Chapter 65

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Diana's POV

"You okay, Princess?" Harry asks from the driver's seat.

I nod my head and keep my gaze out the window. We're going to the grocery store because we ran out of stuff to cook and use in the house. I am trying not to make it obvious that something's wrong but it seems to me that Harry always finds out what's wrong whenever there is in fact something wrong.

One thing has been on my mind and it's bothering me terribly. I can't seem to get it out of my head and I hate when that happens. Every time I think back to last night I always remember when Harry called out that girl's name, Amanda. I know she's someone he met at the party and I knew it was a bad idea to let him go. I still haven't confronted him about it because I don't think I should worry about it but it's bothering me like hell.


After getting all the groceries we need, and as I start to push the trolley towards the checkout counter Harry pulls me back into the baby section. I don't protest as we walk side by side looking at the items. There are many baby stuff on this side; baby clothes, baby booties, little cute bonnets, bibs, one piece, baby bottles, cups, baby food, pampers, strollers, cribs, stuffed animals, baby toys, teething toys, and other items suitable for babies. Seeing all this makes me feel so excited to have a baby and to become a mother. I never wanted any of this. Well, not so soon that is but now that it is happening I feel so excited and happy that we're going through with this. I know Harry's very happy to be a father and now I'm also feeling happy to be a mom.

I'm still upset about last night and I'm trying to keep my distance from him because of that Amanda girl, whoever she is. I can't forget the way he said her name. I knew it was a bad idea for him to go to that party but I just let him go.

"Hey about that party last night..." I trail off.

I don't know how to tell him about it. I'm still upset and don't wanna talk about it. I hope he's not cheating on me. No I shouldn't think that way because last time I did that I know what happened. I regret accusing him of cheating on me with Wilma because I know he's not that type of guy; he's too sweet.

"Yeah, what about last night?" He asks as he looks through some baby clothes.

"Uh yeah some guy named Louis had to bring you home cos you were pissed drunk, who was he?" I change my mind, it would be a bad idea to bring that up and he probably forgot about her already and I'm just overthinking this whole thing.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you about him. He's a famous soccer player. He's really good. I was watching a match with his team, Doncaster Rover vs Manchester United the other day and he made his team win." He excitedly replies.

I smile at how excited he is right now that it makes me forget about being mad at him for a second. I know he loves football and he has every right to be this happy. He just has this way which makes you have a happy vibe and feel happy when you're around him.

"So you're happy that you met him huh?" I continue looking through the baby stuff.

"Yeah I am, he's pretty cool. But I don't exactly remember anything else from the party other than meeting him and talking a bit." I see him checking out some cute baby clothes.

"So you don't remember Louis bringing you home or anything? Don't you remember when you woke up and vomited in the toilet multiple times and gave me loads of work because of that?" I try to refresh his memory.

"Nope I don't remember any of those things. Love, I gave you all that work?" He turns to me.

"Sadly yes you did." I reply slowly.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now