Chapter 44

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Harry’s POV

I spot Diana sitting by herself on the sofa with a book in her hand. I love to look at her when she’s reading. I mean she looks so focused and intent on what she’s doing that I could stare at her forever. I love to see the way her eyes move up and down the page until she reads out the entire thing, I love to see how her long blonde curly hair falls on her shoulders as she reads and the way she sits putt and whenever I try to disturb her she just ignores me.

I walk down the stairs and pass by her to get into the kitchen. I grab a few bananas and strawberries from the fruit bowl. I slice up the bananas and put them in another bowl along with the strawberries. Then I fetch some chocolate from the fridge and drizzle it over the fruits for us.

After I finished preparing the fruits I walk back into the living room where I see Diana still on the sofa. She’s in a lying position now. I place the bowl of fruits on the table in front of us and sit next to her feet. She looks up at me with a disturbed look. She’s probably upset because I distracted her from reading.

“Sorry I bothered you; I just brought you some fruits.” I assure her.

She gives me a small smile. I take that opportunity to pop a strawberry dipped in chocolate in her mouth. She moans as she bites into it. I decide to try one so I pop one in my mouth too.
“Hey what are you doing? Aren’t those supposed to be mine?” She asks playfully.

“Oh yeah sorry I just couldn’t resist. They taste so good.” I say while popping a slice of banana drizzled with chocolate into my mouth also.

As I was about to put another strawberry in my mouth Diana came and took a big bite and ate my whole strawberry. I stick my bottom lip out and she laughs at me. I take up another strawberry and almost put it in her mouth but change my mind after and pull it back out. Now it’s her turn to pout. I shove her strawberry in my mouth and she just watches me with a pout while I eat it. It’s so much fun having a girlfriend like her; she can be so fun to hang with even when she’s on her period.


Diana’s POV

Since I’m still on my period Harry and I stayed in bed all day and we watched Shrek the Movie, parts 1, 2 and 3. I haven’t watched that movie in years and since Harry brought it up I agreed to watch it with him. I love that movie so much, all the parts actually and watching it I’m reminded of my childhood. When I was younger TV was my life because I not only watched all the movies/shows on TV, my dad would buy me so many movies I haven’t seen before and I would sit and watch them all. At the end of each movie I would probably say that was the best movie I’ve ever seen because I loved them all. Some of my all times favourites were Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Shrek the Movie, Finding Nemo and so much more. Sometimes I wish I had a younger sibling so I can watch these movies over and over again. Well I do have Harry and sometimes he acts like a little kid so I don’t have to worry about that. I mean he’s definitely not like other guys that always like to watch stuff blowing up or fighting movies.

Well after a long day in bed we’re now at the park. I’m all bundled up in a fleece coat with a sweater underneath and a pair of jeans along with my boots. Harry’s wearing a fancy shirt which makes him look really cute along with his usual black skinny jeans and combat boots. We’re walking hand in hand under the lights of the stars. I take a seat on one of the many benches in the park and pulls Harry down to sit with me.

He looks at me and tucks a strand of loose hair behind my ear. Suddenly a cold gush of wind blows and I wrap my arms around myself. Although I’m all bundled up I can still feel the cold that’s in the air. Harry notices that I’m cold and he wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to him.

After a few minutes of silence I hear him sigh and look up at the night’s sky. I do the same thing and I immediately see a shooting star. I quickly close my eyes and make a wish. I remember when we were stargazing in his backyard and we saw a shooting star. We weren’t even a couple as yet.

“Did you make a wish?” Harry suddenly breaks the silence.

“Yeah.” I nod my head. “Did you?”
He shakes his head sideways.

“What? Why not?” I ask suddenly surprised.

“Because I already have all that I need.” He gives me a little squeeze.

I chuckle because I know that he’s talking about me.  I know those wishing things don’t really work and we just do it for fun but am I really all he needs that he doesn’t have to wish for anything else?

I grab his jaw and pull him down to me and I begin to kiss him unexpectedly. He doesn’t kiss me back at first but when I bite on his bottom lip he lets out a low moan and starts to kiss me back.


Jack’s POV

I am sneakily hiding behind some bushes behind the bench that Diana and her so-called-boyfriend, Harry are happily sitting and kissing each other. I was walking around the park when I noticed Diana’s blonde hair from afar.  I thought it was her but I had to make sure so I came closer. When I saw that it were them I decided to spy on them for a bit. Things were going good until they started to kiss.

I glance back at them and from where I am. I can’t see them properly because it’s also at night but I do see that they kissing way more passionately then they were a couple minutes ago. I try my best not to get angry but it seems impossible.

“If they don’t watch it they’ll swallow each other.” I mumble to myself, wishing that I was the one she was kissing.

Finally they pull away from kissing and I can tell that their breathing is uneven. Harry says something to her and Diana begins to laugh. She looks so happy when she’s with him. Then Harry pulls her closer to him and starts to kiss her again. I feel my body heating up with anger. I really feel like marching over there and punching him in the face. But I don’t think Diana would want that; I hurt her and blew my chance last time when I was apologizing to her.

I really don’t know how I lived those couple of months without her because now it feels like I can barely see her and not want to touch her, kiss her and at least talk to her. She was an amazing girlfriend and I blew my chances of being with her. But I will try my best to make it up to her.

I focus my attention back on them and I see Harry getting up from his seat on the bench. Diana soon follows and they walk hand in hand around the park. I can see the love they both have for each other. Guess my plan with Wilma didn’t exactly work out the way I planned. I’m going to have to try some other way to make Diana lose all the trust she has in Harry. And she’s going to have to stop loving him too.

Hmm here I am trying to break up my girlfriend and her new boyfriend’s relationship. I know I don’t deserve her but I don’t think I can live without her. She has always been there for me but I was never there for her. I think I might have put too much pressure on her when we were together. I don’t regret starting a relationship with her but I do regret being a jerk most of the times.

Guys I’m sorry if this is boring but in movies there are a lot of boring parts and life’s not always fun and exciting. They are a lot of days when we feel we can die of boredom, am I right?

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