Chapter 39

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Jack’s POV

“Thanks Wilma.” I hand her the money she asked for.

I overheard her and two of her friends talking about Harry a day I was passing by their school’s parking lot, the guy that my girlfriend’s is living with, and they said something about Diana being in their way. So when her friends both went their separate ways I walked up to Wilma and asked her if she could do me a favour. And fortunately she agreed because all she wanted was to sleep with Harry to get back at Diana for something. All I want is to make Diana lose all her trust in Harry and that way I’ll make her fall for me again. I won’t rest till I have my girlfriend back.

Wilma takes the money and does something I weren’t expecting. Instead of walking away with the money as I expected her to do she pushes the money away in her purse and then she places one of her hand on my chest. Her hand trails down to the band of my jeans and she smirks.

“I’ll only leave if you give me what I want. And I know you can tell what that is.” She whispers seductively.

I take a tight grip on her hand and push her away. I give her a stern and angry look which makes her smirk grow even bigger.

“You know I like bad boys.” She laughs an ugly laugh.

“Wilma I don’t like you now leave.” I raise my voice a little.

“Oh what makes you think I like you?” She asks in an ugly, bitchy tone of voice.

With that she pulls out something in a little packet.

“What is that?” I ask her with a confused look on my face.

“I drugged Harry and I slept with him so maybe I can do the same thing to you.” She laughs.


Diana’s POV

There are a few things that have been on my mind lately but one thing is really bothering me. I don’t know why I feel this way; somehow I’m feeling this sudden inner fear. I don’t know why I’m feeling this way and I’m getting frustrated. I don’t like it and I can’t help but wonder what it’s all about. I mean what is there for me to fear? No, the real question is why should I have fear in my heart when I have Harry here to protect me? But I don’t think it’s a fear of me not being protected or anything I have that something bad is coming my way and I don’t think I’m prepared for it as yet.


Harry’s POV

From since yesterday Diana has been more to herself and a lot quieter than she usually is. She wasn’t exactly in the mood to cuddle with me last night and she wasn’t even cheerful this morning. I know something’s bothering her and I want to ask her about it but if I do I’m afraid her answer might be about what happened yesterday. I still don’t know what happened yesterday exactly and when she told me that she saw me half naked on the bed and Wilma was in her underwear I think I know what happened. I know nothing lasts forever and I was worried about Diana and my relationship being ruined somehow but don’t matter what comes in my way I’ll stand up for us.

I sigh and plop down on the couch next to my girlfriend. She doesn’t take her eyes off of the television. I stare at her for a little while hoping she would turn her face in my direction but sadly she doesn’t.

“Knock knock?” I’ve never told her any of my knock knock jokes so hopefully it’ll cheer her up.

She just looks at me confused and I smile at her. I take her hand in mine and repeat the question.

She catches on and replies with, “Who’s there?”

“A cow goes...” I continue.

“A cow goes who?” She asks.

“No, a cow goes moo.” I burst out laughing she joined in.

“Harry that was a stupid joke.” She says after our laughing has died down.

“If it was then why did you laugh?” I poke her cheeks and she smiles.

That’s how I like to see her all smiles.

“Baby, what is bothering you?” I change my tone and ask her what I’ve been meaning to ask her before. I just needed to lighten her mood a bit.

She shakes her and head and says, “Nothing, Harry. I’m absolutely fine.”

“Diana, I know you’re not fine. You’re anything but fine.” I reply.

She doesn’t reply to that. I don’t know what to say to her since she’s not telling me anything.

“Princess, you know you can tell me anything, right?” I ask and she nods her head.

Then she unexpectedly hugs me and I hug her back. She squeezes me tight in her embrace and I feel like I don’t want her to let go of me. I squeeze her as well but not too tight to squash her or anything.

After a couple minutes of hugging we pull away and I kiss her hair lightly. She looks up at me and for a moment we’re both lost in each other’s eyes. Her beautiful pools of blue are so fascinating and I find myself getting lost in them. She cocks her head to side and lean in closer to me. We’re so close now that I can feel her breath on my lips. I know what she wants so I decide to tease her a bit.

I take my bottom lip between my teeth and bite on it a bit. Then I lick my lips while staring at hers. I stare back up at her eyes and I see her gaze is on my lips. I lean in a little closer to her so that my lips are slightly brushing hers. She lets out a soft moan as I brush my lips against hers again. Then I lick her bottom lip and she groans rather loudly.

I smirk up at her and continue to tease her until she gets fed up and holds me by the neck and crash her lips onto mine. I can’t help but smile into the kiss. Then I deepen it by flicking my tongue inside her mouth. Both our tongues dance and move in perfect sync. I feel Diana’s nimble fingers moving in my curls and slightly tugging on the strands now and then. I move one of my hands to the small of her back while the other one is caressing her chest. She lets out a light moan and then she bites my bottom lip.

I can’t help but feel the heat on my cheeks because of her brave move. I move my hand further down her lower back and I stop just above her bum. I hold her tight and steady while we continue to kiss. We kiss till our mouths get tired and our lungs run out of air.

In case you guys are confused, Wilma drugged Harry and slept with him, she did the same thing to Jack. Jack may be a jerk but he’s not a guy that sleeps around that’s why he didn’t want to sleep with Wilma and also because he wants Diana back. Please vote and comment. I love you guys, thanks again xxx. 

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