Chapter 46

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Harry’s POV

Diana and I have been in the pool for a little over twenty minutes and I have already taught her how to thread water. I will teach her how to swim but not today. She can stand in the shallow parts of the pool and since I’m tall I can stand, swim and even do tricks in this pool. I remember one time where I kept a pool party here with my friends from my high school. That was when I was going high school though which was quite a long time now.

“Hey Harry, are you going to teach me to swim now?” She makes her way over to me.

I’m standing in a shallow part of the pool and I move deeper in the water when I see her approaching me. I love to tease her.

“Harry.” She calls with a pout on her face.

“You look so cute when you pout.” I tell her and I see she’s trying so hard not to smile.

I swim back up to her and she wraps her petite hands around my waist. I pull her closer to me. She lets go of my waist and puts her hand around my neck, holding me in an embrace. I wrap my arms around her waist and start to press soft kisses on her nose and lips.

Then she starts to kiss me quite passionately and I kiss her back. I feel myself getting hard from the way we’re kissing. I cup her cheeks and we continue to kiss. I don’t know how and when but somehow my tongue finds its way inside her mouth and our tongues battle for dominance. I’m winning of course. I always win.

“Harry…” Diana moans as I bite on her bottom lip.

I start to untie her bikini bra and she arches her back as assistance for me. I pull off her bra and then go to work on her bikini panty. I pull her underwear down her long slender legs and throw it somewhere around the room. I feel her tiny fingers sliding down my chest and it stops at the waist of my boxer brief. Her nimble fingers start to fiddle with the waistband of my boxers until I take them off and throw it somewhere along with Diana’s bikini on the floor across the room.

I cup her cheeks and begin to kiss her deeply. We both moan into the kiss. She wraps her arms around my neck again and we continue to kiss passionately. My hand travels up and down her body, cupping her breasts, squeezing her waist and tugging on her hair. This time she bites on my bottom lip and I growl into the deep kiss.

“Harry, I need you.” She says seductively.                     

It’s like I was just waiting for those words to leave her beautiful mouth. I brush my lips to hers and she groans. Then I whisper for her to jump. She jumps and I hold her on my waist and she wraps her legs around me. We continue to kiss and I position myself at her entrance. She pushes herself down on me and not long after I’m thrusting up inside of her.

She tugs on my curls which makes me moan in the crook of her neck. My thrusts go from fast to sloppy and soon we both convulse in pleasure. She whimpers while moaning out my name while I try to catch my breath. I hug her close to my body and kiss the top of her head as we both try to recover from our little excitement.


Diana’s POV

“Hey, would you like to hear about the benefits of sex?” Harry asks.

“What? No I don’t.” I shake my head.

“Alright I knew you would say yes.” He smiles.

“I didn’t say yes, Harry.”

“Oh don’t beg me I’ll tell you, hang on.” He has on his goofy grin.

“Stop annoying me.” I lightly smack his arm.

“Alright, alright.” He smirks.

“Well first of all it relieves stress, lowers blood pressure, boosts immunity, provides exercise, burns calories, improves cardiovascular health, boosts self-esteem, strengths your well-being, improves intimacy, reduces pain, reduces prostate cancer risk, strengths pelvic floor muscles and, last but not least, it helps you sleep better.” He states.

“Wow I had no idea you can get all those benefits from it.” I look at him sounding rather shocked.

This is the second time for the day I have been shocked and most likely surprised like this.

“Yeah I know right, we should do it more often.” He smirks.

I kiss him briefly and cuddle up into his warm chest. He isn’t wearing his shirt so I trace his tattoos with my fingers. I trace around the two birds, and then I move to the big butterfly on his stomach. I stop as I reach the two leaves/ferns thingy he has on the edge of his waist.

“Harry, why do you have so many tattoos?” I ask suddenly.

He doesn’t answer immediately. It’s like he thinking about why he even has them in the first place.

“They’re like a secret code or something.” He shrugs.

“A secret code?” I repeat.                         

“I don’t think you’ll understand if I told you.” He pulls me closer to him and kisses my forehead.

“Uh…okay. Whatever.” I forget about it.

“So you’re a senior now and you’re going to graduate in like, four months or so, huh?” He changes the subject.

“Yeah.” I sigh. “I’m getting tired of high school anyways.”

“I know but do you think you’re ready for that kind of thing, I mean are you ready to graduate and go to college and stuff?” He asks.

“I don’t think I am…” I sigh again.

“Hey if you’re uncertain about what you want to do you can just get a simple job somewhere around here if you like. Or if you don’t want to work I’ll take care of you.” He kisses my forehead again.

“My mom always wanted me to be an independent working woman.” I look up into his jade eyes.

His green eyes are so mesmerizing and beautiful. My new favourite colour is now green because that’s the colour of Harry’s eyes and because it reminds me of him.

“Well whatever you want.” He smiles.

“Hey, there’s this party a few blocks away from here tomorrow night, wanna go?” I ask, suddenly remembering Eric telling me about it yesterday.

“Well…I don’t know. I haven’t been to a party in a long time. Do you want to go?” Harry rests both his arms behind his head in a relaxing manner on the bed.

“Yeah, maybe I want to enjoy being a teenager. Isn’t this the time we’re supposed to be young and reckless?” I hug him closer to me.

“Yeah I guess you’re right. Let’s live a little.” He chuckles.

“Good. Come and help me find something to wear.” I get up from the bed and walk over to the closet, randomly throwing outfits on the bed and burying Harry underneath it.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it ;). So how are you lovely people? Anyone got any plans for Valentines? Or are you gonna be like me buying myself chocolate and writing myself love letters *cries in corner* I’m gonna be forever alone… :’(


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