Chapter 57

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Diana’s POV

About two weeks has passed since Harry and I solved our little issue and now we’re back on good terms again. I moved back in with him and I’ve never felt so happy before. I made sure and took good care of him and now he’s all better again. I haven’t heard from Jack since and I hope not to because I realized that I made a big mistake in forgiving him so soon. I thought Harry was the nice one but it seems that I’m just as nice as him. I mean I still can’t believe I forgave Jack after he raped me. I guess I really am an idiot. I was just so scared of him before but I’m happy I overcame that, thank God. I’m just lucky Harry forgave me though for all I’ve put him through.

Well let’s forget about all that and focus on this special day because it’s my birthday! Today I’m officially eighteen and I’m an adult now. I yawn and roll over on my side. I feel around the covers on the other side of the bed for Harry but it’s empty. I flutter my eyes open and sit up. I stretch and throw the covers off of me. I grab a pair of jean shorts, a pink top and some sandals from my closet and rush in the bathroom to get dressed. I throw my hair in a messy bun, spray some of the perfume he got me and walk downstairs.

“Harry?” I call as I walk into the living room.

I see no sign of him. I walk into the kitchen and see him by the stove busy making us breakfast. I can’t see what he’s making properly but it looks like pancakes to me. He knows that I love pancakes so he’s making them for me on my birthday what an amazing boyfriend he is.

I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist. He slightly turns his head and smiles at me. I hug his body tighter and he chuckles.

“Morning love, happy birthday!” He turns around and places a big kiss on my cheek.

“Morning to you too, cupcake. And thank you very much.” I kiss him on his lips.

“Someone’s being cheeky.” He smiles and turns back around and flips the pancake.

“Well, it’s my birthday so I can be as cheeky as I want.” I playfully reply.

He shakes his head and serves me the pancakes. We both sit and I take a glance at my breakfast. I see it has chocolate chips in it, my favourite. Harry sure knows how to please me.

“You sure know how to please me Harry.” I say as I take a bite of my food.

He raises an eyebrow at me and he looks so funny I can’t help but laugh at him. He looks confused as to why I just said that because he’s got such a dirty mind.

“You really are being cheeky this morning, are you sure you’re not horny?” He playfully asks.


“Hey you started it.” He laughs.

I have no idea why I’m in love with an idiot like him but I’m happy and even happier that he loves me back.


Harry’s POV

“You’re such a good dancer.” Diana whispers in my ear.

We just came home from a fancy restaurant that I took her too. It’s true time sure flies fast when you’re having fun. It’s already seven in the evening and the whole day flew by like wind. But I’m happy that Diana had a great time. I planned on taking her to a hotel but sadly that didn’t work out too well. I took her out and bought her ice-cream this morning and I delivered her a houseful of roses this morning. Her face was the best part of her getting that present because she looked so happy and so grateful. I just want her to be happy everyday not just on her birthday.

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