Chapter 6

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Harry’s POV

“Hey morning love. How are you this morning? Did you sleep good last night?” I make my way over to the pan where I pour out the pancake batter.

After a few moments of Diana’s silence, I turn my head towards her and I see tears rolling down her gorgeous cheeks. Gosh, what could be wrong with her? I flip over the pancake and quickly make my way over to her.

“What’s wrong Princess, was it something I said?” I cup her face in my hands and hold it up for her to look at me. She shakes her head.

“Then what’s wrong?” I wipe some of her tears with my thumb.

“Just seeing you in that apron making pancakes reminds me of my mom.” She says making more tears stream down her cheeks.

“Aw I’m sorry.” I pull her into a tight embrace.

I listen to her soft sobs and feel her body shake slightly as she weeps in my arms. I stroke her soft blonde hair in effect to calm her. We stay like this until I smell something burning and realise that it’s the pancake. I lead her to sit on the sofa and hurriedly rush off to the kitchen and turn off the stove before bad turns to worse.

Phew is the only thing that leaves me mouth. I’m so relieved to have taken care of that before it became a huge fire and spread throughout my mansion. Man, that would have sucked.

I glance in the direction of the couch and see the TV is playing with the volume low while Diana takes in whatever is happening there. I don’t want to bother her but I want her to eat. And I can’t let her go to school without eating.

So I have no other option. I walk over to where she sits and take a seat beside her. I look at her and sure enough her focus is on the flat screen TV in front of us. I look down and see that I’m still wearing my apron but what the heck I still have to finish making pancakes.

“Diana? Are you hungry, love?” I pat her shoulder.          

She turns her head to me and she nods. I smile at her wiping off the frown off of her face because she smiles together with me. I can see no evidence that she was crying just now which makes me wonder if she always does that. What if she cries all the time because she misses her parents but never tells me about it and hides all evidence, possibly thinking that I would call her weak if she ever did tell me about it? 

“Hey do you want to put up the tree when you get back from school?” I change the subject trying to lighten the mood.

“The tree?” She looks at me in confusion.

“Yeah the tree.” I reply with a decent smile.

“What tree are you talking about?” She still looks as confused as hell.

“The Christmas tree love. It’s almost Christmas so I was wondering if you would like to put it up later.” I look at her anxiously waiting for her answer.

“Um maybe next month. It’s almost the ending of November and I’m still not yet into the Christmas spirit.” She looks across at me.

“Aw okay whenever you’re ready. So you ready to eat right?” I stand waiting for her answer to bring her breakfast for her.

“Yep.” She answers popping the p.


It’s been a few hours since Diana left for school and the house seems empty without her. I sit at my desk, scanning my brain for useful words that I can make into lyrics. I have been working on this song for about a week and I still haven’t completed it as yet.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now