Chapter 9

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Diana’s POV

“Is it true that you live alone with a guy?” Liz bumps her shoulder into me as I walk to class.

“Yeah we heard rumours about that; is it true? It is the guy you came to the dance with?” Wilma asks with attitude.

“Come on bitch we don’t have all day. Don’t just stand there and stare at us like that. Liz asked you question, answer her!” Kerry yells.

Okay these are the three worse girls you can ever come face to face with. They are really mean and the three most popular girls. They think they are bad, they think they are hot, they think they’re the best at everything and would always put you down don’t matter how nice you are to them. They love to gossip and are absolute players. Wilma is the prettiest one of them to me but she’s the one that has slept with almost every guy in school.

“I don’t know what you are talking about. Now would you please excuse me? I have to get to class.” I try to get past them.

“Wait a minute Miss Goody Two Shoes. We want to know if you’re really staying all alone with a guy. Just answer the question, yes or no.” Liz presses.

“No now leave me alone.” I walk past Kerry but she pulls me back and slams me, back first into a close-by locker.

“I now you’re lying I saw you with him already, he’s the one you came to the dance with.” Wilma points a finger at me.

They are blocking my entrance and the first bell has been long gone. Yeah I know I hate school and class and all but I have exams now and they’re just keeping me back. I’m definitely not telling them about Harry.

“I have to get to class.” I push Wilma’s finger away from me and push past her.

“Get her.” Kerry yells getting ready to run after me but Wilma stops her.

I have no idea what they’re up to but it’s definitely something fishy. I’m lucky I escaped without any bruises or scratches. Did I mention that they are the only girl bullies in school? They bully the younger kids for food and money and to persuade the younger guys, the ones they think are cute, to sleep with them. They don’t care about anyone, besides themselves, or anything.


I had History, Math and English exams done today. I’m so happy I’m finished with Math; that’s one of my problems already taken care of. I have Spanish and PE tomorrow to study for. I’m sure I’ll be passing Art and I don’t even need to study for it.

I make my way down the hallway and to my locker.

“Hey beautiful.” I hear Matt’s voice from the side of my locker.

“What do you want Matt?” I ask while getting my stuff from my locker.

“Well about that rumour you heard…” He trails off and as soon as I hear the word rumour he gets my undivided attention.

“What about the rumour?” I ask wanting him to finish his sentence.

“Well actually…” He scratches his head in a nervous way. Why is he nervous? “I’m the one that started it. Don’t be mad; I’ll explain.” He puts his hands out in front of him like he’s showing that’s he’s innocent when he really isn’t.

“Go on.” I swallow a lump in my throat and wait on him to continue.

“Well remember when you turned down Eric, Adam and me when we asked you to the dance?” He doesn’t make eye contact with me at all.

“Yeah.” I stand there patiently waiting for him to tell me what really happened.

“Well I spied on you and saw the guy you were with. I followed the car to the house that he pulled up to and I saw you both got into the house. I waited for a while to see if you guys would come back out so he can take you home but he never did. Then I remembered that your parents died a while now so I sorta came to the conclusion that you were staying with him. So the next day I told Eric and Adam because I was upset about you turning me down and I was even more upset to see you being so happy and cheerful with that other guy. I knew there was something between you two and then when he showed up to the dance with you I got furious and I started spreading the rumour and saying that you two are together and that you’re staying with him. But don’t say that I’m wrong Diana because I know the truth so don’t deny it.”  He looks at me with angry eyes.

I don’t know what to say or make of this because one thing is for sure, he is correct but there’s no way I’m telling him that. I won’t let him or anyone else know the truth. I can’t tell him or them “well yeah I’m staying with this guy and he’s really nice and he’s pretty decent,” or “you guys are right I am staying with a guy and he’s a really good person at heart and all because he has respect and he behaves in a good manner unlike you boys in this school.”

“So what aren’t you going to speak? Cat got your tongue or something?” Matt speaks rudely at me.

“Just leave me alone.” I walk past him to the exit of the school building.

“Oh so you’re just going to walk away and not answer me? You know I’ve got it right, you know I discovered your little secret and now you’re just gonna run away from facing the truth.” He smirks. “You’re not so innocent after all Miss Cullen. But I’ll have you know I do like naughty girls.” He blocks my exit.

“Come on move out of the way.” I try to push him aside but he doesn’t budge.

“The school is almost empty so don’t even try and scream because no one will help you.” He grabs my wrist and leads me to an empty classroom.

I struggle to get out of his grip but he’s just too strong for me. He pushes me in first and then he comes in and locks the door behind him. He pushes me on the teacher’s desk and holds me down with his strong grip.

“Please Matt, don’t do this to me.” I beg.

 Hi lovelies sorry for the cliff-hanger, will update soon again. Don’t forget to comment and vote if it’s good, thanks. Did you guys watch the X-Factor last night? It was the best because Ben won! Yes he was my favourite after Jack left… 1D was amazing too though, those guys are the best. Xx J

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now