Chapter 15

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Harry’s POV

“Here.” Diana hands me one end of the Christmas lights.

We are outside and I’m on a ladder hanging up the lights on the house. She wants me to decorate the outside of the house saying that outside should be just as beautiful as inside.

I shake my head and hurriedly take the lights from her cold hands. We just came out here and she’s already freezing? I climb a step higher to reach further up to hang the first set of lights. I twist some of the lights around the windows and upper parts of the outer house. After setting up the lights I position a light-up reindeer, a Santa Claus, a snowman and a few more admirations in front of the house, some in the front yard and some on top of the house.

“Wow Harry the house looks beautiful. Outside and inside.” She shivers a little while we stand admiring the house’s exterior.

She is wearing a blue oversized sweater with a kitten on printed it, a cute pink beanie and black leggings along with boots while me on the other hand is wearing a t-shirt together with a coat, my black skinny jeans and my brown combat boots.

I catch her looking at me and when she catches my eyes and she looks away quickly. I love it when girls do that and she looks so darn cute doing it. I wait until she’s not paying much attention to me then I pull out my phone and snap a quick pic of her.

“Harry let’s go inside I’m freezing.” She quivers her arms around her body.

I wrap my arm around her shoulder and pull her inside. We walk into the warm kitchen. I let go of her when I know she’s warm enough, although I didn’t want to let go at all.

“Are you hungry?” She enquires while scanning inside the fridge.         

 “Yeah would you prepare me some soup please?” I ask waiting for her answer. “I know you’re cold so I think that would be the perfect excuse to taste your soup.” I add with a smirk.

She shakes her head and brings out the ingredients for the soup and lays them on the countertop.

“Do you need any help?” I offer my assistance.

She tilts her head a little like if she’s thinking about it.

“Maybe I do, maybe I don’t.” She says with enthusiasm laced in her tone.

“Is that a yes? Come on give me a definite answer.” I beg.

“Alright, here peel these.” She hands me a few potatoes in my hand.

“Sure.” I walk around the other side of the counter to where she stands.

But before I start to peel the potatoes I sneakily take my phone out of my pocket and take another quick pic of her. Gosh, she’s so pretty I just can’t resist.


Diana’s POV

You know what I haven’t done in a long time? I haven’t given myself a good pedicure and manicure. Since all the bad stuff has happened to me and all I haven’t really had time to pamper myself. I have been so hard on myself and these weeks here I am spending with Harry is making me feel like my life is worth living again. He has a way to make you feel good and special and I just love that about him.

Well I think it’s time that I look good so I have decided to give myself a manicure and a pedicure. I sit up and lean back on the headboard in my bed, nail polish in hand. I have three different colours and I’m not sure which one to put on. I wonder which one Harry would prefer, blue, black or pink.

Just as I am thinking about which one to put on I hear a knock on my door and Harry pops in. Wow he has great timing. He walks in, his hair in a mess and a grin plastered on his face.

“What are you doing Princess?” He flops down on his stomach on the left side of me. He lies flat on his belly, hugging my pillow as he looks up at me.

“I’m just going to paint my nails but I don’t know which colour to paint them in. Which colour do you think I should use?” I show him the three bottles of nail polish.

“Hmm I think the pink would look pretty on you.” He lifts the bottle to his face to examine the colour better.

“Okay then pink it is.” I place the other two bottles on the nightstand beside me.

I gently take the bottle from Harry’s hands and open it. I take out the brush and give him the bottle back to hold for me until I’m ready for it again.

I gently pass the brush over my fingernail until a pretty layer of pink paint is revealed.

“See how pretty it looks…just like you.” Harry says making me lose my focus on my nail.

“Aw Harry looks what you made me do.” I lift my finger to show him.

“What’s that?” He takes my finger to examine it closer.

“It’s a smudge.” I pout. “Fix it.”

“Okay I’ll fix it.” He sits up and takes my finger and passes the brush over it.

I have to admit it looks really good.

“Better?” He shows me my finger.

“Yeah thanks. Hey…you wanna do the rest for me?” I raise my fingers and wiggle them a little for him to see.

“Oh no I’ll just watch you do them. Here.” He hands me back the brush.

I stick out my bottom lip in a pout and he chuckles.

“Okay fine.” I take the brush from his hand and continue to do the rest.

“Hey… Diana?” Harry calls, a bit of uneasiness in his tone.

“Yeah Harry?” I look up from my work and meet his jade eyes.

“Uh my mom and my sister would be coming here for the holidays a week before Christmas. I forgot to tell you about it a little earlier and I just remembered. I hope you don’t mind.” He says a little nervousness in his tone.

“Harry, why would I mind? It’s your house and it’s your family. The only thing is I hope they don’t mind that I’m here.” I say a little frustrated.

“No they wouldn’t mind at all. And I’m so glad to hear that. Thanks, love.” He flops back down, sounding a little excited.

 Why the hell is he thanking me? I brush the thought out of my head and continue painting my nails.

Tomorrow's Louis' birthday and it's also Christmas Eve! My boo bear's gonna be 23 but he still acts like a 5 year old I love him so much! Like, comment and share please thank you xx

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