Chapter 11

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Harry’s POV

I turn on my side, trying to get some sleep but something is keeping me awake. I turn on my stomach and bury my head in my pillow but it’s no use because my eyes are wide open. Why can’t I seem to fall asleep tonight?

I’m in my room, on my bed without Diana. She said she wanted to sleep by herself tonight. I don’t know if it’s what happened today but she’s has been acting different; like she doesn’t trust me anymore. I hope she isn’t thinking badly about me now because I am, in fact not a bad person.

I shut my eyes and stay still for a few minutes waiting for sleep to invade my not-so-sleepy-mind, when I hear a strange noise downstairs. It sounds like it’s coming from the kitchen but I’m not too sure. It sounded like something fell, like a spoon or fork or something. I should probably go and investigate.

I climb out of bed and grab my T-shirt. I throw it over my head and quickly slip on my sweatpants. I head out the door in a haste, climb down the stairs and head towards the kitchen. I walk down the hallway and step into the kitchen. It takes my eyes a minute to adjust to the dark and when it does I search for something out or order or out of place but the only thing that catches my eyes is a figure standing in the middle of my kitchen.

The one thing that stands out the most is the blonde, curly hair. Diana. What is she doing here so late in the night? She probably got thirsty and wanted water or something. What is she doing? Her back is facing me so I can’t see what she’s doing. I walk closer to her, luckily without making any noise.


Diana’s POV

I hold the knife in my shaky hand waiting to find the courage in me to do what I have to do. This is the second time I am trying to take my life and hopefully this time it works. My hand is trembling as I move it closer to my chest, pointing the tip of the knife at my heart. I feel a pang of guilt but I have to do this. “This is the end, goodbye world.” I say in a quiet voice. I move the knife forward and in one big rush I bring it back to my chest.

But instead of feeling pain, instead of dying I feel a warm hand grabbing the knife from my hand. Not long after the knife that was in my hand a few seconds ago is now in…Harry’s hands? When did he get here? What is he doing here? Did I wake him?

I stare at him as he comes into view from behind me. He doesn’t look like he was sleeping. His eyes look furious and they bore a hole into mine. I bend my head in embarrassment and wait for him to lecture me.

“What the hell is wrong with you Diana?” He grasps me by my wrists and pulls me into a hug. His words are taunting but the tone of his voice shows that he’s just concerned.

“Harry I…” I trail off and burst into tears in his arms.

Why is he so caring towards me? Why does he care about me? He has been so loving and caring towards me lately but why? Why do I feel as though he really cares about me? He has been comforting me and giving me hugs without lecturing me on what I did wrong, like now. I don’t know why but I think he understands what I am going through.

I feel horrible right now in his arms, weeping like I’m a little baby. My cries are soft, there are more tears that sobs. I feel so guilty for doing this. Last time he saved me and this time he did too. He is my hero actually because he has saved me twice. I still didn’t get to thank him for the first time and now this… I feel like I owe him my whole life because of what he did. I can’t say I regret not jumping off the cliff because since Harry and started living together my life has been great. I didn’t think I could have a great time like that again after all the bad that had happened to me last month. I should be so thankful to Harry for helping me and for everything he has done but here I am thinking that he might rape me too so I was about to kill myself in his kitchen. I should be ashamed of myself; I mean after living here for so long with him and he not interfering with me just shows what a great person he truly is.

“Harry I’m sorry.” I look up at him and see his expression from before long gone.

“It’s okay love. I know you must be going through a lot. But just remember I’ll always be here for you don’t matter what, okay? You can trust me.” He speaks and although I’m in tears right now, I can’t help but notice how deep and hot his voice sounds right now.

“Do you want to talk about this or…?” He looks at me and I still see the concern in his eyes.

I shake my head, tears still streaming down my cheeks. He kisses my hair and gives me a tight squeeze before letting go.

“Come to bed with me.” He pulls my hand and together we both go to bed.

When we reach his room, I can’t help but feel the prickling cold AC on my bare skin. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this. I shiver, wrapping my arms around myself while I run into Harry’s warm bed.

 He soon climbs in after me and pulls me closer to his warm body. He wraps his arm around my torso and I have to say I feel safe and happy in his arms. After saying a little prayer I doze off into dreamland.

Guys please I need more reads, votes and comments. I won't update again until I get at least 285 reads, 75 votes and 160 comments on the whole book itself. Sorry if this is too much but I'm just being reasonable. ilysm xxx 

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