Chapter 71

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Diana's POV

I didn't expect to feel so sick this morning because of what happened last night but I was wrong. This morning I vomited even more than last night and I felt so much worse. I gave poor Harry a lot of work to do but he said he didn't mind it at all. I was so sick this morning I stayed in bed till noon. I think the sickness from my pregnancy is just starting to show. I hope I don't feel like this every day because it would be pretty frustrating not only for me but for Harry also.

Well it's a good thing Louis called and invited us to have lunch with him at a downtown restaurant. He didn't know we made back up and I think he was planning on helping us get back together and help fix things between us. He's so sweet. When he called this morning I answered the phone and he told me he was inviting us to lunch but before he could finish I told him that we made back up. He was so happy for us and I could feel his excitement over the line. I thought he might feel a bit left out so I invited Sam to go with us. I asked him first and he said he didn't mind at all.

So now as we drive down the road I see the big restaurant coming into view. It's a huge place and there's an outside patio where tables and chairs are set for us to dine. Harry turns into the place and drives around to find a parking spot. After a few turns he finds himself a neat space and parks. As I was about to open the door someone opens it for me and when I look up I see Harry. He's pretty fast and such a gentleman. I smile at him and take his hand as he helps me out.

"Did I tell you that you look very beautiful today?" He moves the curls out of my face.

"Yes you told me so many times I can barely count." I hold his hand as we walk.

"Well it won't hurt to tell you again. You look very beautiful." He says the words slow and sweet.

I shake my head as we walk closer to the patio where I spot Louis and Samantha sitting at a table with four chairs, just the right number for us. Harry squeezes my hand and I look up at him. As fast as flash he comes down and kisses me briefly. Then all too soon he pulls away as we near the table.

"Wow hello there you two love birds." Louis smiles at us.

"Hi." Sam waves.

Louis gets up and gives me a friendly hug then Samantha hugs me after. Then she goes over and gives Harry a friendly hug which he returns but he gives her a peck on the cheek as well. You know him, once a gentleman always a gentleman. Louis then goes over and gives him a manly hug before we all take a seat. I sit across from Sam and next to Harry, while Harry sits across Louis and next to me. A waiter comes up and takes our orders then disappears to fetch our food. I'm starving and these cravings are getting worse.   

"So how are you two?" Louis asks as he shoots me a smile.

"We're great." Harry turns look at me, then he grabs one of my hands and holds it in his.

"That's good to hear Harold. Hey I've got exciting news, you guys ready to hear what it is?" He looks over at Sam and she smiles.

"What? Did you two get together?" I stare at the both of them eagerly.

"No, no nothing like that." Sam chuckles.

"Then what is it?" Harry asks impatiently.

"Hold your horses Harold, geez. Well you guys know that I'm a professional soccer player and I play for Doncaster Rovers, right?" Louis asks both Harry and I and we nod our heads in agreement.

"Well I can get tickets for you guys for my game against Chelsea FC which is in about a month away." He excitedly replies and Harry's face lights up like a kid on Christmas morning.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now