Chapter 56

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Diana’s POV

Jack just had to call me “baby” to piss Harry off. And now that Harry’s pissed off I don’t know what he will do. I’ve never seen him angry as he is now and there’s no telling what he could do. And as I said earlier on, Jack is really, really bad at controlling his anger because of the anger issues he has.

Harry grabbed him by his collar and was about to punch him but Jack punched him instead. I gasp and cover my mouth seeing how Harry almost fell back but regains his balance while holding his nose. I don’t know if it’s bleeding because he has his back turned to me. I hope he’s alright.

Jack walks closer to Harry and is about to punch him but Harry head butts him and he lands on the concrete floor. I hope he’s alright. Harry is fast and he gets on top of Jack and starts to punch him repeatedly. Oh my God! Jack tries to block Harry’s punches. I see that Jack has had enough and he kicks Harry off of him. Harry lands somewhere on the lawn and Jack rushes over to keep him down.

Jack is fast but Harry’s faster. Harry gets up before Jack has time to fire a punch at him and he tackles Jack back down to the ground again. I see that they are both still fighting and I really don’t know what to do. If I try and stop them I know I’ll get hurt too but I want them to stop.

“Harry! Jack! Stop it!” I run out and make an effort to stop their fighting.

And just as I thought, it doesn’t stop them it just distracts them for a while. Jack and Harry continue to fight and now I see that it’s getting pretty serious. Jack has Harry on the ground and he’s continually punching his stomach. I can see that Jack has had enough of Harry’s beatings and now he wants to take advantage since Harry is down. I see Harry struggling to stop Jack’s continuous punches but they are no use. I run up to them and try to stop Jack from hurting Harry but he just pushes me down and I hit my head on the floor.

I slowly get up and see Harry coughing out blood. I get up and run back pleading for Jack to stop. I see that he’s not punching his stomach anymore but his face. Harry tries to block out Jack’s punches but he’s too weak and helpless.

“Jack, stop it!” I scream and that’s when he stops.

He stops punching Harry and stands up his eyes never leaving Harry. He looks down on him and I see a slight smirk form on the corners of his lips the same exact time a few tears fall from my eyes. That means that he’s satisfied with what he did to my boyfriend.  I look down at Harry and I can’t hold back the sobs that leave my mouth. His nose and lip is bleeding and I continue crying looking at him in this terrible state. I look back up to scowl Jack for what he just did to Harry but when I do I see him nowhere in sight.

“Diana?” Harry’s broken voice brings me out of my trance.

“Harry, I’m so, so sorry. If I had just came back when you asked me to then none of this would have happened. I’m terribly sorry.” I kneel down by his head.

“Diana none of this is your fault. Don’t you dare blame yourself for this because you did nothing wrong.” He wipes the blood from his nose with the back of his shirt.

“Yes it is my fault. I thought about what you said and I realized that I was such a fool to think that you, the sweetest guy I know would betray me like that. I’m so sorry, Harry. I love you.” I kneel closer to him until I reach above his head.

I bend down and kiss him. Although his lip is burst he still kisses me back. That’s my first upside down kiss with him. He smiles when I pull away and tries to sit up.

“I love you too, Princess.” He chuckles.

“Are you alright or should I take you to the hospital?” I ask him as I help him up.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now