Chapter 34

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“Diana, love, please wake up.” Harry slightly shakes my small figure.

“No I want to sleep some more.” I complain.

“No baby you have school. Get up or you’ll be late.” Harry reminds me.

Shit I totally forgot about school. After a great night like last night who would remember about something like school. I really wish I can skip today but it’s my first day. Maybe if I beg Harry he’d let me stay.

“Har…” I turn around to look for him but when I do I don’t see him anywhere in the room.

Guess he went downstairs to prepare breakfast or something. I sit up in bed and rub my eyes a little. I get off the bed and head to the bathroom. After using the bathroom I walk back into my room and look for something appropriate to wear. I throw on a cute top, a pair of black jeans and my converse sneakers. Then I head downstairs and into the kitchen where Harry is busy cooking something.

I walk up right behind him and hug him from behind. His body tenses at first then relaxes when I begin to rub his sides. He turns around to face me and I see that he’s making pancakes with chocolate chips in it? Wow I’ve never tasted that one before.

“Harry, pancakes with chocolate chips?” I raise an eyebrow up at him.

“Yeah topped off with chocolate syrup.” He winks at me.

Can he get any sweeter? I shake my head at him and take a seat at the counter. A few minutes after he sets a plate of pancakes on the counter with chocolate syrup for me. Then he puts a plate for himself and goes over to make us some coffee.

“Thanks Harry.” I peck his lips when he takes a seat at the counter beside me.

“No problem, love.” He smiles.

“Hey I feel kinda guilty about last night.” He speaks as he digs into his pancakes.

“What? Why, we used protection, didn’t we?” I assure him.

“Yeah I know but I just have this feeling that…uh I don’t know.” He sighs.

“Let’s talk about something else maybe it’ll take your mind off of that guilty feeling.” I suggest.

He nods and I smile.

“How about skipping school today?” I put on the puppy dog look for him.

“No Princess it’s your first day for this semester so you can’t skip.” He speaks up sternly.

I push my bottom lip out a little more for him to see how bad I want to stay home today. I see the edges of his lips curving up into a smile.

“You look so cute.” He traces my bottom lip with his finger. “But it’s still a no.”

Then he pulls me into a kiss. He flicks his tongue on my bottom lip and he enters my mouth. His tongue dances with mine and he groans into the kiss. I pull him closer to me and kiss him until I run out of oxygen and pull away to get some into my lungs.


I let out a sigh of relief as the last bell rings. Today was not a bad day but it wasn’t very good either. I was a little late because of Harry; we were kissing in the car and we both sorta lost track of time this morning. I was late but luckily my math teacher didn’t give me detention on my first day.

I saw Matt and thank goodness he was being kinda nice to me. He apologized for what he did because he was afraid I would report him to the principal. I wasn’t going to do that anyways because I didn’t want to be reminded of that horrible memory once again. I have all my bad memories hidden away in the back of my mind now all because of my boyfriend Harry. He is the reason for the huge grin I have on my face right now.

I walk out into the parking lot and I spot his car parked not too far away from me. I quickly walk to his car and get in. I say a small hi to him and he returns it with a kiss on my lips.

“So how was school?” He asks as we pull out of the parking lot and onto the road.

“Oh Harry it was amazing!” I sarcastically reply.

“Oh really?” He laughs.

“Yes I had so much fun! It was one of the best days of my life!” I reply with strong sarcasm.

“Harry, how the hell did you think it was?” I shake my head a little knowing that school is really no fun at all.

“Oh c’mon turn that frown upside down. We’re going grocery shopping.” He says his tone a little excited.

“Why do you sound excited?” I turn to look at as he drives.

“Oh I’m not excited.” He tries to hide his excitement but I can see how hard he is at hiding his emotions.


Jack’s POV

I watch as my girlfriend Diana and some other guy make their way to his vehicle, him never letting go of her hand until she’s safely in the car. I don’t know who he thinks he is but he can’t have Diana. She’s mine and always will be mine. I might have raped her but she’s still mine. She’ll never be his, never in a million years.


Diana’s POV

So Harry and I just came back home from grocery shopping. He was spoiling me again. He bought me a whole pack of Hershey’s Chocolate, M&M’s, Jolly Rancher, Twizzles, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups and Chocolate Oreos. He bought us so many more snacks and stuff to eat I think I’ll be fat in a day or two if I don’t fight the urge to resist them all. I know he loves me but does he have to spoil me too?

“So do you have homework?” Harry asks as he plops down on the couch beside me.

“Yes I have Math homework. Can you help me, I hate Math.” I turn to see his expression.

“Speaking of hate, did Matt trouble you again? Because if he did I don’t know what I’ll do to that…” I cut him off before he gets to angry.

“No, no he’s being nice.” I assure him.

“Princess, if he does anything to you again I will not hesitate to bash his head in for you, although I’m not a person of violence.” I know he means that.

“Alright thank you cupcake.” I peck his nose.

“Okay let’s see that homework you’ve got.” Harry says while I’m digging through my backpack for my Math book.

“Hey I have a joke for you.” Harry speaks after a couples minutes of silence.

“What?” I look up from my work to meet his beautiful green eyes.

“Why did the Math book jump off the cliff?” He asks.

“Uh I don’t know.” I look at him for him to answer his own question.

“Because it had too many problems.” He bursts out laughing.

I join him because although this joke is corny I find it quite funny.

“Harry that was corny.” I playfully smack his arm.

“Yeah but you laughed didn’t you?” He smiles down at me.

 I shake my head and continue to work on my homework. Harry is helping whenever I need his help and I think I understand the work a little better because of his teaching.

Goal: 30 reads, 10 votes, 20 comments on this chapter or 2,615 reads, 426 votes and 860 comments on the whole book! 

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