Chapter 62

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Harry’s POV

I’m waken up by loud screaming. My eyes shoot open and I sit up searching the dark room to see where the screaming is coming from. I turn my head to my left and I see Diana sobbing in her pillow. I think she had another nightmare. I hate when she has nightmares because it not only wakes me up in the middle of the night but it affects her badly and that hurts me. She went through so many things in her young life and I hate the fact that she’s going through more stuff now even if it’s only in her dreams.

“Diana, what’s wrong?” I flip her hair to one side over her shoulder and try to pick her up from burying her head in her pillow.

“Princess, come on what’s the matter? Did you have another nightmare?” I manage to raise her up and she nods her head while snuggling into my chest.

I pull her close and press a kiss on her head. She grips my t-shirt rather tightly and I hear her sniffling. I lift her head up with my index finger and wipe her tears with my thumb. I lie back down on the bed while holding her with me.

“Baby if you don’t tell me what’s bothering you I’ll let you go.” I threaten.

“Harry…Wilma…our baby…blood...everywhere…” She starts back crying after she says this.

Wilma? Our baby? Blood everywhere? What does she mean by that? Did she dream that?

“Baby, I don’t understand what you mean.” She climbs up on me and wraps her arms around my neck while she continues to cry into my chest.

I hate when she’s crying and I don’t know what she’s crying for. What does she mean by that? I can’t put it together; how in the world did Wilma get in her dream and why was there blood everywhere? And she dreamt our baby?

“Princess, what do you mean? What happened to Wilma and our baby? And why was there blood everywhere? I don’t understand.” I wrap my arms around her small body on top of me.

“Calm down baby everything will be alright, just tell me why you’re crying, please.” I beg her.

She doesn’t answer she just continues crying. She moves up a little higher where she buries her face in my neck. I have to know why she’s crying but she’s not telling me. Maybe I should wait until she calms down and ask her about it in the morning. I hope that helps. I glance at the clock on the wall which reads 4:56am. I pull the covers up on us because it’s way too early for us to get up. I hope Diana calms down by the time we have to get up which will be around eight so she can tell me what’s bothering her and why she’s crying.



“You and I

We don’t wanna be like them

We can make it till the end

Nothing can come between

You and I

Not even the Gods above

Can separate the two of us

No, nothing can come between

You and I

Oh, you and I”

I wrote those lyrics down a long time and now is the only time I have gotten to try to sing it to see how it sounds. I actually wrote it when Diana left me because she thought I had cheated on her with Wilma and I had faith that we would get back together. And thank God we are together again. I smile to myself at the lyrics I have down. This is just the chorus though I still haven’t written the verses but when I do I bet you they’ll be just as amazing as the chorus is.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now