Chapter 51

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Harry’s POV

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping outside and the bright sunlight shinning in through the windows. I open my eyes and rub the sleepiness out. I stretch and turn my body around and the next thing I know is I’m lying on the cold hard floor. I groan and sit up realising that I’m not in my bed but I just fell off from the couch.

Oh right, Diana and I had a fight; our first real fight yesterday since she became my girlfriend. I was dreading the day for this to happen and I wasn’t expecting it so soon. I know she’s upset about me dancing on Wilma at the party but I can’t remember a thing from that night. I know I was really, really drunk and luckily I didn’t do anything stupid except for that or else I would have been in bigger trouble than this.

I rub my eyes once more and pick myself up from the floor. I wonder if she’s up yet. I slowly climb the stairs and walk towards the bathroom to do my morning duties. I glance at the clock and see that it’s almost eleven in the morning. Wow I slept in a little later than usual.

After doing my morning duties I check the room which Diana and I share to see if she’s in there but to my dismay she’s not. I shut the door and walk to her room. I open the door only to find another vacant room. As I’m about to close the door I glance over at the closet and notice that there are no clothes peeking out as they usually do. I walk over to her closet and open the closet door, only to find it empty.

“What the…!” I stand there in shock.

If her clothes aren’t here then that means that she’s not here either. What the hell is wrong with her? She couldn’t have left me right? I try to calm myself down as I hurriedly climb down the stairs and end up in the kitchen. I scan the place and see no sign of her. But a white piece of paper on the counter catches my eyes. I walk closer to get a better look at it.

Sorry but we really do need some time apart and some more space. I hate to do this but I have to. I know I said that I would leave when I turn 18 and although I’m still 17 I can manage on my own. Have fun with Wilma.

                                                                                                                                        Sincerely Diana.”

“What the fuck?” I shout and crumple up the paper.

She’s got to be kidding me. She can’t do this to me. I love her and we just had one fight and she decided to leave me? Well she didn’t say that we’re breaking up or anything but so it seems. And what does she mean “Have fun with Wilma”? She thinks that Wilma and I have something going on? What was she thinking when she wrote this? I can’t believe this is happening to me right now. Just when I thought I had for her forever something happens and I lose her all together.

Maybe I should go after her. I would if I knew where she is. She couldn’t have gone far because of the baggage she has. Well the only place I can think of is at her parents’ house where she stayed before. I grab my phone from off of the counter and shove it in my pocket. I grab my car keys getting ready to go. Should I go after her or should I not? Maybe she’s right; maybe we do need some time apart. No I don’t think we need any time apart at all. I set my car keys back down on the counter and slide down on the floor.

If this is what she wants then I won’t stop her. I won’t go after her, not yet that is. I know if I go she won’t listen to me because she already thinks that I’m cheating on her with Wilma. She wouldn’t let me explain because I can’t; if I can’t remember anything how will I explain to her what happened at that stupid party. If she wants us to have some time apart then fine.

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