Chapter 22

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Happy New Year! 

Diana’s POV

“Cos I’m happy

Clap along if you feel like a room without a roof

Clap along if you feel that happiness is the truth.”

‘Happy’ by Pharell Williams is the first thing that hits my eardrums and distracts me from my reading. I didn’t finish the book from yesterday because I was a little bored and kinda lonely without Harry while he was up in his library writing songs. So I took this time to catch up on my reading but I guess I can’t do that again right now. Change of plans.

Harry makes his way over to me and pulls me up from the couch. He starts to dance and pulls me along with him. I hear him singing and he has an amazing voice.

“Why aren’t you singing, aren’t you happy?” He stops dancing to look at me.

“No I’m just not a good singer that’s all.” I bend my head a little to the ground.

He walks closer to me and uses his index finger to raise my head back up to normal eye level. His green eyes gaze into mine. His eyes are so beautiful. He is so beautiful. He then presses his lips to mine in a slow movement like he is tasting them.

“Come on let’s dance if you can’t sing just clap along.” He smirks and starts back dancing.

Then another song comes on. ‘Shower’ by Becky G. We dance to that song too and another song called ‘Bang Bang’ by Jessie J, Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj. Boy this is such a workout; I’m sweating already. Dancing with Harry is so much fun and exciting. He keeps busting crazy dance moves and keeps singing in that amazing voice of his.

Then a slow song comes on, ‘A Thousand Years’ by Christina Perri. I love that song so much. Harry makes his way over to me. He places his hand on my hips and his other hand in mine while I place my hand on his shoulder and my other hand is already in one of his hands. We start dancing and taking slow steps because of the slow song. This is a perfect song to slow dance with.

I look up and meet Harry’s emerald eyes. He’s staring into my soul and I feel so self-conscious that I look away from his gaze. I feel so close to him right now. We pace the room in slow easy steps until the song finishes and another one comes on. I wonder what station Harry has the radio on; it’s playing some great hits.

Then I hear another song and I take in the music. It’s ‘Mistletoe’ by Justin Bieber. Harry and I continue dancing in the same slow way that we were a few minutes ago. And when Justin sings ‘kiss me underneath the mistletoe’ Harry leads me right under the mistletoe and kisses me. I’ve got myself a lovely little cupcake for a boyfriend. He treats me so great and he’s so sweet.

Another songs starts playing, ‘All of Me’ by John Legend. Harry leads me back into the living room where we were dancing before. But as soon as the song reaches ‘What’s going on in that beautiful mind’ Harry pushes me up against the wall and kisses me passionately. This is like no other kiss we have ever had before. He kisses me roughly and passionately and I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him closer to my body. His hands travel down to my thighs and I feel goose bumps as he touches me there.

All of me loves all of you                                   

All your curves and perfections

All your perfect imperfections.

Harry moves from my lips to neck and kisses me there. I feel chills as he does.

“I love you.” He whispers.

“I love you too.” I reply.

Then he kisses me under my jaw and pecks on the tops of breasts.

“Let’s not go too far in one night.” He chuckles and kisses me on my forehead.


Diana’s POV

Harry and I are in bed now and I have been trying to sleep for a while now but somehow I just can’t. I turn on my right side, the side where Harry is, and I see him staring up at the ceiling above us. I follow his gaze and see nothing but a black ceiling.

“You still awake, baby? Is it okay if I call you baby or do you prefer when I call you love and Princess?” He turns on his side to face me.

“I like them all.” I smile.

“You have three pet names for me and I don’t have any for you. Hmm what should I call you?” I scratch my head a little; a gesture which shows I’m thinking.

“How about cupcake?” I suggest after a few minutes of thinking.

“I do love cupcakes but that sounds too cute for me.” He answers. I thought I was the insecure one.

“I don’t think so. You are pretty cute and sweet just like a cupcake.” I poke his chest playfully.

He chuckles lightly.

“You’re so beautiful.” He gazes at me in a loving manner.

And that is something about Harry that just makes me fall for him even more. When Jack and I were together he loved me but, it was like he mostly wanted to sleep with me. But Harry’s different; when he looks at me I can see the love in his eyes, I can feel the love he has for me just by all the little things he does. He is so considerate and thoughtful. Why didn’t I meet him instead of Jack earlier on in my life? Why did Jack and I have to start a relationship and become so close? But come to think of it, if Jack hadn’t raped me I wouldn’t have met Harry. It’s true what they say; everything happens for a reason and God knows what He’s doing.

“So are you, cupcake.” I tease.

“I will be calling you cupcake from now on like it or not.” I peck his lips and fall back on the pillow.

“Okay baby.” He returns the peck on my lips.

I nod and sink myself deeper into the covers. It’s making pretty cold tonight and plus with Harry’s AC on, it’s not making things warmer here.

“You’re cold aren’t you? I’ll take it off if you like.” Harry searches the nightstand for the remote.

“No, no it’s okay I have you.” I move closer to him and rest my head on his chest.

His body tenses a little as I lie down but then his muscles relaxes soon after. He places one of his hands on my hair and his other one on my waist. I pull the cover up a little bit more on us and listen to Harry’s beating heart.

“Hey Diana, do you really love me?” Harry asks, his chest vibrating a little when he speaks.

“Of course Harry.” I look up at him and see a smile forming on his lips.

He lifts himself up a little on his elbows to press a light kiss on my lips and on my cheeks.

“Goodnight.” He whispers and lies back down.

“Goodnight Harry.” I murmur and soon drift off to sleep.

Double update! Hope you guys like them both. Sorry this one might be a bit cheesy too. I might not be home tomorrow so Happy New Year! I hope you guys have a bright and prosperous New Year and continue to be blessed. Celebrate and enjoy but be safe and stay nice and I love you guys and all the best! xoxo 

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