Chapter 29

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Harry’s POV

“Harry…” Diana groans.

I turn on my side to face her. We’re in bed and its way past my bedtime but I woke up because of Diana moaning my name every few minutes or so. I think she’s having another nightmare. She has been tossing and turning and almost every few minutes she groans/moans out my name. I want to wake her but I kinda like the way she says my name in her sleep; it turns me on.

I look at her while she sleeps. Her face which is usually so peaceful when she sleeps is now uneasy and disturbed. She starts to scream and I realise I should wake her now. I shake her petite body until her eyelashes flutter open and a few tears escape her beautiful blue eyes.

“Baby you were having another nightmare, weren’t you?” I murmur.

She nods her head and tries to calm herself from her dream by taking slow deep breaths. I don’t know what it was about but I decide to let whatever it is wait till tomorrow. We both need our rest even if we get a little bit considering that now is 12:54am. It’s no longer Christmas.


Diana’s POV

I inhale and exhale slow deep breaths to get back my normal breathing pace. I watch as Harry slowly drifts off to sleep and I don’t bother to wake him because I know he needs his sleep. He must be tired from today.

I can’t believe what I dreamt. I just had a nightmare that my parents took me to away from Harry and he just stood there and watched without doing anything. I cried all the way home and when we got back home I saw Jack. I began to scream when I laid eyes on him but then Harry woke me up. I’m so happy he did because I didn’t want to see how that dream was going to end. It was going to end badly because every time I have a dream about Jack it doesn’t end up very well.

I let out a sigh and sit up in bed. I pull the covers of the bed closer to my body and reach over to the nightstand and turn on the little lamp. I turn my head and take a glance at Harry to see if he’s bothered by the light.

“Love, what are you doing?” He asks without turning around.

“I can’t sleep.” I reach over and grab the scrapbook Harry gave to me.

I feel the bed shift and not long after Harry comes and lean up next to the headboard together with me. I bring the book to my lap and open it. The first picture I see is of me when we decorated the interior of the house and Harry brought up the miniature trees for us to put on the kitchen counter. My eyes look so bright in this photo. I see the reflection of the lights from the trees on me.

The next picture I see is of me again. I was on the couch reading Harry’s Fifty Shades of Grey book, my long blonde hair cascading down on my shoulders and my focus so intent on the book. That book was great but I didn’t get to finish it because Harry took it from me.

I turn the page again and I see another pic of me. This was when we decorated the exterior of the house. I remember I was cold that day and Harry took me inside and we made soup together. I know I’m not vain but I do look cute in that blue oversized sweater, my pink beanie, black leggings and boots standing in the snow. Harry sure knows how to take good photos. Maybe he should be a photographer and a singer.

I turn the other page and I see two pictures stuck close by. These are the only pictures I have seen so far with me knowing he was going to take my picture. This photo was when we were sky gazing. The next picture beside this one was on the same night, when we were sky gazing as well but this picture has both Harry and me in it. I remember when he took these pictures. 

I turn the other page and guess what I see, the picture of the tiny little stars. My eyes travel further down the photo and right underneath it I see in small, neat handwriting, ‘Tiny and little means the same thing.’ I remember when he told me that because he thought the stars looked too small in the photo. Aw he’s just the sweetest thing ever.

I turn more pages and see more pictures of me but when I was playing in the snow and some when I was sleeping. I don’t remember those though. Oh yeah I was asleep so how could I have known anything at all. Harry’s a sneaky photographer.

“How did you manage to take all these photos of me without me even noticing?” I ask Harry after looking through the whole book and examining all the pictures carefully.

He just smiles and shrugs. He’s so cute and he looks so sleepy.

“Why don’t you go back to sleep? I’m turning the light off now anyways.” I reach over to the nightstand again and place the scrapbook on it and turn off the little lamp.

“I was waiting on you.” He places a few soft kisses on my nose.

“Alright now I’m feeling sleepy again so let’s go back to sleep.” I yawn.

“Sure thing.” He nods his head in the moonlight.

“Goodnight Princess. I love you.” He says and lies down next to me.

“Last time I checked it was past midnight so it’s officially morning now, cupcake.” I tell him while cuddling up closer to his warm body.

“Oh right. Good morning then.” He laughs and then closes his eyes.

“Good morning to you too.” I chuckle and close my eyes as well.

 I yawn again and then I drift off.

Guys look how cute my baby looks in that picture over in the sidebar. And his hand is on his crotch ;)

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now