Chapter 7

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Diana’s POV

I feel almost every girl’s eyes on me and Harry as we enter the Gym where the dance is taking place. I can feel the envy and jealousy as I walk pass them with Harry hand in hand. I don’t blame them though because Harry is rather a gorgeous guy. I haven’t exactly paid much attention to him physically but as I do now I see that they have every right to be jealous of me. Oh and not to mention the suit and bow tie he is wearing is making it even better.

I walk into school every single morning and not one of them throws a glance in my direction but when I walk into the Gym with a gorgeous looking guy they can’t take their eyes off of us. Harry notices this but he doesn’t say or do anything thing about it and neither do I.

We make our way through the bunch of people at the doorway and stand by the food table. We turn our backs to the table and focus our attention on the dance floor where there are three couples dancing. Harry nudges my shoulder and I look up at him.

“Wanna dance?” He holds out a hand to me.

“Sure.” I place my hand in his and we walk to the dance floor.

We turn to face each other and Harry places one of his hands on my waist. I put my hand on his shoulder and the other hand; I place in Harry’s free hand. We sway with the slow music and take slow steps here and there. After the song changes I rest my head on his shoulder and take in the music which is Wanted by Hunter Hayes.

After a little more dancing I still feel some of the envious girls from my class, gazes still on both Harry and I. I just ignore it and continue dancing with him. I remove my head from on his shoulder and before I look into his eyes I feel his gaze on me too. And when I look up to meet his eyes, sure enough his green orbs are on me.


Harry’s POV

I can’t help myself; I just can’t take my eyes off of her. She looks so gorgeous in that short purple puffy dress that she’s wearing. Her blonde hair is loose and there are slight waves in them making me want to run my fingers through them.

I gaze at her until she finally catches my eyes. Our eyes meet and we can’t seem to look away. Her eyes are so enchanting and beautiful. Pools of blue making me want to stare into them all day and night.

We continue staring into one another’s eyes and suddenly a really touching song, If You’re Not the One by Daniel Bedingfield, comes on and in a way I’m glad we’re lost in each other’s eyes.

If you’re not the one then why does my soul feel glad today?

If you’re not the one then why does my hand fit yours this way?

If you are not mine then why does your heart return my call?

If you are not mine would I have the strength to stand at all?

I never know what the future brings

But I know you’re here with me now

We’ll make it through and I hope

You are the one I share my life with

I don’t wanna run away but I can’t take it, I don’t understand

If I’m not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?

Is there any way that I can stay in your arms?

If I don’t need you then why am I crying on my bed?

If I don’t need you then why does your name resound in my head?

If you’re not for me then why does this distance name my life?

If you’re not for me then why do I dream of you as my wife?

The DJ has perfect timing because this song is a perfect description of how I feel right now about Diana. If she’s not for me then why I do I feel the way I feel about her? If I’m not the one then seriously, why does my heart tell me that I am? I really love and care about her and I know all that she’s been through which must be really painful for her but I wonder if she feels the same way about me. Nah, I don’t think she does because I have tried to kiss her a couple of times and she has always pushed me away. But now I’m just enjoying this moment with us both lost in each other’s pools of blue and green. If I don’t remember anything else when she leaves I’m sure I won’t forget this moment.

After she breaks eye contact with me - I close my eyes and listen to the song until it’s finished. Another song comes on and it sounds like a sad long song. I open my eyes again I feel myself leaning into her. Before long my lips are inches away from hers. I see that she isn’t moving back from my lips so I continue with my aim which is to kiss her. But I just get to brush my lips against hers before she turns her face and I kiss her cheek instead. I get a taste of her lip gloss which I believe is cherry flavoured. Now that I have the taste in my mouth I don’t think I can help myself because I want to kiss her so badly. I want to give her an actual kiss not just a brush on the lips.

During the period of about six to seven minutes of more dancing we finally decide to stop and just chill. I take a glass of punch and hand Diana one also. We stand by the food table and watch other couples dance. I know Diana and I aren’t a couple but I wish we were one.


Diana’s POV

“Hey did I mention how beautiful you look tonight?” Harry asks.

“Yeah Harry you told me more than once but I’m not looking lovely.” I blush.

“Oh yeah then why are you blushing?” He teases.

“I’m not blushing.” I lie.

We are in his bedroom getting ourselves ready to sleep. He is standing by the doorway and I’m just getting into his bed. I feel his gaze on me as I climb into his bed and get under the covers. The light is off but my legs are still visible to him and I know that’s exactly where his gaze is. But I have to say that he is a pretty decent guy to me. Since I have been staying here-which is a week I think, he hasn’t touched me anywhere inappropriate, he hasn’t forced me to kiss him, we slept in the same bed almost every night and not for once has he touched me in a place I don’t want him to touch, he didn’t make me touch him anywhere and he never spoke dirty to me not even once.

I mean, not that I wouldn’t want any of those stuff from him but he respects and understands me for who I am and I just love that about him. He has only been nice to me, he treats me like I’m his sister or some close friend and he’s such a sweet person. I know I said it before but I really don’t want to get close to him but I feel us getting closer every day even if we don’t want it. And the only thing he has even done was tonight he brushed his lips against mine. I feel like I wanted more than that but I’m going to try my very best to keep us from getting close even though we are already closer than we were before.

He crawls into the bed and snaps me out of my thinking by giving me a soft kiss on the forehead then he lies down beside me. He is wearing a T-shirt and pyjamas bottoms. He looks so cute. I just have to say it. I lie down on the pillow next to his and close my eyes drifting off into the still and silent night.

 Do you guys like the song, If You’re Not the One by Daniel Bedingfield? I love that song so much. Every time I hear it I think of  like how much I love Harry and if I’m not the one for him them why does my heart tell me that I am? See the lyrics have so much meaning and I just cry when I hear the song it’s a really touching love song (for me). If you haven’t heard it download it and give it a listen, I’m sure you guys will love it just as much as I do! xoxo

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