Chapter 35

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Diana’s POV

Today is Harry’s birthday. Three weeks has passed and everything went rather smoothly with us during that space of time. Most of the memories I remember are of Harry and I making love though. Just the thought of it brings heat to my cheeks. He can be so naughty sometimes but very romantic. But the Harry I love the most is the sweet, adorable cute one. I have never seen him angry or upset as yet but I really shouldn’t say never. Everyone’s got a dark side and I know one day I’ll see Harry’s even though I don’t want to.

I’m busy in the kitchen making Harry breakfast. He’s still asleep so maybe he might just get breakfast in bed. He’s been such a sweet boyfriend to me and I have realized that I’m not that good of a girlfriend. I should be more loving to him and give him more than what he bargains for. Harry has done so many things for me; he has been the most sweet and loving boyfriend any girl can ever ask for and let’s not forget him actually saving me a couple of times.

I need to show him my appreciation, love and affection a little more than I usually do. I really do owe my whole life to him for everything he’s done for me and everything he’s helped me through. He has been here for me in such tough times and I love him for that. But the thing that worries me the most at the moment is, how in the world am I going to get the courage to leave from here when I turn 18? I can’t depend on Harry just because he’s rich. My mom always wanted me to get myself a job and become one of those independent women. But I don’t know what the hell to do.

I sigh and grab the tray of food and head upstairs. I made him French toast, eggs with bacon and poured him a glass of orange juice. I push open the door only to find him still under the covers sound asleep. I make my way over to the nightstand and place the tray down. I sit down softly on the bed and look at him while he sleeps. He looks so beautiful taking heavy breaths and letting out soft snoring sounds. There may be so many other beautiful guys out there but to me Harry is the most beautiful guy in the entire world.

“I love you.” I whisper and press a kiss to his forehead which makes him stir a bit.

His body shakes a little and a few minutes after his eyes flutter open. He rubs them trying to get the drowsiness out. He sits up and turns to face me. Aw he looks so cute with his long curly hair in a huge mess and his eyelids still heavy with sleep. He looks up at me and I see a huge grin emerging on his gorgeous face. I can’t help but smile back.

“Happy birthday cupcake.” I lean in and hug him.

He wraps his long arms around my body and whispers a small ‘thank you’ in his really deep morning voice which sends a chill up my spine. He passes his long fingers through my long blonde hair while he still has me in an embrace. We stay like this for a few minutes until he gently lets go of me.

“Good morning I brought you breakfast in bed.” I say proudly while turning around and retrieving the tray from the nightstand and placing it on the bed.

“Really? Aw thank you baby.” He presses a soft kiss to my hair.

“No problem. It’s your birthday so I thought I should treat you special.” I’m gonna treat you really special today, I thought to myself.

It’s his day and he deserves to be treated like a King. I smile to myself thinking of what I have planned for him for today. I bet he’s gonna love it.


Harry’s POV

I walk downstairs with a huge grin on my face as I spot Diana in a really, really sexy dress, leaning over the counter. Her back is to me so I walk up to her and hug her from behind. She turns around in my embrace and hands me a bouquet of red roses.

“Happy birthday.” She presses a kiss to my cheek.

Then another one and another and with every kiss she presses to my lips she wishes me a happy birthday. The last kiss she gives me is more passionate and loving. Then he pulls away and gives me a big hug.

“Wow am I that special?” I ask with a smirk.

“You are really, really special to me.” She smiles and kisses my nose.

“How many kisses was that?” I ask.

“Nineteen. You’re nineteen today, right?” She rubs her nose to mine.

I nod my head so enchanted by the look in her beautiful eyes. She smiles and takes a few steps back. I gaze at her and then at the outfit she’s wearing. It’s a very pretty and short dress. Then I realized there’s a bow on her waist. I look at her with a confused look and she just smiles.

“Happy birthday, Styles. I’ll be your gift now and forever.” She replies.

I don’t know what to say to her. I can’t believe she just said that to me. I love this girl so much but I didn’t know she loves me the same way. The way she said that was more like in a teasing way but I love it. She walks back closer to me and places a hand on my chest and the other one in my hair. Then she starts to kiss me again. I feel myself getting turned on as the kiss deepens. We kiss each other in a loving way and I can feel myself getting drunk with her love. I want her. I need her.

I lift her up bridal style without breaking the kiss. I take her up to the bedroom still not breaking our passionate kiss. I lay her down on the bed and continue to kiss her. But she has other plans; she switches us around so that she’s on top of me now. She straddles me and continues to kiss me. Then she does something I really wasn’t expecting her to do; she starts to move her hips slightly on my crotch. I feel all the blood rushing to my lower half and in seconds I have a hard on.

“Baby I need you, now.” I whisper to her as she kisses my chest.

 “Of course. It’s your birthday and this is the best present you can ever get.” She replies seductively.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now