.

After about fifteen minutes of waiting I decide to ring Sam up and see if she's still coming to pick me up or not. I don't get her on the first few rings but she picks up as I was about to hang up.

"Hey, are you ready?" She excitedly asks over the line.

"Yes I'm ready like Freddy. Where are you?" I get up from the couch and pace around a little.

"I'm almost there don't worry." With that she hangs up.

I grab my bag from the couch and walk over to the mirror we have in the living room to see if I look approachable and good enough to leave the house. I notice that my hair is a little too curly so I pass my fingers in my hair to straighten the curls out a bit. Just then a figure appears from behind me that makes me feel somewhat tense.

"Where are you going?" Harry asks as he looks at me through the mirror.

"Out." I reply with a short answer.

After so long he now decides to talk to me when I'm about to go out? Oh great timing Harry.

"You're not leaving this house with that." He points to my shorts.

I turn around to face him, "What's wrong with what I'm wearing?"

"It's too short, go change." He turns to go and leave me alone but I stand in front of him.

"What do you mean it's too short?" I cross my arms on my chest.

"All your freaking legs are showing you're not going out looking like that Diana." He raises his voice a little.

"Yes I am. You're not my father you can't tell me what to wear." I raise my voice too.

"Yes I can. I may not be your father Diana but like it or not I'm still your boyfriend and I still care about you. And let's not forget that I'm your legal guardian." He gives me a stern look.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now