Chapter 67

108 13 48

Diana's POV

First day of finals went better than I expected. I only two exams today and I think I did well. I don't have any more again until Wednesday and Friday. And everyone in school is talking about prom which is coming up soon. Everyone's so excited for it except me. I'm not that excited for it as I was before. Now that I'm pregnant and that Harry and I aren't on good terms I don't even know if I'm going.

Last night was something you might call bittersweet. Yes our love last night was bittersweet. I don't know if what Harry said was true but I really want to know the truth about what happened with him and this Amanda girl. What if he's cheating on me with her? Ugh I said I wouldn't accuse him of cheating anymore but I don't know what to think. I need to know what happened.

I sigh as I walk down the pavement. Harry didn't come to pick me up today from school which shows that he's really upset with me so now I have to walk home. I would take a taxi or bus but I felt like walking. It's healthier too and I need more exercise, not only for me but also for the baby. Just as I'm about to walk pass this Lamborghini I see Louis walking towards it with a frappe in his hands. Maybe he can answer my questions about Amanda and Harry.

I smile and walk up to him. When he sees me approaching him he pulls down his shades to get a better look at me and the corners of his lips twitches into a cute smile. He leans off the car and takes a step closer to me.

"Hi Louis." I greet him.

"You're Harry's girl, right? Diana, is it?" He smiles.

I nod and he walks closer and pulls me in for a hug. It's unexpected but I hug him back. He pulls away soon after and takes a sip from his frappe. He looks hot and cute at the same time. He really looks like one of those hot soccer players.

"So how are you, love?" He asks.

"Uh fine I guess." I shrug.

"Hey I need to talk to you, do you have time?" I look at him with pleading eyes.

"I am kinda busy but yeah what's up?" He throws his cup away as we walk up to the pavement.

"Who is Amanda?" I blurt while looking at his expression.

"Amanda?" He looks at me with a shocked expression.

"Yeah who is she?" We walk side by side.

"Did Harry mention her or something?" He speaks and his voice gets me every time. It's so raspy yet it's so high.

"Sorta yeah." I don't know if I should tell him about the hickey that I supposed she gave him.

"Well I don't exactly know her, both Harry and I met her at the first party then she invited me to the second one and she told me to invite Harry too." He puts his hands in his pockets as we walk.

"So they didn't do anything? I mean like they're only friends, right?" I move my head to look at his face again.

"Well yeah that's what they're supposed to be but..." He trails off.

"But what?" I stop walking and Louis stops too.

He turns to face me. He stares at me for a while and then he continues walking.

"Louis wait up." I call after him.

"Can you please finish off your sentence, please?" I beg when I catch up with him.

"Love, they're just friends, okay?" He replies while walking slowly.

"Then why does Harry have a hickey on his neck which I didn't give him?" My voice breaks as I say this.

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now