Chapter 77

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Louis' POV

Samantha and I walk into the hospital hand in hand. Sam was by her cousin Jack who lives like about an hour away from where I live and then it took her about an hour to get dressed that's why we reached this late. We walk around the hospital and look for the room Harry told us Diana's in. I just hope everything's okay with her. I can't believe this happened to her. I wanted to drop her home but she insisted that I drop her a few blocks away. I was late for my party but I decided not to go anymore because I wasn't feeling up to it.

"Look Lou here's the room." Sam drags me in the room with her.

We walk in and I see Diana lying on the bed in the hospital gown with Harry right beside her. She looks so weak, fragile and delicate. She looks like a total different person. She doesn't look like the Diana I know. Harry is whispering little things in her ear and she has this soft smile on her face. Poor Diana.

"Hey love." I walk over to the right side of the bed and give her small hug.

"Hi Lou." She kisses my cheek.

"Are you okay, Diana?" Sam comes up behind me and asks.

"Yes Sam I'm fine now." She gives us a small smile.

"I'm sorry that had to happen." Sam gives her sympathy.

"Thanks." Diana accepts.

"Yeah I'm very sorry, love." I give her my sympathy as well and she accepts it too.

"But I didn't know you were pregnant." She pouts and looks at me.

"What?" I raise my eyebrow.

"I'm upset at you. You're my boyfriend and you didn't tell me. And I'm upset with you too, Diana. I'm your best friend, how could you not tell me that you were pregnant?" She looks over at Diana.

"I'm sorry." Diana looks down at her hands.

"And who did this to you?" I sit at the edge of the hospital bed and look at her.

"Amanda." Harry speaks up for the first time with anger laced across his voice.

"What?" Sam and I exclaim in unison.

"Wait, who's Amanda?" She quickly adds.

"She's the girl that almost made Harry cheat on Diana. Well actually she kissed him a few times." I explain to her.

But Amanda didn't know about Diana's pregnancy before she got to know because of me. I can't believe I let it slip and now look what I have done. I guess this is all my fault. I'll have to tell them but Harry's already angry I don't want to make it worse.

"And I regret every minute of it. But...I was drunk." Harry says sounding extremely angry.

"It's not your fault, Harry." Diana caresses his face.

After a while we all start conversing, making jokes and having some fun but Harry gets up and storms out of the room. I'm not sure why he's so upset; it's got to be either about the baby or Diana. I mean the baby he was expecting isn't here anymore. I know how much that baby meant to him and he must be feeling so upset about that now. He was going to be a father and he deserved it but because of me their baby's dead.


Harry's POV

I get up from the hospital bed and storm out of the room where Diana is in. My baby is dead and I feel like killing that damn slut Amanda for what she has done. All my life I've been lonely and unhappy and now it's just worse. I thought that because I have a girlfriend everything in my life would change and I was right everything did changed but not the way I was expecting.

I'm not going to jinx my relationship or anything but ever since Diana became my girlfriend there were always obstacles in the way and we defeated them all. But then Wilma came along and she caused a lot of trouble. She almost made me lose Diana but I didn't, thank goodness. And then Amanda came and she tried to ruin my relationship as well but in a different way. She didn't succeed in ruining my relationship but instead she succeeded in ruining my life. Yes my life is ruined.

I walk down the long hallway and take a seat in one of the chairs by the reception area. I bury my head in my hands and I silently start crying again. I can't explain how I feel at the moment, words can't explain how I feel right now. I feel worse than horrible and terrible combined. I hate my life. Now I'll never get to hold my baby, I won't get to touch my baby, I won't ever get to play with the baby I was expecting. I can't even think straight.

"Hey Harry." I feel a hand on my shoulder and I know it's Louis from his voice.

"Go away Lou." I complain.

"Harry I know you must be going through a hard time now because of what happened with your baby and all and I'm sorry about it." He replies.

"Lou, it's not your fault. And thanks for being such a true friend." I thank him and wipe my tears before he sees.

"Uh yeah I'll always be your true friend, Harry." He says and walks back down to the Diana's room.


Diana's POV

I feel awful. But although I feel this way I put on a smile on my face and show everyone that I'm fine but inside I'm dying. I still feel the pain even though I took pills for it. My whole body aches with pain and I'm weak and fragile as can be. I can barely stand properly without shaking and feeling dizzy. Amanda killed my baby and she almost killed me too. If Harry didn't find me on the lawn out there I would have been in a critical condition by now.

After Amanda stabbed me I took out the knife from my stomach and I was crawling back home. It wasn't that far so I was trying to reach back by Harry but I reached halfway and luckily he came looking for me. I was bleeding and in pain. I had a mind that the baby wouldn't survive this but I was still hopeful in some ways. Well I still can't believe it but my baby isn't any more. Our baby, actually is gone. Harry must be feeling terrible right now and I wish I can comfort him but I feel no better. I may be feeling worse because I have both physical and emotional pain at the moment. Why does life have to be so complicated and hard?

Please, please let me get some feedback on this chapter. Thank you. And I would just like to say, there will only be about one more chapter and an epilogue or something like that. Or there might just be an epilogue alone. Thanks to everyone and please continue to vote and comment on this book till the end. Love you all loads, xxx.

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