Chapter 30

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Diana’s POV

Harry’s sister and mom left yesterday. It was New Year’s Day yesterday but they both have work today so they left yesterday instead. Ah we’re officially in 2015 and back to ourselves again. The house sure does feel empty without them around. Now that all the holidays are over I will have to start back school on Monday. Gosh I hate school so much. I have no other choice though but I’m so happy that this is my last year in school. I will graduate soon and I’m very happy about this.

Today’s just another cold, snowy day. I am all bundled up in one of my nice big sweaters, long black leggings and boots, my usual wear. Harry is with his casual wear too, he’s wearing a sweater, his black skinny jeans, and combat boots. Harry brought me at the theatre. He wanted to take me out on another date so I suggested the movies.

“What are we going to watch?” I ask as he orders the popcorn for us.

“Wait and you’ll see. It’s a surprise.” He winks.

We walk into the cinema and take seats in the second to last row. The lights suddenly go dim and then they go off completely which leaves the room in darkness. The huge screen in front of us lights up and they advertise some trailers. I begin picking at my popcorn because I don’t want it to finish before the movie starts.  I see Harry is doing the same thing from beside me.

After about ten minutes of trailers the movie starts. ‘Dumb and Dumber to’ pops up in bold letters on the bright screen in front of us. Harry actually brought me to see this movie? Ha why am I surprised? I mean it’s so like him and I bet he’ll love this movie. I remember watching the trailer at home and I told him I would like to watch it sometime but I wasn’t expecting it now. I guess I totally forgot about it because of all those Christmas movies and Christmas stuff. I glance at Harry and he flashes me one of those goofy grins. I return it back and focus on the screen. The movie soon starts and I dig into my popcorn eager to see how interesting this movie will be.


I had the best laughs watching that movie ‘Dumb and Dumber to’. It was hilarious and really dumb but I liked it. Sometimes I like goofy and stupid stuff but most of the time I like nice and sweet stuff like Harry here. He can’t get any nicer than he is now. I have never met anyone this nice and sweet before, seriously I had no idea guys like him even existed!

After a long while of driving he soon pulls up close to the shore of a sandy beach. He parks the car and we both hop out of the vehicle. I look at the amazing view of the beach in front of me. Harry and I have to come here sometime just to have some fun and to take a bath in the summertime.

“Come here baby.” Harry places his hand in mine.

I look at him as we walk along the sandy beach in our winter clothes. This is so weird but so nice. I like how romantic my boyfriend can be and how sweet he always is and everything about him. It’s all a girl really wants; for her boyfriend to treat her right, be nice to her and love her. Well there are other things but these are just the basic stuff. All I know is that Harry loves me and that’s why he treats me the way he does and I’m very happy about that.

“Princess, would you like to have kids one day?”  Harry asks as he takes a seat on the sand and pats the side next to him for me to sit with him.

My eyes open a little wide at his sudden question but when I sit and cuddle up closer to him I nod my head without hesitation. He holds my hand in his and it feels like he doesn’t even want to let go.

“Yes I do but I’m scared.” I answer.

“Of what?” He immediately turns his head to look at me.

“Well I know you look at the advantages of things but sometimes I overlook the disadvantages.” I tell him.

“What do you mean?” He looks me in my eyes, his green orbs piercing my blue ones.

“Well I would love to have kids but I’m scared to bring them into this horrible world. Harry, I know what I went through in life and it’s not easy. I experienced so much pain that I didn’t know even existed. You know that I tried to kill myself a few times because I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore. The sad thing is I didn’t ask to be here. That’s why I’m scared of bringing kids into this world.” I lower my head a little and stare into the sea.

“Wow I never thought about that. I do understand what you mean, love.” He responds and presses a soft kiss on my forehead.

“What did you say you experienced so much pain that you didn’t know even existed?” He asks cupping my cheeks.

I nod my head because that’s all I can do right now. He kisses me then slowly pulls away.

“Well I can make you feel so much pleasure that you never thought even existed.” He crashes his lips into mines before I have time to reply.

He kisses me deeply and lovingly. I kiss him back the same way. He deepens the kiss and flicks his tongue to get permission inside my mouth. I give him access and our mouths move in sync. Soon after both our tongues are fighting for dominance and Harry is obviously winning.

He slowly pulls away, his breathing quite heavy and uneven. He pulls me up on his lap with my back facing the ocean and my face facing him. He looks at me deep in the eye and I see that his usual emerald eyes are now a darker shade of green and I know what that means. He pulls me forward and presses his lips unto mines again. Somehow my hands find their way in his long, curly hair and I slightly tug on it. One of his hands is on the small of my back and the other one is slightly squeezing my right thigh.

I try my very best to hold back but I know that I fail when I hear a moan escaping my mouth. Harry continues to kiss me nonstop and I pull him closer to me. He softly moans when I tug on his curls again and it turns me on big time. I gently pull away from the kiss, not because I want to but because I felt like breathing was impossible for a moment there. Before I get time to catch my breath Harry kisses me again. He softly moans again and I feel butterflies in my stomach every time he does that. I even feel moisture in my panties when he squeezes my bum and kisses my neck.

“Come baby, we’ll continue this when we get home.” Harry lifts me off of his lap and we both get up and get into his car.

Soooo….do you guys want them to take it all the way tonight or do you think that Diana’s not ready for that as yet? Comment below please, I love feedback and I love you guys. Thanks xoxo

Tomorrow’s Zayn’s birthday so can you guys help me lock him up in forever 21 please because there’s no way he’s gonna be turning 22! And Harry’s turning 21 next month and I’m turning 17 the next month after. I feel so old already… Oh Harry and I are FOUR years apart lol.

 Question: When is your birthday and how old are you?

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now