Chapter 8

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Diana’s POV

The best thing about Saturdays is that they are lazy days and also fun and relaxing days. Harry has been spoiling me again today. He ordered pizza and we are on the couch eating it while watching some Christmas movies. I like it when it’s Christmas time but I’m also not feeling the Christmas spirit as yet so he wanted me to watch some of the movies to make me feel a bit Christmassy.

Well it’s working. I mean, who wouldn’t feel the Christmas spirit after watching a few good ole Christmas favourites, am I right? Like Home Alone, Jack Frost, The Grinch and lots more. Harry even lent me his Christmas hat with the front band piece lighting up. I grab a piece of pizza from the box and cuddle back into my position on the couch. I take a bite the same time that Harry does and we both laugh at the same time we realise it. It’s raining, drizzling actually, outside and I sink a little further into the blanket that’s covering my body so that my head and chest are the only parts of my body that are showing.

Harry is sitting next to me but he is keeping his distance, although we are just a few inches apart from each other. He is leaning on the armrest on his side so he is leaning away from me exactly. He isn’t covered with a blanket but he is wearing sweats and a long-sleeved sweatshirt so he’s not cold. After eating that slice of pizza I take another one and eat slowly as I watch the finishing of Home Alone part 2.

After part 2, we watch part 3 and 4 and then hit another wonderful Christmas movie. It’s still November and now that I am feeling the Christmas spirit. I feel like putting up the tree but I’ll wait until its December. Thinking of Christmas only reminds me of the past which I am trying to forget right now. I feel so empty now without my parents and my boyfriend. I remember when we used to bake cookies and cakes and Christmas stuff and decorate them to suit the holiday. I would always decorate the cookies in pretty icing and decorative edible beads. They looked and tasted so good. I remember baking lots of Christmas cakes with my mom and having the best of times in the kitchen with her. We also cooked lots of food for Christmas which was always extremely delicious.

I remember last year when Jack, my ex-boyfriend, and I had our first kiss under the mistletoe. I had good times with him at first but then things started to get sticky between the both of us. I know I should have broken it off with him sooner but I loved him too much to hurt him that way. Guess he didn’t think the same way about me. He didn’t care if he killed me or not, he didn’t think that I would survive it but I suffered with all the pain and I am fine for now, I guess.

“Hey love, why are you crying?” Harry lifts his finger to wipe away tears from my cheeks.

“I’m not…” I stop when he shows me a tear and I realise that in-fact I am crying.

When did I start to cry? I don’t remember… Oh yeah I was thinking of Jack and what he had done to me. Don’t matter how much I try to forget about it I can’t. I mean, who would forget it if their boyfriend raped them? He broke me. He shattered me. And he didn’t try to put me back together he just left me to die and suffer.

I feel Harry pull me into his chest and somehow I feel safe in his arms. I feel something that I haven’t felt in a long time; loved.

“Are you going to tell me why you were crying just now?” He asks his hand on my head and back still in an embrace.

“Jack.” I whisper.

“Oh.” He knows exactly what I mean.

We stay like this for about a minute until we realize that Jack Frost is still going on. Wait, I wonder if Harry thought I was referring to Jack from Jack Frost?

“Harry I’m talking about Jack, my ex-boyfriend not Jack Frost, you know?” My words are slightly muffled because of his chest.

“I know exactly who you’re talking about Diana.” He says his tone serious, his eyes indicating slight anger.


We have only one more movie to watch and I’m feeling sleepy and tired. The thing is, we have been watching movies almost all day and now it’s almost nine o’clock in the night.

Harry and I broke from our little hug a while ago and now I feel my eyes giving up on me. I yawn when I feel one coming and when Harry hears he turns to me.

“You’re tired aren’t you love?” He closes the pizza box.

“No I’m not.” I rest back on the couch and close my eyes.

He ignores my reply and say, “And you’re sleepy too.”

I yawn again feeling rather sleepy and tired. I don’t want Harry to think that I can’t stay awake for half the night as I promised this morning. I open my eyes to see him leaning over me ready to pick me up and take me to bed. He takes me up bridal style and walk over to the door.

“Harry.” I yell for him to put me down.

He ignores me and walk out the door, up the stairs and down the hall towards his room. I want to fight him for him to put me down but it would be of no use; I’m too sleepy and plus Harry’s so much stronger than me.

He opens the door to his room and lays me gently down on the big plush bed. I cuddle under the blanket because of the cold AC in the room. He disappears from the room back in the hallway.

~ Blackness is covering every inch of this place as far as my eyes can see. It must be midnight or something because I can barely recognize where I am. After a few minutes of standing there my eyes are now adjusted to the darkness. I can see a road that looks quite familiar somehow, leading down to my parents’ house. But there’s about a mile or so until you can reach the house. A couple more minutes passes and I see my dad’s car, him sitting in the driver’s seat and my mom in the passenger’s side, heading along the road. They look so happy and cheerful I smile while looking at them. Then suddenly the car skids a little bit on the wet road because of rainfall. Then a truck comes out of nowhere and is heading straight for my dad’s car. The driver of the truck tries to steer the vehicle away from my parents but the truck seems to have a mind of its own as it meets with my dad’s car and then I hear a loud brake and a crash is followed soon after. I stare at the accident in front of me in total shock. I immediately start crying; tears pour down my cheeks like a waterfall and I can’t stop them.

“No!” I scream. “Mom! Dad!” ~

“Wake up Diana.” I open my teary eyes to see Harry holding me to his chest.

He rubs my back to comfort me and plays with my hair. I continue with my silent cries. I didn’t witness my parent’s death but I didn’t want to either. Now that I dreamed about their death I hope it doesn’t haunt me for the rest of my days. Why can’t I just have a happy life for once? Why do problems always arise in my presence?

“It’s only a dream, another nightmare.” He kisses my forehead.

“I’ve never had a nightmare since I started sleeping here with you.” I wipe my tears.

“Well I don’t know what to say about that; guess we weren’t close enough to each other.” He jokes.

I giggle a little and he just smiles. His face looks so pretty in the moonlight. I look at him and then I look around the room. It’s still night? The room is in darkness and I search for the clock. It says 3:56am.

 “It’s good to hear you laugh now go back to sleep.” He takes his shirt and gives my face a quick wipe.

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