Chapter 28

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Diana’s POV

“Merry Christmas!” Harry tilts my chin up and gently presses his lips onto mine.

“Merry Christmas Harry.” I wish him a Merry Christmas after he gently pulls away.

“I love you.” He pulls me into an embrace.

“I love you too.” I wrap my arms around him and squeeze him tight.

Ah it’s Christmas; the day when our savoir Jesus Christ was born. Christmas comes from the word Christ and the real meaning of the holiday is the birth of Jesus so we are going to church today. Anne said it’s sorta a tradition to go to church on Christmas day which is a nice thing to do.

Harry and I just woke up, we did our morning duties and now we’re getting ready to go to church. I slowly pull away from him and grab my purse to get ready to go. Harry takes one last look in the mirror, fixes his hair a little and then hurries out the door to wait on me. We both walk down the stairs together.

“Ah there my two beautiful babies are, Merry Christmas!” Anne rushes over to us and gives us both a hug.

“Merry Christmas.” Both Harry and I reply in unison.

“Are you and Gem ready?” Harry asks, looking around for his sister.

“I’m ready but Gemma isn’t as yet.” Anne replies going over to take a pic of the Christmas tree with her camera.

“Smile.” She takes a picture of us.

“Uh you caught us off guard mom.” Harry complains looking at the picture.

“I think the flash blinded me.” I reply rubbing my eyes.

“Oh would you guys lighten up it’s just a picture.”  She smiles at us and snaps another one.

“Gemma, would you please hurry up and get your butt down here?” Anne calls from downstairs up to her daughter.

“I’m ready I was just fixing my hair.” Gemma hurriedly walks down the stairs. She looks so pretty.

“We don’t want to be late, Gem.” Harry says to his sister.

“Merry Christmas.” She comes over and gives me a hug first. Then she hugs Harry and we head to church in Harry’s car.


We came from church about an hour ago and just had lunch. The dining table was filled with the amazing aroma and delicious foods we cooked yesterday. We didn’t want to have to be too busy today since its Christmas so we cooked yesterday instead. We just heated up all the food and I just made some fresh salad.

Now Harry and I are walking hand in hand around the block with some carollers. We’re singing ‘Jingle Bell’ and it’s so much fun carolling. We just sang ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ and I can’t deny the fact that Harry has a really amazing singing voice. He should be a singer because he is that good. I told him that but he didn’t believe me.


“Ho ho ho Merry Christmas everyone.” Santa greets us. Or shall I say Harry greets us as we enter the living.

“Time for presents.” He pulls over his empty bag from his shoulder.

He is dressed up as Santa for us. His mom laughs at him, his sister teases him because of the outfit and I just stand there admiring him. He’s really an amazing person. Such a sweetheart. He’d do anything for us to laugh and be happy especially since it’s Christmas Day. I love that about this boy. He always makes everything so much fun.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now