Chapter 16

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Harry’s POV

I knock on Diana’s door, waiting outside for her to let me in. I don’t know if she’s still asleep. She slept here in her room last night; boy I had a terrible time trying to fall asleep without her. I knock once more but the door is still closed. I try the knob, which is locked, again but I’m not in luck; it’s still locked. I call, wait and listen for her answer but I don’t receive any.

Okay this is insane. I race down the hall to my room to retrieve the key for her room. I always keep extra keys for each of the rooms secretly hidden in my room. I hunt for the key and when I find it race back to Diana’s room. I open the door and I see no one in the room. The bed is neatly made and nothing is out of order. But the question is; where is she? The only place she can be is the bathroom.

I walk over to the little side door in her room and open it without making a sound and instead of knocking I peer inside. I see her back up against the wall and on the floor with her legs curled up to her chest, her arms wrapped around her legs and her head buried in her knees. Her blonde hair is cascading down over her shoulders and arms. From where I am I can’t tell if she’s crying or just in that position for something else like I don’t know maybe cramps or something.

I step inside the room and take slow easy steps towards her. I don’t want to startle her or anything. I sit my bum on the floor right next to her. I wait for her to look up and when she does I see that her eyes are bloodshot. I can’t imagine what she has been crying for but whatever it is I need to know.

“Diana what’s wrong?” I cup her cheeks and look her in the eyes.

She doesn’t speak tears just cascade down her pink cheeks. God I can’t stand to see her like this. What is the matter with her? All I want right now is to see her smile again. I want to see her happy not crying and hurting herself for God knows what. I can’t sit here and watch her crying like this. I not only need to know what’s bothering her I also need to stop whatever it is that’s causing her to cry and hurt this much.

“H-Harry…” She stutters a little.                      

She takes my hands away from her face and pushes me away. What is she doing? Why is she doing this? What’s wrong with her? Did I do something wrong or something to hurt her?


Diana’s POV

I don’t want to do this but I have no other choice. I don’t want to hurt Harry at any cost but I think I will have to because we are getting too close and I can’t let that happen. I am falling for him, not only because of his good looks but because of the person he truly is. I would let us get closer but this would be too hard for me when I have to leave. My birthday is about three months away. It sure sounds like a long time but time sure flies when you’re having fun and I will leave here when I turn 18. I don’t want to but I have to.

“Diana, please tell me what the matter is.” He pleads.

How can I explain this to him? I can’t…I just can’t. I turn away from him and his pleading eyes. More tears rush down my cheeks and I feel his gaze fixed on me. Why is this so hard? Why do I have to be so weak and fragile?

He takes both my hands and rubs a finger over the scars on my wrists. He is so gentle and sweet. I look up at him and meet his gaze. He holds eye contact with me and I feel more tears tumbling down my cheeks. I can’t help it anymore; I crush myself into his waiting arms and continue to cry. I hate to look weak and sensitive in his eyes but what more can I do? I am weak, fragile, and sensitive and every other thing that describes a weakling like me.

“Please tell me why you’re crying Diana I can’t take your silence any longer.” Harry squeezes me tight.

“Harry I can’t.” I shake my head a little.

“Why? Are you on your period? Because if you are I can get you something for it a…” I cut him off.

“No, no it’s not that. It’s not physical pain it’s worse than that.” I cry.

What can be worse than period cramps? Pushing Harry Styles away that’s what.


Harry’s POV

You know what one of the worst things in life are? Not understanding women. I have understood girls for such a long time and for me as a guy to not understand whatever it is that’s wrong with Diana is difficult for me. I still don’t know what she was crying for this morning but I have to find out whatever it is. First I thought it was me but then changed my mind when she crushed herself into my arms. Well let’s just forget about that for now.

“Look a shooting star!” Diana points to the falling star in the sky.

“Yeah, quick make a wish.” I whisper.

She nods her head and closes her eyes for a brief minute to make her wish. I do the same thing and make one the same time that she does.

“What did you wish for?” I ask while gazing up at the sky.

“I can’t tell you, sorry.” She smiles.

I pull her closer to my body. We are outside lying on the grass sky gazing. I know it’s something couples do but she begged me come out here tonight. It’s a really cold night tonight and I’m surprised it hasn’t started to snow yet. These nights are only getting colder and colder and I can feel the Christmas spirit in the air.

“What did you wish for?” She bats her eyelashes at me to convince me to tell her.

“I can’t tell you, sorry.” I mock her.

She whacks my arm playfully and I chuckle.

I have my arm around her waist while her hands are resting on her chest. She is admiring the beautiful night’s sky while I am admiring her. I want to take another pic of her but she’ll notice because we are too close to each other. I take out my phone anyways and I take a picture of the sky.

“Uh the stars look much bigger in real life.” I examine the photo.

“Yeah they do. Here they look like tiny little dots.” She glances at the picture in my hand.

“Tiny and little means the same thing, you know?” I smirk.

She giggles a little. I love to see her happy. It makes me feel so good especially when she laughs because of me. I want to be the cause for her happiness and not her pain. I want to take away all the pain from her heart. I wish I can take away all the pain she ever experienced in all her lifetime.

“Can you take a picture of me?” She sits up and straightens herself out a little.

“I’d love to.” A smirk plays on my face.

I sit up and brush some of the grass off of my pants. I’m so happy she asked me that question. I was hoping she would but knowing how insecure she is I wasn’t expecting it. She sits and crosses her legs waiting for me to take her picture. I shift the phone around a little and snap a quick photo of her. I examine the picture and notice how cute she looks. She’s wearing a white t-shirt with a jacket over, a pair of blue jeans and a pair of boots. I love her way of dressing; it’s quite similar to mine.

“Let’s take another one this time with you in it.” She gets up and comes to sit next to me.

“Okay Princess.” I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her closer to me. God she smells so good.

 We both smile and I click the photo. I turn my phone back around for us to see the picture. All I see is two people that can make a great couple with genuine smiles plastered on their faces with being close to one another.


Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now