Chapter 50

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Diana’s POV

“Excuse me bitch.” Wilma snares as she pushes past me.

I feel the anger in me rising as I watch her walk out the double doors and into the parking lot. She’s so mean and such a slut. I take a few deep breathes to keep from getting angry at her. I haven’t seen her hanging out with her two companions, Kerry and Liz, lately. I wonder what happened between them.

I don’t pay any more attention to her and walk out into the parking lot myself. I scan the lot for Harry’s vehicle which is nowhere in sight. I pull my phone out getting ready to call him up when the sound of his horn fills the air and my ears. I look up from my phone before quickly placing it back in my pocket and hurrying over to the car.

After getting in and buckling up Harry asks about my day at school. I hate school so much and I hate talking about it but I spill out all the events of what had happened today to him. I told him about all the homework I got, how Wilma bumped into me and called me a ‘bitch’, how nice Matt has been acting lately, and I got a new project assignment due for next week with my new partner Angela.

“Well your day sounds kinda hmm…what’s the word...alright, I guess.” He replies.

“Yeah I guess.” I shrug.

“Diana, you can make your days at school so much more fun. Why don’t you?” He suddenly asks.

“Harry, I hardly have friends at school. And the only people that actually talk to me are Matt, Eric and Adam. The others only talk to me if they have to, like Angela is my new partner for the project so she has to talk to me otherwise she doesn’t even know I exist.” I explain.

“What about Wilma?” He inquires without taking his eyes off of the road.

“What about her?” I look in his direction.

“Well she talks to you too.” He glances at me.

“So?” I cross my arms.

“Well…never mind.” He sighs.

He soon pulls up in his driveway and shuts the car off. We both get out and inside his house.

“Harry, why was Wilma dancing on you at the party?” I finally find it in me to ask about it.

It has been bothering me for a long time now and I just couldn’t keep it in any longer; I need to know why she was grinding up on him and why he was enjoying it.

I take a seat on the couch and Harry follows and he takes a seat beside me.

“Princess, I can’t remember anyone dancing on me at the party.” He casually replies.

“Are you sure, because she wasn’t just dancing on you she was grinding up on you. And you seemed to have liked it very much.” I turn to my body so that I’m facing him.

“Well I can’t remember anything like that.” He replies without giving much thought into it. “Maybe I was too drunk to even know what I was doing.”

I sink further into my seat. I do remember him being really drunk to the point where he didn’t even interject to Jack’s offering to take us home. But if he was sober he might have been pretty upset by Jack being there in our presence. He knew what Jack did to me and he would be furious to know that he kissed me that same night. I guess we were both out of our character that night because of the party.

“I was really drunk, Diana. Remember what a bad hangover I had the day after?” He says and I remember how he stayed in bed almost all day, throwing up most of the time.

“Yes but I’m still upset.” I frown at him.

“Well I can’t remember anything, what do you want me to do?!?” He shouts. “Diana, you know I love you. Don’t you trust me anymore?!?”

“Maybe I don’t.” I murmur, barely audible.

“What?” He asks, total shock appears across his face.

“I’m sorry but I have been thinking about this for the past few days and Harry I don’t think I trust you anymore.” I whisper.

“What? Why?” He cups my cheeks and forces me to look into his eyes.

I turn my face away and try to let go of his grasp. I can’t help but feel sorry for him and I can’t stop the tears that roll down my cheeks. I really don’t know if I can trust him anymore. I have been so caught up in his love and I think I was too blind to realise that I can’t trust him anymore. The day when I saw Wilma in his room it was so obvious that they slept together and then she was dancing on him at the party and he was enjoying it so it adds up; they have something going on that I don’t know about.

“Harry, I hate to say it but I think we both need some space away from each other.” I manage to move his hands from on my cheeks and let his hands fall into his lap.

I get up and leave him sitting there alone on the couch in his thoughts. I know he must be feeling bad about what I just did because I know I am but I think it’s the right thing right now.


I turn on my right then roll over on my stomach. I position myself on the pillow properly but still I don’t feel comfortable. I’m so accustomed to Harry cuddling me at night and falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat. My head is usually on his chest, on his beating heart which helps me to fall asleep properly. I haven’t seen him since dinner which was about three hours ago. He cooked and we just ate in silence, something we hardly ever do.

 After I left him downstairs to go finish up my homework and now I’m in the bed that we share hoping that he’ll come up to sleep. What is wrong with me? We haven’t seen in each other in just three hours and I’m missing him already. We really need to stop being so close to each other.

I get out of the bed and adjust the AC. I glance at the clock on the wall and see that it’s after ten. I wonder where he is. Maybe I should go and check on him to see if he’s alright. No, I need to stop worrying about him. After arguing with myself a little while I decide to just check on him; I mean there’s nothing wrong in checking to see if he’s alright.

I slip out of the room and down the dark hallway. When I reach the top of the staircase I glance down to see if I can see him anywhere. Unfortunately I don’t see any sign of him so I rush down the stairs. I stop at the bottom though because that’s when I spot a sleeping Harry on the couch hugging the teddy bear he won for me at the fair we went to three months ago.

He looks so cute and cuddly. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that he’s alright and sound asleep. I guess he did the right thing in not coming up to the room we share. I think it’s better that we do spend more time apart and see how that goes. I sigh and climb back upstairs.

I really hope he has nothing with Wilma but it seems like something is up with them both. He’s not the type of guy to cheat, right? Maybe he is and I never suspected it. I don’t know what to think right now because I am confused. I feel like going back downstairs and cuddling up to Harry on the sofa but I’m definitely not going to do that. We do need some space.

 Sorry I took forever to update but I went to spend some time with my aunt and I didn’t take my laptop with me so I couldn’t write or update. Tell me what you guys think please. Comment as much as you can please and don’t forget to vote, thank you again to everyone for reading my book. You guys mean a lot, all of you. All the love x. (I sound like Harry now lol because after almost every tweet he always writes, all the love x.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now