Chapter 74

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This sounds exciting. I can't believe Harry talked me into it when Sam couldn't, I chuckle as Harry and I walk into the school gymnasium. It's so big and they turned it into a place fit to have a high school's prom. There are tables accompanied with about four to five chairs, a big food table where there is punch and other foods available for everyone.

Harry and I walk in and the first thing we do is get our picture taken. Then we walk over to one of the tables and take a seat to wait on Sam and Louis. I texted her before and she said they would be here in five minutes or so.

"Did I mention that you look beautiful tonight?" Harry asks by taking my hand in his from across the table.

"Harry you told me so many times." I chuckle at him and he smiles.

"Well I'll just tell you again, you look beautiful tonight." He winks and I feel a blush creep up on my cheeks.

"Stop being so cheeky." I reply while looking at the door for Sam and Lou.

"Oh come on I'm not being cheeky. And you're not even gonna thank me for complimenting you?" He places his hand on his chest as if being hurt.

"Ah fine thanks." I get up and kiss his cheek.

He bought me a corsage that matches with my dress and his tie. I can't believe it but he's actually wearing a tie. My dress is a pretty purple mermaid dress. It has load of sequins from the breast cropped part coming down on the waist and lower down then it flares out in a different netty material. It's a quiet beautiful dress actually. I'm wearing matching earrings, a chain and a bangle to go with it along with my silver heels. I did my own make-up, although Harry didn't want me to wear any, but I didn't put on much, just a little mascara, foundation, powder and some lip gloss.

"Hey there you guys are, wow Diana you look gorgeous." I hear Louis' voice making me look up at him and Sam who have their hands interlaced with each other.

"Hello Sam, Lou. Thank you very much, Louis and you look cute." I get up and hug him.

He hugs me back while Sam and Harry hug each other. She looks so beautiful. She comes over to hug me after and then they take a seat with us at the same table. I have to say, Samantha looks amazing. She's wearing a red long dress with some sequins on the sides. It takes her so good and I can't help but wonder if I look as good as her.

"Diana you look so beautiful." She admires me while I'm still admiring her.

"Ha thanks Sam but you look even better. And those red heels make you look so hot." I compliment her and she smiles.

She thanks me as we start to admire the boys that are now talking away like they haven't seen each other in years. As I said before Harry is wearing a tie and he looks so cute. It's a purple tie along with a suit and some black dress shoes. Louis is wearing a suit too and a tie but his tie is red to match Sam's dress and corsage.

Then I look over at the dance floor where they are some kids, some of my classmates dancing and I realize that this is actually happening. My senior prom is taking place right here and right now. They are so many kids here and they are lots more to show up. I can't wait to see how the night ends; I hope it ends great as I had dreamed of before.

"Love, you wanna dance?" Louis asks me as this Katy Perry song, Last Friday Night, comes on.

"Sure." I take his hand.

"Harry hope you don't mind but I'm borrowing your girl for a few minutes." Louis smirks as we walk on the dancefloor.

"I don't mind just don't try anything funny." Harry replies before taking a sip of his drink in front of him.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now