Chapter 59

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Guys just found this pic of Niall and I just had to share it lmao RN! Tell me what you think hahahaha

Harry’s POV

What? Did I hear her correctly? She can’t be pregnant, not yet that is. I’m too young to be a parent; I can’t father a child now and she can’t mother one at this age. She still has school and if she’s pregnant then that would disrupt her education. And plus she has finals in about a month’s time. How will she be able to cope with all of this? This is all my fault for getting her pregnant if we had only used protection. But I can’t remember a time when we didn’t use protection.

“Harry?” Diana calls me out of my trance.

“Yes baby? Hey when did I get you pregnant exactly? I can’t remember a time we didn’t use protection.” I scoot closer to her.

“On my birthday I think.” She whispers.

Then it all comes back to me. That was about a month ago. I remember everything like it was yesterday and if I had only been using my head up here and not the one down there she wouldn’t be pregnant right now. When I get turned on by her I forget about everything else but I always remember to wear a condom. I can’t believe I forgot this time.

“Are you sure you’re pregnant, Princess?” I wrap an arm around her shoulders.

“Well to be honest no I didn’t take a test yet so I don’t know. But my period is two weeks late which means there is a possibility of me being pregnant.” She groans.

“Don’t worry I’ll go now and buy you one of these tests thingy’s and-” I’m cut off midway by Diana as I get up about to climb down the bed.

“It’s too early to tell, Harry.” She rests her head on my chest.

“Alright we’ll wait for about another week and if your period doesn’t come then I’ll buy you one, okay?” I assure her and she nods.

I glance at the clock and see that it’s after eleven. If we don’t sleep now we’ll be like zombies tomorrow and I don’t want that to happen.

“Goodnight baby girl.” I give her a quick peck on the lips and lie back down on the bed along with her.

“Goodnight cupcake.” She yawns.


Diana’s POV

“Class, we have someone new to our English class. Her name is Samantha Drew. Please be nice and welcome her.” She motions to the girl standing by the doorway looking around the class of kids she doesn’t know.

“Hi, can I sit here?” She walks up and points to the desk next to mine.

“Sure.” I give her a warm smile. So far she seems pretty nice.

“I’m Samantha and you are?” She sticks her hand out for me to shake.

“I’m Diana, nice to meet you Samantha.” I shake her hand.

“Nice to meet you too.” She says and turns back around in her desk to face the teacher.

After English class I look up my schedule and see that I have Chemistry after and I have an exam I haven’t studied for. I shake my head and slowly walk to class. I bump into someone on the way and when I look up I see Samantha standing in front of me with an apologetic smile.

“Sorry I can be pretty clumsy at times.” She apologizes.

“It’s okay I weren’t looking where I was going either.” I hand her back her book that fell.

“So what class do you have now, Chemistry?” She asks noticing my Chemistry notebook.

“Yup, what about you?” I ask ignoring the bell.

“Chemistry too.” She replies excitedly.

“Well we have two classes together, cool.” I smile walking inside and noticing only a couple of students in the class.

“Yes. Let’s sit together.” She grabs a seat in the second row next to two guys that are sitting and talking.

“Sure. So have you made any friends yet?” I make small talk with her.

“No, you’re the only one I have made. Everyone else seems to have their own clique or group thingy. You’re the only one I have spoken to this morning excluding the teachers.” She frowns.

“Aw don’t worry I know exactly what you mean. I’m your friend so you have nothing to worry about.” I pat her back.

“Thanks Diana.” She gets up from her desk and gives me a hug.

“So why did you transfer to this school?” I ask after she has taken her seat again.

“My dad found a job here which pays better than his last one and it’s about three hours from where we used to live. That’s hard for him to drive three hours to work every day so my mom decided that we move closer which means I had to change schools and stuff.” She sighs.

“It’s okay you’ll get used to it.” I tell her.
“Yeah I know I’m just glad it’s my last year.” She chuckles and I couldn’t agree with her more.


Harry’s POV

“Stretch your arms out a little more.” I instruct my girlfriend as I teach her how to swim properly.

So far she has learned how to paddle, do a backstroke and a chest thrust now I’m trying to get her to float which seems to be the most difficult part of this whole thing. She is a fast learner I have to admit. I can’t help but laugh when she sinks back down in the water instead of staying up as she should.

“It will be hard for you at first but after a little practise you’ll master the art of swimming.” I assure her.

“Yes I know.” She sighs and goes back to paddling.

“Look, today I Googled ‘reasons you may miss a period’ and lots of reasons came up. So missing your period can be because of stress, lack of sleep, malnutrition, over exercising and there are a whole lot more.” I swim closer to her.

“I hope it’s one those reasons you just said there but I have a feeling deep down inside that it’s not.” She hugs me around my torso.

“You don’t know yet.” I move the wet strands of hair out of her face. “Look we’re not positively sure if you are or not so let’s not jump to conclusions okay?”

“Fine.” She hugs me tighter.

 I know nothing interesting really happened in this chapter but I needed to put in some useful info you will understand later on in the book. Thanks again to everyone that reads it, please don’t forget to comment and vote ily xoxox

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now