Chapter 23

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Diana’s POV

I have to say; I have one dorky and crazy boyfriend. He brought my ice skating and I can barely get on the ice without falling down on my bum. But he has been staking around and around the rink for almost an hour straight. I tell you this boy is insane, in a good way I mean.

“C’mon Princess I’ll hold you and I won’t let go.” He calls as she skate passes me.

“No Harry I’m not going to embarrass myself again.” I wrap my arms around myself.

I am wearing a fleece coat but I’m still cold. I can feel the coldness through my coat. And with every breath comes out a white puff of smoke. I’m also wearing a pair of jeans, my winter boots, mittens and a pink beanie.

“Diana come here.” Harry pulls me off from the bench and onto the rink.

“Listen, I’ll hold onto you and I won’t let go until you want me to, okay?” He places his hand on my waist.

I nod my head and start taking slow steps with him beside me. He has one of his hands on my waist and the other is in one of my hands. He’s helping me here so I can’t fall and even though if I do he’d catch me or maybe break my fall.

“See it’s not hard. Let’s go around the rink again and then I’ll let go of you.” He says as we skate a little.

“Hey I thought you said you wouldn’t let go of me until I wanted you to.” I whine.

“So you don’t want me to let go of you?” He teases.

“No I don’t.” I pout.

He smirks while we continue to skate. Then I feel his grip on me slowly loosening. Uh oh I hope he’s not letting go of me. I feel his hands loosening and then he let’s go of me completely.

“Harry!” I yell at him.

And without paying attention to where I’m heading or what I’m supposed to be doing I lose my balance and slip and fall on the cold ice rink. Harry distracted me. I wasn’t even concentrating on skating I was just upset that Harry had let go of me and decided to yell him.

“Hey are you alright?” He kneels on the cold ice in front of me.

“No I’m not.” I frown at him.

“Aww c’mon you’re okay you don’t have any major injuries.” He helps me up.

“Yeah, but why did you let go of me?” I dust out some snow from on my pants.

“You were doing great until you yelled ‘Harry!’ when I let go of you”. He imitates me.

I stick out my bottom lip at him and slowly skate my way to the edge of the rink which is just a few feet from where we were standing.

“See look you just skated your way over here.” He says excitement in his tone.

“It’s a feet apart Harry.” I sit on the bench and untie my skates.

“Yeah I know but still. All you need is a little practise and you’ll master the art.” He sits beside me and starts to untie his skates too.

“My bum hurts.” I complain.

“Well let me see maybe I can fix it.” Harry offers his assistance.

I giggle at him and set my skates aside. He does the same thing and then cups my cheeks in his rather cold hands.

“Maybe this would help.” He presses his lips to mine.

This kiss is soft and sweet. He gently pulls away to look me in the eye.

“Did it help or do you need another one?” He has this cute, dorky smile on his face which makes me smile along with him.

“Another one would be nice.” This time I rush into it and kiss him first.


Harry and I are sitting on the couch admiring the house with the decorations and the beautiful tree. It feels so much like Christmas now. I really can’t wait for the day to arrive. I want to see the look on Harry’s face when he sees the things I bought for him and I can’t wait to see the stuff he bought for me.

Ding dong, the doorbell suddenly distracts me out of my thought and as soon as I get up to go get it Harry beats me to it. I wonder if he was expecting something. I flop back down on the couch and after a minute or two Harry returns with a large box of pizza and two cups of coke. He ordered pizza for us? How thoughtful.

“Here you go baby.” He opens the box and hands me it, I take a slice then give it back to him.

“Thanks Harry I didn’t know you ordered pizza for us.” I take a bite of the piping hot pizza slice.

“Yes I did. Aren’t I a great boyfriend?” He giggles.

“And I topped it with extra cheese and pepperoni.” He adds.

“Gosh it tastes really good.” I take another slice.

“Yeah I know I’ll never get tired of pizza.” He takes a sip of his coke.

“Me neither.” I agree.

“It’s snowing again wanna build a snowman when you’re finished eating?” Harry asks anxiously. I think he likes to play in the snow.

“Sure cupcake.” I wink.

After we finished eating we head outside in the snow. I like when it’s snowing but I hate it when the coldness gets to me and we have to head inside before I freeze to death. But now I’m fine because I’m dressed in one of Harry’s sweaters. He let me borrow it because he knew it would keep me warm. Isn’t he just the sweetest little cupcake?

So now he’s helping me roll a bunch of snow into a big ball for the bottom of the snowman. Next we roll more for the body and some more for the head.

“Hang on I’ll go get a carrot, some buttons and a scarf for him.” I disappear inside.

“Okay and I’ll get some sticks for his hands and some stones for his eyes.” Harry yells after me.

“Okay.” I call back to him.

I race upstairs to look for the buttons and the scarf. I take one of Harry’s scarves and some buttons from an old shirt of his. Then I run back downstairs and take a long carrot from the fridge.

“I’m back.” I say as I walk back outside to Harry and the snowman, the snow crunching under my boots.

Harry doesn’t reply he just continues building the snowman and I join in. I stick the carrot in the rightful place on his face for a nose, the buttons on his torso and the scarf around his icy head. Harry sticks two sticks at his sides for arms, two stones for eyes and he puts his hat on the snowman’s head.

“How does it look?” He comes behind me and wraps his arms around my waist from behind.

“Nice.” I comment.

He presses a kiss to my neck and lingers there a little longer than necessary. He presses more soft kisses there and I try my very best to not to laugh because his curls are tickling me and his kisses are too. But I somehow fail and bust out into laughter and when Harry realises that I’m ticklish he kisses me even more.

“Harry.” I say in-between laughter.

He stops kissing me on my neck and presses a few soft kisses on my cheek and nose. I feel so warm in his embrace. And I also feel so safe whenever he hugs me. I put out one of my hands to my side and catch some falling snow in my bare hands. Right now I feel so lucky and happy that I met Harry because he is amazing.

 Oh if you guys think that too many good things are happening in this book don’t worry it’s only calm before a storm, right? Sorry but nothing lasts forever.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now