Chapter 64

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Harry’s POV

“Diana, I’m leaving now, okay baby?” I kiss her forehead.

“Okay, I love you.” She cups my cheeks and gives me a sweet and soft kiss on the lips.

“I love you too. Now go and study you only have three days until your finals.” I hug her tightly and kiss her hair.

“Bye, and be careful out there.” She warns.

“I know I will goodbye.” I let go of her and walk out the door.

I get in my car and I see her waving from the window inside our house. I wave back to her and speed down the dark road. Okay so there’s this party I heard of and it’s taking place tonight and I really wanted to go to it. So I’m pretty happy that Diana’s friend Samantha came over to study with her again. The party is going to be big and there will be lots of people going, mostly rich people though and I also heard that some professionals and celebs will be there but I don’t know how true that is.

I don’t know why but I haven’t felt this way in a long, long time. The way that I’m feeling right now is the way I used to feel before I met Diana. Not lonely and sad but more like free and happy. I don’t mean that when I’m with her I don’t feel free and happy but tonight it feels like I’m just a regular teenager with a regular life again. I am nineteen so yes I’m still a teenager. And right now I just feel like partying and getting drunk and crazy like I used to do before.

When I finally reached the place, I park outside of the huge building and get out of my car. I look the doors and go inside the building. It’s not like a college party or anything more like a professional thing with real good music and stuff. I’m glad I came although I don’t know anybody here I’m sure by the end of the night I’ll get to know a few people.

The first thing I notice when I walk in is that the place is packed with people. There’s this kind of disco ball hanging on the ceiling and every now and then it lights up the dark room making me see all the people dancing on one another with those red party cups in their hands. It looks like everyone is already drunk so maybe I should get drunk too. I walk over to the table where there are all kinds of food and drinks. I pour myself some of the vodka and some other drink close by. I place the cup to my mouth and gulp down the strong liquor. I feel the burning sensation as it goes down my throat and through my veins.

“Hey there mate.” Someone nudges my side.

I turn around and I see it’s the same guy I saw on the television the other day. He was playing football for that team Doncaster Rovers. What’s his name again, Tomlinson, I think. He has brown messy hair, blue eyes and he’s tall but I’m taller than him. He looks friendly.

“Hi.” I reply and stick my hand out.

“I’m Louis, what’s your name?” He shakes my hand and gives me a warm smile.

“I’m Harry. Aren’t that guy who plays for Doncaster Rovers?” I try to make small talk with him as I take another sip from my drink.

“Yeah I am. Did you watch the match between us and Manchester United?” He pours himself some rum along with some juice.

“Yeah I did. You were pretty good.” I take another sip of my drink.

“Ha thanks. I still can’t believe we beat Manchester United.” He laughs and gulps down his drink.

“Yeah I was upset because I support Man United. But I have to say you were really good.” I compliment him again.

He just laughs and shakes his head. We continue talking about random stuff and little did I know that we had so much in common. He’s a cool guy and he’s pretty funny too. I didn’t think I would make friends with someone here so fast but I’m glad that worked out well.

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