Chapter 63

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Diana’s POV

I hear the doorbell ring from downstairs and I quickly get up from my bed and rush down the stairs before Harry gets the chance to call me. I walk to the foyer and see Harry talking to my new best friend Samantha by the front door. I watch as he shows her inside the huge house and her eyes scan the place so admiringly. I think I did the same thing when I first came here. I walk out of the shadows and closer to them where Sam immediately spots me.

“Diana.” She runs over and pulls me in a tight embrace.

“Nice to see you too, Samantha.” I greet her.

 She smiles and let’s go of me. I then introduce her and Harry to each other. After the introduction I lead the way upstairs to my room with her following behind. I notice that her eyes are still wondering the huge mansion Harry has here. I don’t blame her I did the same thing but I got used to it now. After a time you get used to living in a mansion and it doesn’t feel as big and spacious as it used to before.

“Wow this house is unbelievably huge!” She exclaims as I open the door to my room.

“Yes I know.” I chuckle as we walk in.

“And your boyfriend is really hot.” She nudges my side.

“Yes he is.” I agree and start looking for my books.

I invited her over to study with me this whole week. We only have this week to study for finals which are next week and I feel so pressured and stressed. I’m trying not to because I’m pregnant but I just can’t help but feel that way. Well over the past week Samantha and I have grown closer and now I can say that we are best friends, well at least that’s what she calls me. I wonder if I should tell her about me being pregnant.

I didn’t really get to describe her; she has long brown hair, pretty grey eyes and a nice face. Her body is average I would say but she has curves and she’s a little taller than me. From the last week I have learned that she’s more of a bubbly type of girl, one that talks about random stuff at random times, and she doesn’t care what others think about her.

“So, did you two do the deed yet?” She wiggles her eyebrows naughtily at me.

“What?” I know my face is as red as a tomato now because of her question.

 “Oh don’t play innocent Diana.” She plops down on my bed and watch as I dig through my book bag for my notes.

“Here let’s study.” I hand her a few of my notebooks that we’re going to use to study.

“Don’t ignore the question.” She rolls on her stomach and flips through my history book.

“Let’s forget about Harry and just study it’s already eight fifteen.” I try to change the subject.

“Come on Diana, don’t ignore me. So did you two do it or not? If you don’t answer I’ll just continue to nag you about it.” She pushes her long brown hair out of her face.

“Alright fine, yes we did.” I give in.

“Oh my God, really? How good was he? Did he take your virginity? Is he big…?” I cut her off.

“Samantha!” I yell at her and I can tell that my face is red.

“On come on, is he big?” She teases.

I just smile and shake my head at her.

“Can we study please?” I kindly ask and she just pouts at me.


Harry’s POV

I walk over to the living room and plop down on the sofa. It’s been two hours since Diana and her new friend, Samantha and came over to study. I hope they really are studying and not messing around. But there’s something that is bothering me and it’s about our unborn baby. What Diana told me yesterday is still lingering in my brain and I can’t seem to get it out. I didn’t sleep properly last night because I kept thinking about it and I can’t seem to get it out of my mind.

I flip through a few channels and end up on ESPN where a football match between Manchester United and Doncaster Rovers are on. Football is the only thing that would clear my mind. There’s this guy named Louis Tomlinson and he’s pretty good; he scored two goals for his team Doncaster Rovers. Wayne Rooney just scored one goal for his team Man United and that’s the team I’m supporting but apparently this Tomlinson guy is on fire because there he goes with the ball and scores another goal for his team. 

Finally in the end Doncaster Rovers won because of this Tomlinson guy and I must say I’m surprised. I wasn’t expecting them to win. They won 3-2. I turn off the TV and get up and go into the kitchen to make myself a snack and then head off to bed. I hear chatter and from the stairs and I see Diana and her friend Samantha heading downstairs.

I fix my snack and head out to where they are in the foyer. When Diana sees me she wraps one of her arms around my waist and smile at me. I haven’t seen them in a while and that’s when I took dinner up for them both. I cooked some chicken, mashed potatoes and salad for dinner and they enjoyed it. Sam seems like a nice girl and I always wished for Diana to get a best friend sometime. I mean although she has me she needs a girl friend to hang out with too and talk and do girl stuff with.

“Well goodnight Diana, goodnight Harry. See you two tomorrow.” Sam yawns and waves as Diana opens the front door for her.

“Bye.” We say in unison.

“So we have the house for ourselves again.” I teasingly smile at her as he closes the front door again.

“No, we have a baby in the house too.” She looks up at me.

“Yes, an unborn baby.” I correct her.

She leans in closer and tiptoes to press her lips against mine. I feel the sparks again in my body whenever she kisses me.  I tell you this girl will drive me crazy. She pulls me by my neck and her tongue enters my mouth. Both our tongues fight and dance around with one another and I feel her grip my shirt and neck with her long nails which makes me growl in her mouth. She lets out a soft laugh because of this and I can’t help but smile into the kiss. Finally she pulls away and leaves us both breathless.

“Let’s go to bed. I’m really tired.” She speaks after she catches her breath.

“Yes, me too.” I hold her hand as we walk upstairs to bed.

Sorry for the wait and sorry that it's short. How's everyone? Tomorrow's Easter so Happy Easter in advance to everyone and I hope you guys have a great holiday. Be safe xxxx

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