Chapter 32

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 Harry’s POV

Okay I got everything planned exactly how I want it to be, thank goodness. Diana is going to be so surprised when she gets back home. I sent her out to go buy herself some books in the bookstore that’s located just on this block so she’s not far away. It’s after seven and she must be waiting on my call. I told her that I would call to tell her when to come back home but I know that she suspected something when I said that.

I take one last glance at the bedroom and then walk out, closing the door behind me. I take my phone out of my pocket and dial her number. After about three rings she answers.

“Hello?” She answers.

“Hey Princess, are you done yet?” I ask her.

“Yes I am.” She replies.

“Alright I’ll come pick you up.” I offer her my assistance.

“No, Harry I can walk. I’ll be there in about five minutes.” With that she hangs up.

I sigh and slowly head downstairs. I take a seat on the couch and wait on my girlfriend. I know she won’t take too long to reach here but I still have a few minutes to kill until she gets here.

After five minutes Dian enters the front door and I smile upon her arrival. I get up and walk over to her while pressing my lips to her beautiful ones. I slowly pull away and walk her upstairs.

When we enter the bedroom I push her up against the wall and start to kiss her passionately. I move to her to neck and suck on her sweet spot until she lets out a moan for me. I move back up to her lips and continue to kiss her. We make out for a long while before pulling away to get some air into our lungs.

I press my lips to Diana’s neck and move up to her earlobe. I nibble on it a little then I whisper into her ear, “Jump.” She does as I command her to do and wrap her legs around my waist. I hold push her up against the wall again and rub my crotch against her. She lets out a soft moan and whimpers my name which turns me on even more than I already am.

I trial down to her neck again while leaving small love bites all the way. I cup her cheeks in my hands and look her in her eyes. She looks so beautiful in the dim lit room. I kiss her again and again and again. I softly bite on her bottom lip and she groans. I kiss her once more and this time one of her hands finds their way in my curls. The other one is wrapped around my neck, pulling me closer to her body if that’s even possible. We kiss and kiss until I feel myself getting drunk with her. It’s like she’s a drug and I just can’t get enough.


Diana’s POV

Harry gently lays me down on the bed and stands at the foot of the bed admiring me. I see a dreamy grin on his cute face in the dim light. Wait, why is the lighting in the room dim? I look up above me and I see that he dimed the chandelier to make the room look romantic. Talking about romantic, I now notice that the room has some scented candles and the bed that I’m lying on is filled with rose petals. Wow is that why he sent me out to get some books? He used that as an excuse to get this done, huh? Sneaky Styles.

I look up at him from where I’m lying on the bed and I see him looking at me while licking his lips. When he sees me looking he bites his bottom lip and climbs up on top of me. He puts both his hands on either side of my head to support himself from putting all his weight on me. He straddles me and then he starts to press soft kisses to my lips.

After about a few minutes, Harry’s soft kisses changes into rough and passionate ones. He is kissing me just like he did yesterday when we were at the beach. He continues to kiss me and somehow his tongue manages to find a way inside my mouth. Both our tongues begin fighting for dominance again and Harry wins just like he did yesterday. He moves down to kiss my neck again, then my chest and he only stops to pull over my top. He tosses the item somewhere on the bed. He continues to kiss down my stomach and I get chills whenever his lips touch my body. I feel the butterflies in my stomach very badly when he kisses just above my jeans.

He stops and gently takes my wrist in his hands. He traces the scars on both of my wrists and then bends down to kiss them. I smile down at him and he smiles back up at me. Then he continues working on my jeans. He undoes the buttons and unzips it. He then slowly pulls it off of my legs and throws it across the floor. He comes back up and presses a few kisses to my lips before placing his hands under my back to unbuckle my bra. He throws the bra somewhere on the floor and move back up to my lips again. I don’t think he can get enough of my lips. He kisses me so roughly that I can’t help but let out the moans that I was trying so hard to hold back.

“Harry.” I moan when he buries his face in my bare chest, sucking on my nipples.

He continues to suck on my chest while his sneaky fingers find their way to my panties. He traces his fingers on the waistband of my panties and before I know it he has my underwear in his hands and he’s throwing it on the floor.

“Harry, I’m naked and you’re still fully clothed. That’s not fair.” I pout.

He draws back from me and he stares at my body. I see a smirk forming on his lips and I feel myself getting self-conscious as his eyes snake up and down my body. I keep my eyes on him while I feel around the bed for the blanket to cover myself but Harry stops me. He then stands at the foot of the bed and starts to undress right in front of me. He quickly pulls his t-shirt over his head and reveals all his tattoos to me, and then he goes to work on his jeans. He pulls down his trousers down to his legs and exposes his bulging shaft through his boxers to me. He then slowly starts to pull down his boxers in front of me while keeping his eyes fixed on me, probably waiting to see my expression.

As his boxers fall to the floor I feel some of the memories I was trying to keep at the back of my head emerging to the full front. I tried so hard to keep these memories from resurfacing but sadly they are reappearing now. I so badly want this; I can feel the moisture between my legs and I love Harry so much but I feel kinda scared now.

Hi my lovely readers, I’m sorry for keeping back the update but I do have school now and I am going to be pretty busy but I’ll try to update as much as I can.

So do you guys think Diana will freak out or not? Please write your comment below.

Thanks xoxo

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