Chapter 27

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Harry’s POV

I flutter my sleepy eyes open and very soon a yawn escapes my mouth. I rub the sleepiness out of my eyes and sit up a little from the bed. I glace on the wall and see the clock saying 11:16am. Gosh it’s late. I don’t usually sleep this late but I think it’s because Diana and I stayed up later than usual last night. I turn to look for her on the bed. I see her eyes slightly opening and closing like she’s trying to get the sleepiness out as well.

“Good morning, love.” I say then realizing how deep my voice sounds in the morning.

“Good morning, cupcake.” She yawns and throws the covers off of her body.

“Hey did you forget I have to help your mom prepare the food today for tomorrow? Wow look at the time.” She glances on the wall the hurries into the bathroom.

“Oh yeah I almost forgot. You better hurry up.” I plop back down on the bed to wait until she’s finished in there so I can use it.

“Diana? Baby, are you done yet?” I knock on the bathroom door.

It’s been about almost ten minutes and she’s still in there. I knock again.

“I’m coming Harry.” She calls from in the bathroom.

“Hurry up would you? You don’t want me to come in there do you? I really need to pee.” I stand in front of the door waiting on her.

“No I wouldn’t like you to come in here.” She calls back.

“But what’s the point? I saw you naked already.” I reply back to her.

“What? When did you see me naked Harry?” She asks.

“Well when I saved you, remember? You were naked that time and I saw you.” I tell her.

“Oh yeah but I was bleeding so I don’t think you saw anything.” She says.

I hear the door opening and I watch as she appears with her towel wrapped around her body. Little water droplets drips from her body and onto the carpeted floor. She’s wearing a cute smile and she leaves the door open for me.

“Uh thanks. And that’s not an excuse; I still saw you naked.” I stand by the door waiting for her to answer me.

She just sticks her tongue out at me playfully and I just giggle at her. I resist the urge though to go over to her and pull out her towel from around her body.


Harry’s POV

“Well looks like Harry gave you an early Christmas present honey.” My mom says to Diana as we enter the kitchen again.

We just had breakfast and now we enter the kitchen yet again to help my mom and Gemma with the cooking.

“An early Christmas present?” Diana asks confused.

I see mom staring at her neck and I soon realize what she’s talking about. Diana turns to me with a confused look on her face. She’s so oblivious to what mom’s talking about.

“Well I guess you two had a lot of fun last night so in that case you slept in. It’s okay but we have to get started on preparing the food.” Mom says and walks over to the counter.

“No mom it’s not like that. We didn’t do anything last night.” I defend us. She probably thinks we had sex which we didn’t.

“Uh I still don’t know what we’re talking about here.” Diana says sounding lost.

“Honey I was talking about the hickey on your neck.” Mom answers while chopping up some carrots.

“What? Harry!” She looks at me and I just smile a smug smile at her.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now