Chapter 21

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Diana’s POV

I flutter my eyelashes a little, trying to get rid of the sleep in them. I have been up for half an hour, I did all my morning duties but I don’t know why I still feel so sleepy, probably because it’s Sunday but Saturday’s my lazy day. I walk into the kitchen and see Harry behind the counter making us breakfast.

“Morning, Harry.” I greet him with a yawn.

“Good morning, my love.” He replies with a cute smile.

I have to admit; my boyfriend is smoking hot! He’s just the most adorable, cutest little puppy ever. I take a seat by the counter and prop my hands up on my chin to gaze at him. I haven’t paid much attention to his looks as I have paid attention to his personality but he’s extremely cute.

Harry turns around and tilts his head a little to look at me. He raises one of his eyebrows in a quirky way and stares at me.

“Uh are you okay, Princess?” He scratches the back of his head a little.

“Yes Harry I’m fine. Continue with whatever you were doing there.” I motion for him to continue.

He turns back around and I still see the weird look on his face when he does.

“Diana are you sure you’re alright?” He turns back around slightly just to get a glance of me.

“Well considering I just realized how sexy you are…yeah I’m fine, never been better.” I pop my eyebrows which makes his chuckle a bit.

After a minute or two he brings me a plate of waffles topped with syrup. This boy is too sweet for words. I have never met a guy that treats people the way Harry does. He’s one of a kind and I don’t want to lose him anytime soon.

“So what do you want to do today?” He takes a seat next to me on the stool. “Play in the snow all day long?”

I shake my head with a little smile tugging at my lips. “I just wanna hang out with you.”

“Aw aren’t you tired of me yet?” Harry asks with sarcasm in his tone.

“Nope.” I say popping the p.                                                                     

“Nah seriously, what do you want to do today? We got a whole day ahead of us.” He says taking a bite out of his waffles.

“I don’t know Harry I really don’t know. What do you want to do today?” I turn to him and he tilts his head a little as if he’s thinking.

“Hmm I would take you to the lake out back but it wouldn’t be a lake anymore since it snowed whole night last night.” He replies.

“And I should be writing a song right now, you know? But with you being here I have been a little…distracted and all.” He adds.

I giggle.

“Well go ahead and write your songs and I’ll just read some books since we’ve got nothing much to do today.”  I suggest.

“Uh okay but I’ll get a good book for you to read. I won’t let you go through my books again and find another one of my inappropriate books.” He tries to keep a straight face.

“Oh so you’ve got more inappropriate books? Now I really want to read them.” I hop out of my seat and race to the bedroom with an upset Harry following close behind.


Harry’s POV

Baby be mine

All the time

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now