Chapter 76

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Diana's POV

Amanda? So she's Amanda? I look at her with disgust now that I know who she is. First it was Wilma now it's Amanda. They both wanted my Harry but they didn't succeed in getting him because he's mine. I ignore Amanda's stretched out hand and turn to walk away from her because I don't want to have any fight or argument with her. But I feel a grip on my wrist and she pulls me back to face her.

"Listen here, I'm being nice but I guess you don't appreciate my kindness." She says in her high pitched voice.

"I don't need your kindness, now please excuse me." I excuse myself and turn to walk away again but this time I'm pushed down to the ground by her.

I fall on my belly and I clutch my tummy to protect my baby. I don't want anything to happen to him or her. But why the hell did she push me down like that? I sit up and turn around to glare at her. I see her walking towards me, she bends over and pulls my hair. Then she pulls me up to stand by pulling on my hair and she starts choking me.

"Ow, what are you doing?" I struggle to get out of her grip but she slaps me.

She lets go of me and pushes me down to the ground again. What is she doing? And why is she doing this to me? I haven't done anything to her. She starts kicking me in my stomach and starts punching me in the same spot. I start crying because of the pain and I cringed as I spit out some blood from my mouth. When she realizes I spit some of the blood on her she pauses and looks at her white top that now has some blood on it. I lie on the ground coughing and clutching my stomach.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you beating me like this? What have I done to you?" I cry and cough up some more blood.

"Diana Cullen is your name isn't it? Well, all I wanted was Harry and I couldn't get him but now I want something else." She smirks evilly at me.

"What do you want?" I scream at her.

"I want your baby dead." She says and pulls out a knife out of nowhere.

I clutch my stomach even tighter and scream at her to stop but she doesn't listen. She walks up to me slowly and painfully with the knife in her hands. Her smirk grows into a huge ugly grin and I can't help but cower back away from her. She looks so evil and I can't believe someone would want to do this to my baby. Why does she want my baby dead? I crouch down in pain as I feel the awful stinging pain in my tummy. It hurts, it hurts way worse than period pain and that hurts a lot.


Harry's POV

I wonder where Diana is. Louis just called and told me he dropped her off a few blocks away so she should be home by now. I sit by the counter and sip on my hot tea I just made so I'm trying to cool off. I shouldn't be worrying because it's just a few blocks away but I can't help it. Diana is pregnant and she shouldn't be wondering around this late at night. I glance at the clock which reads nine forty-five. If she isn't back by ten I'll go look for her.

I take my mug of tea and walk over to the sofa to take a seat. I turn on the television and flip through the channels. I watch some music videos on MTV for about ten minutes and I try my best to clear my mind but it doesn't work. I turn off the TV and take up my coat and head outside. I put my hands in the pockets of the coat and walk down the walkway. I look around my surroundings to see if I spot Diana anywhere but I don't.

I walk along the pavement and past a few houses on the way until I see some blood on the ground. I look around the area to see where or who the blood came from and further up on the lawn I see a figure lying there on the grass. I walk up to the person and as I get closer I see the person has blond hair and it's a girl. Diana?

Diana(#Wattys2015)Where stories live. Discover now